Thursday, August 1, 2024

Broken News – Stupidity Dies In Blackness

Once Trump Goes Black He Can Never Go Back

August 1, 2024

Yesterday, Trump was invited to National Association of Black Journalists for a Q & A. Should have been a piece of cake. Yellow cake…uranium, that is. Somehow Donald the White (Dipped in Orange) did not fit in well. He does not appear to enjoy the company of Black women. It was surprising that Trump didn’t show up in blackface.

SPOILER ALERT: It did not go well. Trump’s babysitters abruptly pulled the plug half way through the planned hour-long exchange, presumably to give him a bottle and a fresh diaper.

Trump showing off his racist and misogynist bona fides at the NABJ conference

Among other shining moments, Trump croaked that he would absolutely pardon the innocent convicts doing time for the crimes they were convicted of during the Trump-led attempted coup on January 6, 2021. And of course he railed against immigrants taking “Black jobs.” Pure comedy gold.

Trump also apparently believes that being Black is a choice because, as he said, Kamala Harris “was always promoting her Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was black, until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black (italics mine, stupid racism his). She wants to be known as Black…She was Indian all the way and then all of a sudden she made a turn and she went, she became a Black person. I think somebody should look into that.” There's no turning black...I mean back from that one, so now the Trump campaign is doubling down on it.  You go gurl.

It is always a treat to hear racist white folks trying to impugn a black person’s blacknuss. They said Obama wasn’t black enough and now they’re playing the same game with Harris, thinking this will cause Black folks to agree with them,, thus eliminating any racial connection with the target of their pathetic reverse pandering.

Rahsaan Roland Kirk – Blacknuss

Trump had this to say in the aftermath

A man came up to me after my incredible interview with the Blacks. It’s not me. Many people are saying what I did was absolutely mindboggling. I did a perfect job. I totally won the interview. Such nasty people. This man came up to me, big, strong man, with tears in his eyes, said he never cried before in his whole life, and he said to me, “Sir, keep digging, sir.”

This has been a Paying Attention™ Special Broken News report.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled happy thoughts.

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