Thursday, August 22, 2024

Won’t Get Trumped Again

Fuck America First

August 22, 2024

Hey, remember when Ronald Reagan before him and Richard Nixon before that, it appears that life-long criminal – now new and improved with 34 felony convictions – Donald Trump is working feverishly, making more of his patently absurd ‘perfect phone calls. These calls are going to none other than Bibi Netanyahu.

Leading up to the 1980 election, Reagan secretly worked to keep the Iranian hostages in captivity to scuttle Jimmy Carter’s reelection bid, and like Nixon’s sabotaging of Johnson’s Vietnam peace talks to help him win election in 1968, an early entry in Dicky Dick’s shit-list of crimes against the United States. Trump wants Netanyahu to avoid agreeing to a ceasefire until the election is over…whatever that means to Trump.

PBS’ Judy Woodruff during coverage of the first night of the DNC, revealed something as unsurprising as it is despicable and murderous. And by most accounts, if true, bigly illegal. As Woodruff spoke about how much the Harris-Walz campaign would love a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas, Woodruff casually added a mind-blowing scoop, which if true might eclipse all of Trump's other assaults on our democracy and on morality:

“The reporting is that former President Trump is on the phone with the prime minister of Israel urging him not to cut a deal right now because it’s believed that would help the Harris campaign.”

The former president, current candidate to reclaim the office he once disgraced, and unrepentant sociopath allegedly made his latest perfect call on August 14, according to Axios, which cited two unnamed “U.S. sources who were briefed on the call.”

One cannot help but ponder whether the mainstream media will follow up on the story or not. I’m not holding my breath…or my food down.

The next day, Netanyahu's office denied that the call took place. Of course, Netanyahu, like Trump is desperate to stay in power in order to avoid prison time just like his good buddy Trump, a private citizen with whom he recently visited at Mor-on-Lago. In a statement quoted by The Times of Israel, a Netanyahu spokesperson said: “Contrary to media reports, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not speak yesterday with former President Donald Trump.” Aha! So the call took place on a different day, or maybe during their very private in-person meeting a few weeks ago.

Trump making one of his patented perfect phone calls, hopped up on covfefe

We already know that Trump made another frenzied batch of perfect phone calls to his allies (i.e. slaves) in the Fascist/Trump Party. These calls were designed to convince (i.e. coerce) his soulless minions to avoid passing the bipartisan border security bill poised to pass both Houses of Congress until Der Furor put his tiny foot down on the throats of his loyal lackies. Surely there were very fine people on both ends of the call.

All of this was and is totally and perpetually predictable as part of Trump’s ostentatiously Orwellian America First chant – a slogan first adopted by American Nazis in the 1940s. As everyone but Trump’s cultists knows, Trump is only and forever meaning ‘Trump First’ as he cares nothing at all about America, or his followers, who he thinks are losers. So, keep those dollars – you know, the ones Trump insisted he didn’t need because he’s “really rich” and would very easily fund his campaign all by himself – rolling in you morons. Give the rich guy all your money.

It is clear that Trump buried the lede* and a key word describing his true intent; what he really means is Fuck America First. If you do not know this, seek immediate medical attention. When Trump thinks of Fuck America First it is his manifesto. We use the phrase to describe how we feel about the whole America First attitude.  

If you can think of a single Democratic candidate for president – or anything else for that matter – who even considered sabotaging America for their own selfish, narcissistic, sociopathic desires please let me know and I will gladly stand corrected.

This bullshit is guaranteed to snowball (don’t get all excited Don, Jr., this refers to actual snow, not the white powder you seem so fond of shoveling up your nose) should Trump and his 34 felony convictions slither back into the White House.

Or maybe…

Leonard Cohen – Democracy

*But we did not.

I. Mangrey, not phoning it in. 

1 comment:

  1. Why have we heard NOTHING on the details of the 'assassination' attempt? I'm not saying it was a setup, because a man died. Think of every other attempt on a president. Full
