Saturday, February 22, 2025

Ariel Baddass Filling In With Pie

February 22, 2025

Hey gang, I’m back with some Pie filling . While the Paying Attention newsroom remains shuttered, apparently due to having run out of words – not sure what that’s about – I’m going to take advantage of the modern era, where DJs can also play videos.

If you’re not familiar with Jonathan Pie, he hails from our ex-ally across the pond – the United Kingdom. Pie has been known to share a thought or two on politics, including the escapades of Don #45 and 47.

With I. Mangrey and the news team sidelined for the time being, Mr. Pie can bring a bit of laughter, angst and bile to those in need.

Jonathan Pie on The Art of The Asshole

And while I’m at it, here’s a nice little clip of a concerned citizen speaking up against the fascist movement metastasizing across the country

Former Viking Chris Kluwe arrested after calling
MAGA a 'Nazi movement' at city council protest

Kluwe was then arrested while peacefully resisting and spent four hours in jail.

The people united will never be defeated. RESIST!

Now, back to the tunes…

Steve Miller Band – Don't Let Nobody Turn You Around

Ball Of Confusion (That's What The World Is Today)

Enjoy your weekend while it’s still legal.

A. Baddass signing off.

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