Saturday, February 22, 2025

Radio WTAF Request Line

Ariel Baddass on the air and taking your requests

February 22, 2025

Paying Attention™ DJ Ariel Baddass is once again opening up the request/dedication line for folks to hear what they want, when they want it, and send it on out there to someone special if they so desire.

Ariel Baddass: Hey boys and girls, cats and kitties, all the ships and clippers at sea. The Paying Attention™ newsroom was locked when I got here this morning. Not sure what that’s about but I’m ready to do my thing regardless. This is Ariel B spinning platters of various sizes, though we always defer to our venerable vinyl whenever possible. Just to remind you, I was asked to leave my last gig after my tribute to the great Joey Reynolds. Who out there besides me was a member of Joey’s Royal Order of The Night People? As Joey did on his last day at WIBG in Philly back in the early ‘70s, I locked myself in the booth and played John Lennon’s Give Peace a Chance for an hour or so, until they brought in a SWAT team, a locksmith and a very large gentleman to help me to my car.

Thanks to the good folks at Paying Attention for hookin’ me up to once again play the platters, spin the saucers, dish out the discs and sanctify the stacks of wax here at WATF. I hope you’ll enjoy us playin’ the hits, the misses, and anything else you might wanna hear.

I. Mangrey perusing the playlist

Ariel: Let’s hit the ground spinning and take our first call. And who do we have on the line?

Caller: Hey Ariel, I. Mangrey here.

Ariel: Hi I. What’s your request and who are you dedicating it to? We’re here to make it happen.

I. Mangrey: Thanks Ariel. I think I have a hot one hear. I was putting together an old-style mix “tape” in a desperate attempt to keep my head from exploding. I titled it Death To or From Diaper Don. I was checking out some Gil Scott-Heron/Brian Jackson and stumbled across something I’m ashamed to say I forgot about from 1975’s First Minute of The New Day. I would love to hear Pardon Our Analysis (We Beg Your Pardon). See if you can notice any parallels to today’s absolute shitshow.

Gil Scott-Heron/Brian Jackson – Pardon Our Analysis (We Beg Your Pardon)

Ariel: Wow! That brings back memories. It seems the more things change, the more they suck even more. Who would have thought that 50 years later we would have another unelected president. I didn’t vote for fElon, did you vote for fElon?

I. Mangrey: But, if you’ll indulge me, how about if we go out on an up note. From the same album, why don’t you play Side 1, track 3 – Must Be Something. ‘Cause, there damn well better be something we can do. We’re in a tight spot.

Gil Scott-Heron/Brian Jackson – Must Be Something

Ariel: Send us your requests and dedications and we’ll get ‘em on the air.

Before I sign off though, check out this old photo taken outside Independence Hall in Philadelphia on July 4, 1976, when Gerald Ford came to town, featuring two members of the infamous Philadelphia Painted Faces Brigade – including someone you might recognize

As Joey Reynolds used to sign off, “Let a smile be your umbrella, but don’t get a mouthful of rain”. 

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