Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Broken News – What’s For Dumber?

It’s A Douche Eat Dog World

September 24, 2024

In a desperate attempt to prove once and for all that people are eating dogs in Springfield, Ohio Trump and Vantz are threatening to descend on the beleaguered city they personally put on the map for all the wrong reasons. Those reasons include the pre-debunked accusation that people from Haitia* are the ones to blame for chowing down on their neighbors' dogs and cats and ducks, not to mention devastating the goose population in the local parks.

Springfield’s mayor has very strongly and powerfully invited the Dyspeptic Duo NOT to darken their door. Thanks to their entirely made up conspiracy of Haitians eating the dogs, eating the cats, eating the pets of the people who live there (sounds like Trump does not think Springfield’s Haitians are people), Springfield has had to close down schools, stores, government buildings. Heckuva job Trumpie. One wonders whether Trump and Vantz will finally STFU about their phony scare tactics when their unbalanced minions start killing people.

However, one can stop wondering since Vantz went on the TV and explained that, sure he was peddling fake news, but if that’s what it takes to make people aware of whatsits, or hooey, or stuff, then by gum he was gonna shit right out of his mouth hole to anyone dumb enough to listen.

Lunchtime at the looney bin

Tune in next time when Vantz and Trump accuse Democrats of eating babies in the basement of a pizza parlor in Washington, DC. Oh wait, that was done years ago. Never mind. But don’t worry, they’ll come up with something.

*At a recent Bund rally JD Vantz referred to Haitian people (who he always knew were definitely not) eating dogs, cats, ducks, geese and various and sundry pets in Springfield as being from “Haitia.” Who will these soulless scum be blaming next, the Covfefe-stealing aliens from Nambia?

This has been a Paying Attention™ Special Broken News report.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled snacks.


  1. And then Drumph, all excited, said 'we're gonna send the Haitian Venezuelans back!'

    1. I'm surprised he's not just talking about sending them all back to Brownsville.
