Sunday, September 1, 2024

Paying Disrespect

DarnOld Trump v. America's KIA

September 1, 2024

Approximately three thousand solemn memorials are held at Arlington National Cemetery every year. Not one of those events has ever required any intervention by ANC authorities since participants are always and only there to pay respects to loved ones who perished defending America, our democracy and our Constitution.

That is, until some ignorant MAGAts invited the Orange Ghoul to dance on the grave of their departed loved one. Trump has never shown a whit, or even a half whit of respect to anyone in the military, living or dead, not privates, not generals. Plus, no one expects Trump to do anything that does not benefit him and involve him as the center of attention, so cemetery authorities provided explicit ground rules to Trump’s team in advance of their incursion. We have not been able to verify exactly how many of those rules Trump broke during his assault on the resting place of countless fallen Americans at Arlington. The smart money says all of them.

Good times at gravesides for DarnOld Trump

Not only did Old Bonespurs flout the cemetery’s rules against campaign photography amid the gravesites, he ignored the wishes of one of the families who similarly did not want their loved one’s grave photographed. Naturally, Trump’s team immediately posted a campaign ad misappropriating ANC on TikTok. Scumbags gonna scum.

We do have it on good authority that one of Trump’s goons verbally and physically assaulted a female cemetery official who attempted to stop Trump from breaking the law by abusing his time at ANC to film a campaign ad. The assaultee opted not to press charges out of fear of retaliation by Trump-addled maniacs, so we will never get the full story.

Trump claimed ignorance (finally something bordering on truth) of the clearly delineated just before the event regulations, insisting that there just happened to be cameras right near him  

Fat, Furious and Fucked In The Head

We have acquired advance screenings and posters of upcoming scams from Trump’s latest soon-to-be-failed “businesses” – Trump Studios, whose mission is to remake B-movies in his own festering image. 

After shamelessly (as always) and illegally (no surprise there either) soiling the memories of thousands of those he considers “suckers and losers” buried in Arlington for another in an as-yet-unending series of distasteful and disgraceful photo-ops, crimes and unbridled buffoonery, DarnOld Trump decided to turn his unwanted attention to plagiarizing a popular movie franchise. Not that we here at Paying Attention could give even half a shit about the seemingly endless iterations of the Fast and Furious pantheon, but crime is crime (theoretically, unless you talk to the Supreme Court regarding Trump) and we feel a responsibility to bring you any news that washes up on the shores of our secret undisclosed, non-existent headquarters.


I. Mangrey reporting.

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