Friday, September 13, 2024

Look Who's Fuckin’ Talking – Pot & Kettle Edition

Turn And Face The Strange Ch-Ch-Cheneys

September 13, 2024

Look Who’s Fuckin’ Talking

We have mixed feelings about this one.

Liz Cheney, who lost her House seat because she turned against Trump after Trump’s attempted coup, has said that she will be voting for Kamala Harris “because of the danger that Donald Trump poses” to our democracy. All of us spent many painful years documenting the disgraceful dirty dealing perpetrated by Dick Cheney. However, today, following in his daughter Liz’s footsteps, Dick Cheney, known to many during his time as vice president to George WTF Bush’s historically horrific (and illegally-obtained) presidency, as Darth Cheney, has made it known that he too will not only be endorsing Kamala Harris for president but will in fact be voting for her. The Cheneys have stated unequivocally that they believe DarnOld Trump to be the biggest threat to the Republic in this nation’s pock-marked history.

Prior to the emergence of DarnOld Trump, Dick Cheney was the biggest-threat-to-American-democracy. Dick Cheney, who once shot a man in the face while hunting purposely-crippled birds (then hid from authorities until he sobered up), who outed a critical CIA asset as revenge for her husband telling the truth about something Cheney was lying about to drag America into what turned into an illegal invasion and subsequent quagmire of Iraq. And Dick Cheney faked the need to be in a wheelchair for one day, and one day only – January 20, 2009 – so he could avoid standing while Barack Obama was being sworn in as the 44th president. At least Cheney showed up, unlike Trump who refused to even show his badly dyed, lying, traitorous face at Biden’s inauguration in 2021.

“In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our Republic than Donald Trump.”
Richard “Dick” Cheney, 2022

“As citizens, we each have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our Constitution.* That is why I will be casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.”
                                Richard “Dick” Cheney, 2024

While finding oneself aligned with the likes of any Cheney, particularly the elder, is nauseating at best, these endorsements can only play to the Harris campaign’s advantage. And certainly Liz Cheney, after voting for Trump in 2016 and 2020 and voting with Trump nearly 100% of the time, later became relentless in exposing and thrashing Trump's January 6, 2021 attack on our democracy. Cheney the younger was just fine with Trump grabbing women by the pussy, calling Mexicans rapists and murderers, constantly kowtowing to Putin, lavishing praise on numerous brutal dictators including “falling in love” with Kim Jong Un, threatening our allies, betraying national security, trying to extort Ukraine president Zelinskyy, helping tens of thousands of our fellow citizens die from COVID-19, repeatedly disrespecting veterans living and dead, the racism, the fascism and all the rest of Trump’s happy fucking horseshit.  

It took Trump inciting an insurrection and watching with glee for hours as it festered, to get Liz Cheney’s attention. And her father only perked up when his daughter was poised to lose her House seat. As they say, even a blind squirrel can avoid being a complete douchebag…I mean find an acorn once in a while.

Though the damage done by the elder Cheney’s past perfidies can neither be undone nor forgiven or recovered from any time soon, perhaps we can give him a brief pat on the fevered head for finally doing something right for America…and then go soak our hands in disinfectant, or maybe shine a very powerful light on them to prevent any lasting contamination.

Dick Cheney’s “boss” George WTF Bush has chosen this critical moment, which is crying out for courage and speaking truth to bullshit, to STFU. Not one word from the former worst president in American history. All I can offer to Dubious George is a quote from none other than Dick Cheney, “Go fuck yourself.”

*NOW he tells us! Just figured this out, did he? Who knew there was a line that when crossed would cause even Dick Cheney to do the right thing?

This has been a Paying Attention™ special feature:
Look Who’s Fuckin’ Talking


Some other rats departing the stinking ship

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