Saturday, September 7, 2024

Gun Bless America

Is Our Children Dying?

September 7, 2024

“Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?”
George WTF Bush, January 11, 2000

“Rarely is the question answered: When will our children
stop being gunned down at school?”
Ed Venture, September 6, 2024

There's no joy in Gunville, except for those who worship at the altar of the Second. They continue to revel in the knowledge that they still to have what they claim is the God-given right to shoot up a school full of children and teachers. Gun bless America.

The usual apologists, assholes and anti-lifers are predictably and worthlessly flinging thoughts and prayers like caged primates flinging feces.

Trump’s ruining mate JD Vantz had this to say about the latest Ratpublican-assault-weapon mass shooting at Apalachee High School in Georgia: “I don't like this, I don't like to admit this, I don't like that this is a fact of life.” In January of this year, after another mass shooting in Iowa, the thing at the top of the traitorous ticket offered these words of sympathy, “It’s just horrible, so surprising to see it here. But have to get over it, we have to move forward.”

Just as these heartless scum have made ungodly strides in normalizing the hatred, ignorance, racism, fascism, insanity, raping, stealing classified documents, attempted coup and 34 felony convictions and unrelenting tsunami of lies of DarnOld Trump, they would have us think, pray, yawn and move on after each and every mass murder they condone with every well-compensated bone in their bodies.

Transitioning Children In Our Schools

Trump recently claimed that “childs” go to school and then a few days later they come home as a different gender. While this is simply more dementia/syphilis talk from a badly deteriorating old bastard, there are plenty of school children – or childs as Trump calls them – who are being transitioned at schools across this country. They are being transitioned from being alive to being shot to death thanks to the Fascist/Trump Party’s obsession with arming mentally unstable people like themselves with weapons of mass murder.

“The transgender thing is incredible. Think of it; your kid goes to school, and he comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s going to happen with your child. And you know, many of these childs (sic) 15 years later say, ‘What the hell happened, who did this to me?’” (sick) First of all, what the actual fuck is Dementia Don talking about? And, yes boys and girls, that was an actual quote. This from Mr. Tuna-Melt-For-Brains who also keeps yammering about abortions after the baby is born; that is, when he’s not waxing idiotic about abortions being performed “after the baby is born” or “the late, great Hannibal Lecter” or preferring electrocution over being eaten by sharks, or windmills causing people to stop eating bacon.

Why isn’t corporate media beside itself with fear and loathing about how old and mentally feeble this guy is? Remember how they couldn’t stop talking about Biden’s age and mental state? Trump is making Joe Biden look like Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

“Child care is child care.”
Donald Trump, September 5, 2024

If You Can Follow His "Logic" Seek Immediate Psychiatric Help

Trump has taken to calling his dislocated rambling utterances that veer from half-subject to half-subject, from sentence fragment to brain damage, confusing everyone in their path as “The Weave.” I believe DarnOld is actually referring to that tangle of tress-like material atop his head.

Hold on to your lunch folks, this 78-year old waterlogged lump of soft coal is still running for president.

I. Mangrey, straight shooter.                                                        


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