Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Question For The Day – F(r)iends


With F(r)iends Like His…

October 9, 2024

The First Amendment, among other things, provides for the right to peaceably assemble. Therefore, every American has the constitutionally-given freedom to associate with whomever he or she desires. You may recall the apoplexy around presidential candidate Barack Obama spending time with the controversial preacher Jeremiah Wright, who for some reason that escaped the white, male hand-wringers had a bone to pick with white people in America. Obama was accused of “palling around with terrorists.”

A current presidential candidate – one who has already served one term as president and was impeached twice during that time, who has been found guilty of sexual assault (which one judge described as rape), and was found guilty of tax/financial fraud, may well be going on trial for inciting insurrection, stole classified documents from the White House, and is currently the proud owner of 34 felony convictions – has also been palling around with characters to some might well find objectionable. By now everyone is all too aware of DarnOld Trump’s man-crush on the likes of Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Viktor Orban, Xi Jinping and any other authoritarian currently fouling the global political atmosphere.

Here are some of the other characters Trump has cozied up to who you might have forgotten.

Welcome to America’s Got Assholes: Who's Who of WTF

Trump & Epstein – pedo pals

Trump with disbarred attorney Rudy Giuliani

Trump & former (?) crackhead Mike Lindell

Donye & Conye – anti-Semites

Shiddy & Diddy – Rapes ‘r’ Us

Don & new BFF Leon* "Jumping Butterballs" Musk – rich white fucks

Today’s Question For The Day:

Shall we judge a man by the company he creeps keeps?

Paying AttentionSpecial Feature:

As a special feature, since we are on the verge (kind of like Thelma and Louise on the verge of becoming briefly airborne) of the most consequential election of our lifetimes, we are including a one-time-only Answer For The Day…

Today’s Answer For The Day:

Well, fuck yeah.

*Dr. Dementia has referred to Musk as Leon – because his brain is rapidly disintegrating. Or perhaps his good friend Hannibal Lecter had his brain for dinner. Musk was yet another never-Trumper until decided to purchase him. Hopefully Musk can do for Trump what he did to Twitter.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Question (+ Answer) For The Day.

1 comment:

  1. One man's terrorist is another's BFF.
    When it brought up Orban and 'Dawgs' in the deebate, we laughed a lot....
