Saturday, June 29, 2024

Moving On (Hopefully) From The Debate

Old Country For Old Men

June 29, 2024

Alright, the smelling salts have kicked in and I think I can string a few words together. Watching Biden’s “debate” performance was like watching paint die.

Joe Biden entered the “debate” stage looking like he had died just a few minutes earlier. Trump entered with his usual diaper more-than-half-full waddle.

Biden literally looked like a ghost. And then he opened his mouth. And he sounded like, if he hadn’t already been dead, he was about to be.

There is much panic in the air. Mostly from the frantic media, always desperate for clicks and giggles. Not that there is no reason for concern, the media – who in the person of CNN during the “debate” completely soiled themselves by allowing Trump to continually fling feces (i.e., lies) all over the room every time he insulted the airwaves with noise from his face sphincter. (Fun fact: Trump is the only American president with a sphincter at both ends) Tapper and Bash did nothing but make a great argument for replacing debate monitors with AI.

Olbermann v. CNN

There is one important person who has not succumbed to the panic. Joseph R. Biden. Only time will tell if this is warranted or not.

Hopefully, this will end up being a, pardon the expression, wake-up call for Biden.

              “I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know how to tell the truth.”
         Joe Biden, June 28, 2024 (after the worst debate performance anyone has ever seen)

         “No shit Sherlock, but yes there is that, but do Americans care about that?”
                   Ed Venture, June 28, 2024 (after barely surviving said debate)

So, the focus of the media, the pundits and so many other was 1) panic in public like there’s no tomorrow in order to make things even worse, and 2) Biden’s Big Choke Job instead of the incessant, pathological lying and fascist (going after his opponents for made-up crimes), racist (the migrants are taking all the “black jobs”) stylings of 34-time convicted felon, rapist, life-long criminal, classified document thief and treasonous insurrectionist Trump.

The only lie Trump didn’t tell was accusing Biden of sleeping with a porn star. Yeah, okay we get it. Biden is very old, and on that “debate” stage he looked more fragile than a Faberge Egg, but he’s not a sociopathic failure who cannot not tell a lie about every single fucking thing all the time.

If there is another debate, Biden needs a whole new approach. There is no need to discuss policy. That shit’s over with. That can be flogged all over the campaign trail. TV ads. TikTok. Whatthefuck ever. All Biden has to do now in any future debate is to wait for Trump to complete his next lie and say, “Well, that was complete and utter bullshit with no relation to reality. I guess that’s what convicted felons do – LIE. What else you got?” or “There you go again, lying like rug, just like what you do with your golf scores. Next question.” or, “Okay, everyone say it with me – can you possibly not lie, just this once? Just kidding, you can’t. Apparently, you also can’t answer the question that was asked. I may be old, but you’re out of your damn mind, Jack.”

I. Mangrey regaining consciousness.  

Friday, June 28, 2024

Thought For The Day - Debate Recovery

Be Still My Beaten Heart

July 28, 2024

I’m sure I’ll have more to say once I’m able to lift my aching head off the pillow, eat solid foods again and use more than one finger to type or do anything else for that matter.

For now, my quick take on last night’s waking nightmare is this: Convicted Felon Donald Trump was clearly much better at lying than Joe Biden was at telling the truth.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Brave Sir Donald

There’s No Fucking Excuse

June 26, 2024

Thirty-four-time-convicted-felon Donald Trump (also convicted of tax fraud and found guilty of sexual assault and defamation) is desperately trying to find a way of evading the draft…I mean tomorrow's debate with Joe Biden. Trump and his malignant minions are busy trying to convince Americans that Trump is suffering from debilitating brain spurs…I mean that Joe Biden will be on performance enhancing drugs. This, as we all know by now, means that Donald Trump will be on performance enhancing drugs, not Joe Biden.

In fact, it is well-known that Trump is at the very least an Adderall fiend, which he believes helps keep him mentally sharp. Here’s a little hint Donny – it’s not working. We can all hear you when you talk in public. You’re scaring the children and making the adults consider what other country they might want to live in. Is it possible to overdose on Adderall? You should really try to find out.

Trump insists that he is willing to take a drug test if Biden will. Naturally, Trump is lying, knowing full well that the president of the United States does not answer to him or Sean Hannity, or to Trump’s White House physician, now Texass congressman Ronny Jackson (who Trump referred to as Ronny Johnson). Jackson was demoted from his rank of admiral when it was discovered that Jackson (or Johnson, if you prefer) had been drinking on the job, and handing out hard drugs like they were M&Ms in the Trump White House.

Jackson, seen here being told “No Fentanyl for you!”

As always, since Trump is perpetually so full of shit (as evidenced by his incessant whining about having to flush his toilet 10 or 15 times every time he excretes even what for him is a small percentage of the entire fecal build-up), he and his band of evil elves must come up with a host of bogus excuses to explain away whatever it is he needs to explain away at that particular moment. And, it’s always something stupid, horrifying and unprecedented. As are his myriad mutually exclusive excuses.

Reasons (so far) Trump is considering for bailing on the debate:

-       Joe Biden won’t take a drug test
-      CNN moderators are against him; the debate is (according to Steve Bannon) 100% totally rigged
-      Jake Tapper keeps comparing Trump (according to his spokesmonkey Caroline Leavitt) to “Adolph Hilter”; there was no mention of Ron Vibbentrop
-      Trump wasn’t told there would be questions
-      Biden is planning to have sharks and electricity in the room
-      The room will be too hot
-      The room will be too cold
-      Forgot he had a rally that night
-      Hannibal Lecter is having Trump for dinner that night
-      If I do show up, I’ll probably lose on purpose, who cares

Meanwhile, if this overflowing colostomy bag in a suit gets elected,  we’re all going to get Trumpled to death. Believe me.

I. Mangrey reporting. Excuuuuuuse me!

Bonus Mystery Track

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Trump And/Or Death

Death Be Not Loud

June 25, 2024

To paraphrase Maya Angelou, when someone threatens your life, believe them.

Here is a banner that has been seen fouling the horizon at Convicted Felon Trump’s rallies and other gatherings of ghouls and goons:

If these are my only choices, all I can say is no fucking Trump for me  

These faux patriots, many if not most of whom would welcome permanent one-party rule, just so long as it’s their party, will never accept any result – be it in the courts, at the ballot box, or any other fucking thing – that does not go their way, are likely to get violent very soon. They have already posted violent threats against Judge Merchan and his daughter, New York AG Letitia James, Fulton County, Georgia DA Fani Willis, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg (whose purported address they posted) as well as various witnesses and jurors. They also tried to dox the jurors (who were given the okay by Trump’s own attorneys) who unanimously found Trump guilty on all 34 counts, just because of, you know, the facts. Naturally, Trumpies run on ammo and alternative facts. Fortunately, it is not known if these treacherous cretins have correctly identified any of the jurors.

Trump and his goons have, one way or another, gone after every single district attorney, prosecutor and judge involved in his many criminal and civil cases. Except one. That would be the unqualified (several other judges recommended she recuse due to this), incompetent, rookie judge Trump appointed after getting booted by voters and even the Electoral College in 2020 – Aileen Cannon in the fake state of Florida, home to Convicted Felon Donald Trump, Mor-on-Lago and at one time countless boxes of stolen classified documents that Trump stole at the time he was appointing Cannon. There is objectively no more biased, unconcerned with actual – not alternative – justice than Cannon.

Christopher Titus wants you to vote. He makes a good case.

When Patrick Henry (may or may not have) said “Give me liberty, or give me death,” he meant that he would rather die than stay under the thumb of the British Empire. This is surely not what the fliers of the above banner are trying to say. They are issuing an unveiled threat to the rest of us: they are saying either Trump wins or those who opposed him will die. By their hand. We need to take them at their word.

Here is a more appropriate appropriation of the flag at the top of today’s post:

Speaking Of Historic Figures…

Mrs. Betty Bowers – History Is Like Shampoo

I. Mangrey reporting.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Mano a Mango

Taking The Debate

June 23, 2024

You may or may not know that the first presidential debate between President Joe Biden and the insurrectionist Convicted Felon Donald Trump is scheduled for June 27th.

Joe Biden is prepping at Camp David, though how do you prepare for someone who often speaks in tongues and sound effects. Someone who lies more easily and often than they breathe. A vicious, conniving megalomaniac bent on revenge who finds it entirely useless to debate policy. 

Trump is prepping at various secret, undisclosed Wendy’s, McDonalds and Taco Bells. How do you prep someone with rapidly advancing dementia (or more likely late-stage syphilis, or both) who never had any interest in learning anything or listening to anyone about anything?

As you know, Biden is fighting to protect our democracy, women’s rights, voting rights, the justice system, the economy as it relates to the bottom 90%, the Constitution of the United States, and a little thing we like to call life on Earth in the age of Climate Crisis currently taking steroids. Biden’s opponent – a human fart in an ill-fitting suit – is fighting against all of those things, but mostly to stay out of prison, to his last fetid breath.

Our intrepid reporters here at Paying Attention™ have managed to get their intrepid hands on the transcript of the upcoming debate. How, you ask? Well, let’s just say that certain sacraments may have been burned, there may have been séance or two and possibly a Ouija Board was involved. This was deemed not to be serious enough to consult the Magic 8 Ball. We can assure you though that this is exactly what we’re pretty darn sure, or at least what we imagine, will take place.

Mano a Mango

President Biden haltingly made his way to the podium, while Trump had to be wheeled in on a hand truck ala his hero Hannibal Lecter.

Moderator Jake Tapper: Mr. President, or should I say Mr. Convicted Felon ex-president, you know the rules to which you have both agreed. Please limit your answers to the allotted time. Your microphones will be muted when your time has expired. Please refrain from talking over your opponent, and if at all possible, from farting. There’s only so much the ventilation system can handle in here; I think you know why we’re concerned. Yep, there it is. Please try to contain your precious bodily gasses, sir.

Moderator Dana Bash: The first question goes to President Biden. What will be your priority on day one of a second Biden administration?

President Joe Biden: I will charge my team with continuing the excellent work we have been doing for the American people. Fight the already devastating climate crisis, continue to help those at the bottom of the economic scale to live better lives and to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Tapper: Mr. Trump, what would a second Trump administration look like?

Convicted Felon Donald Trump: First Fake…I mean Jake, let me say what an honor it is for you to be here with me. I am so proud that I had the largest crowd in the history of inaugurations in 2017, and no one can deny that. Also, the huge crowd that is here to watch me today is one of the biggest crowds anyone has ever seen. I also want to say that I plan to lose this fake debate on purpose because I am so cognitively superior and everyone knows I hate to show off. When I win in November – which I will do, whether I win or lose – I will make sure that the Sleepy Joe Biden crime family gets the justice I deserve. And I will fix the toilets and showers and sad dishwashers. As you know, I’m a big fan of justice and the late, great Hannibal Lecter. He often had a friend for dinner and he hated sharks. This is a very nice place for a debate – no sharks in here. As everyone knows, I am a very good boy with big brains. M.I.T. Very smart. Make MAGA America again!

Tapper: Mr. Trump, I must remind you and the audience at home that other than the camera crew there are only four of us in this room tonight. There is no live audience, as agreed to by both parties. President Biden, many people are concerned that you are too old to even begin another four years in office, let alone finish another term before keeling over. What do you say to this?

BidenListen Jack, I mean Jake, I’m only as old as you feel (grins). But seriously, let’s be honest here – my body may be old, and my response time may not be what it used to be, but c’mon man, at least my brain still works and I surround myself with smart, caring, capable people. That’s what a leader does. I’m not up to my eyeballs is Qanon, MAGA fascists, racists, violent morons and convicted felons like whats-his-name over here. He’s not much younger than I am and you can literally see and hear his brain melting right before your eyes. In fact, take a look – he’s asleep right now. Somebody wake up the guy who keeps calling me Sleepy Joe. I think the American people will take old and functional over old and psychotic any day. And did I mention he was convicted of 34 felonies, tax fraud and sexual assault – or as one judge called it, rape? Don’t know about you, but to me that’s a big fucking deal.

Bash: Mr. Trump, what do you say to people who believe, rightly or wrongly, that January 6, 2021 was a very dark day in American history and that as Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Lindsey Graham and countless others in your own party said at the time (though they have all forgotten they said anything of the sort), that you were personally responsible for the assault on the Capitol?

Trump: Everyone knows I was joking when I told my armed, mentally unstable followers to “fight like hell” and that I would be marching right along side them to hang Mike Pence and stop the steal. Those poor warrior heroes who just wanted to keep the greatest president in American history – Donald Trump – in the White House, which he personally built because I am the greatest real estate guy ever. And I have the most beautiful hair you’ve ever seen. Am I right everyone (gestures to studio audience)?

Bash: But Mr. Trump, do you feel you bear any responsibility? Also, there’s still no one else present here.

Trump: I am not responsible for anything. Never have been, and I’ve never done anything wrong. I’m the least racist person you’ve ever met. I have a very good brain and the best words. I can declassify documents by just thinking about it. See, I just declassified hundreds of documents I haven’t even seen. I have absolute, total immunity. I can have Jake the Fake and Dumb Dana locked up any time I want. I passed a very tough cognitive test that no one else ever passed. Very mentally there. I’m more mental than anyone you know. 

At this point Trump waddled away from the podium as if in a daze, waving to the (non-existent) crowd.

Tapper: Mr. Trump, please return to the podium. Sir, the debate hasn’t ended.

Trump: You can’t make me come back. This whole debate is a hoax, it’s fake news. Just like you are. I won in 2020 and I’m still president so I don’t have to put up with this bullshit. I’ll have all of you arrested and then Hannibal Lecter will have you for dinner. Bing, bing, bing, bong, bong, bing, bing.

At this point the Secret Service put themselves between Trump – who was  by then chanting “Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence! Lock them up! Lock them up!” – and the two moderators who attempted to escort him back to his podium, and the debate ended 30 minutes into the scheduled 90 minute event. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024


Dead Woman Voting

June 22, 2024

Donald Trump admitted on tape that there was voter fraud committed in his name if nothing else...

Ramin Setoodeh: Joan [Rivers] said she was a Republican. Did you know that?

Trump: I thought she might have been a Republican. I know one thing. She voted for me according to what she said.

Joan Rivers "voted for me"

Where and when did she say that, oh Damaged One? During a séance? A toilet hallucination? Adderall overdose? The great Joan Rivers passed away in 2014. For those of you keeping score, that would be two years before Trump’s sorry ass was on the ballot.

So, either Trump just admitted to at least sanctioning voter fraud or, oh my, could this very old man be in flailing mental health?


*What The Fascinating Fuck 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Fun Fact For The Day – Fear Of Frying

We Are All Icarus Now

June 21, 2024

Yesterday was the Summer Solstice. You might be too delirious from the excessive heat to have noticed. Today is the first full day of what is guaranteed to be the hottest summer on record…again.

As we go to press, much of the country is broiling under what is known as a “heat dome” with days and days of temperatures in the mid-to-high 90s. If you lie down in the sun, you could fry an egg on your forehead. But your lips will be so burned that you won’t be able to open your mouth wide enough to eat your freshly fried egg. Don’t try this at home.

Texas, aka West Florida, one of the most draconian states “in” the union, is – despite what they’d like us to believe – awash in renewable energy. Texan Jeff Goodell, author of The Heat Will Kill You First stated that the Lone Brain Cell State “is not exactly full of tree-huggers and yet our grid is often 60 or 70% powered by renewable energy.”

Thank goodness this climate crisis is just a hoax. Imagine how bad it would be if it was real.

Happy summer everyone.

Was that not in fact fun?

This has been your Paying Attention™ Fun Fact For The Day.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Broken News

The Snorer In Gomorrah

June 20, 2024

It’s game on.*

The Debate Of The Century Centenarians

One week from today two men will enter the debate stage (theoretically). No one knows how many will exit…under their own steam. We’re not saying these two white guys are old…alright, we are saying they’re old. They’re both pretty damn old. If either one of them were to throw a punch, there’s no telling which one would end up injured. One has lost a step, the other has one foot in the dementia pool and the other in a sand trap. One is White, the other is a white nationalist. One is a devoted father, the other is a devoted narcissist, misogynist, racist and vengeful psychopath. Tough choice, no? Fuck no.

One of them walks like Tim Conway’s old man:

The other has shown a penchant for nodding off and farting in public. The sleepy, farting candidate is also a repeatedly convicted criminal – phony charity, phony university, financial fraud, tax evasion, sexual assault, election interference. Not to mention two, count ‘em two, impeachments. And of course the stealing of classified documents, more election interference and of course, what Trump retrospective would be complete without mentioning that he attempted to lead a coup against the government of the United States. Also, he don't walk so good either.

The first presidential debate of the 2024 Electoral College cycle is scheduled for June 27, two weeks before one of the candidates is scheduled to be sentenced for 34 felony convictions on July 11, which is four days before the Fascist/Trump Party officially nominates this fart-napping, dementia-addled, rapey douchebag and  convicted felon as their party’s standard-bearer.

Vegas is currently booking odds on whether or not Convicted Felon Trump will actually show up. After all, he insisted he wanted to testify at his election interference trial (and others), but all he did was sleep, fart, whine and act out. Another bet is, if Trump does show up will he manage to stay awake for the duration. The final bet going so far is, since there will be no live audience, whether we might hear a Trump fart drop. It would have to be a good one since mics will be off when it is not a candidate’s turn to speak.

*That is, until Trump figures out how to back out. My money’s on Trump shooting someone on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight on the day before, so he can get arrested, processed during the debate, and then violently sprung by cult members the next day.

This has been a Paying Attention™ Special Broken News report.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled deprogramming.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Thought For The Day – His Name Is Convicted Felon Donald Trump

Call Him By His Name

June 19, 2024

The New York Times recently offered up the headline – “Biden Campaign Ad Paints Trump as a Felon.” This for all intents and purposes implies that Biden’s ad is playing fast and loose in some way. Poor Donald Trump is being unfairly labeled as a felon. How dare Biden call a convicted felon a felon. What the fuck is wrong with the Times?

The Times went on to obfuscate, “President Biden’s campaign on Monday began its most aggressive effort to brand former President Donald J. Trump a felon, with the introduction of a new television advertisement that focuses on the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s criminal conviction.” That’s like the Coca Cola Company being described as recently “branding” its iconic brown soda as “Coca Cola.” Coca Cola was branded more than a hundred years ago, just a little longer ago than the Trump Crime Family brand.

Obviously, Biden did not "paint" Trump as a felon. That painting was a long-worked-on self-portrait, self-lovingly crafted over a horrific lifetime (or two) – one that is currently in overtime. All Biden is doing is making sure everyone sees Trump's beautiful paint-job. No, not the one between his "hair" and his ample bosom, but the giant mural Trump has painted all across the socio-political landscape. Like the Nazca figures only in Living Technicolor and video. And you don’t need a fly-over to see the whole image.

Nazca lines – only visible from high above

Trump’s self portrait in living color – visible from everywhere

The Times eventually changed its headline to “Biden Campaign Ad Calls Attention to Trump’s Felon Status.” Nice save.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day. How’s my driving?

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Donald Trump: A Man Of (34) Conviction(s)

Elections Convictions Have Consequences

June 18, 2024

As a degenerate scumbag and convicted felon, Donald Trump is forced to surrender his guns. You are likely aware that it is perfectly legal for degenerate scumbags to own firearms, and most of them do. However, convicted felons are not permitted to own guns by federal law – that of course will change if Trump ends up back in the White House. One imagines a second Trump administration would repurpose the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives to primarily handing out at least alcohol, firearms and explosives to all convicted felons, though hopefully only the ones who are not incarcerated, but you never know. Tobacco will be optional, at least until it becomes mandatory to smoke indoors to provide second-hand smoke because the Supreme Court deems science illegal and cigarette smoke a vegetable.

So until then, if Trump wants to shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue in New York, he will only be able to fart in their general direction. From what we have heard about the Orange Gasbag and his veritable smorgasbord of odious odors, being shot would be preferable.

Convicted Felon Trump drops an A-hole Bomb on innocent civilians

Naturally, the fact that Trump is disqualified from owning a firearm in no way prohibits him from having his unsteady, uncoordinated, tiny little hands, minimally-functioning brain and extreme propensity for vengeance on the nuclear trigger. And he can have the military do his everyday gunning for him.

There’s another thing convicted felons like Convicted Felon Donald Trump cannot do. Vote. They can be Electoral-Colleged to the presidency, but they can’t vote for president. Which begs the question, has Trump even voted more than twice. Smart money is on unfucking likely.

In Other News Of Fascist Fuckwits

Many Fascist/Trump Party members of the Pennsylvania State House booed and walked out on January 6 officers who were there to be honored for their service to America and their heroism in the face of a vicious and violent assault on the Capitol at the behest of now-Convicted Felon Donald Trump. They must have felt doubly honored to be booed and walked out on by such Trump-infected very fine people.

I imagine these Trumped-up assholes would have gone to Ground Zero in New York and booed the rubble that had been the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, and then booed the first responders who dared become mortally ill from the toxic debris.

Such patriotism should not go unrewarded. Vote them out. Lock them up.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Thought For The Day

Profiles In Outrage

June 16, 2024

Convicted Felon Donald Trump proves that at least part of Darwin’s theory of evolution is bunk. His concept of survival of the fittest is clearly at odds with what we see every day with our own eyes: the survival of the shittest.

Remember how Donald Judas Trump always referred to Barack Obama as Barack Hussein Obama, and still does? Well, it’s time for Joe Biden rip a page out of Trump’s filthy playbook. Biden needs to refer to Trump as “Convicted Felon Donald Trump” as often as possible.

Trump keeps trying to look tough after catching 34 winks…I mean felony convictions, but at this point he just looks more and more like a pile of dried-up, sun-bleached dog shit. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…the dog shit, I mean.

I can’t tell the difference. Can you?

Convicted Felon Trump recently rambled through his oft repeated “conundrum” of what to do if an electric boat sank right next to a Trump-eating shark – pondering his end (haven’t we all?) and whether he should choose to die by electrocution or shark. Trump said he would choose “electrocution every time.” We only need once. And why quibble?

Countless members of Congress want to be Convicted Felon Donald Trump’s running mate in the worst way. You can bet he’ll pick the one who does it worst.

The Pioneers – Time Hard

This has been your Paying Attention™ Profiles In Outrage.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Thought For The Day – What’s In A Name?

It’s All So Very, Very Simple

June 15, 2024

Yesterday was old, mentally enfeebled Convicted Felon Donald Trump’s 78th birthday. Well waddaya know, he’s pretty much as old as Joe Biden. All the Thing’s horses and all the Thing’s men and his whole family publicly wished him a happy birthday with one notable exception. His third and oft-cheated-on wife who has been publicly humiliated over and over and over. Not a birthday peep.

The day before his birthday, Thing Kong dared show his orange-pancaked mug on Capitol Hill, where he was serenaded and ass-kissed by the same hypocritical hyenas who were running for their lives, two steps ahead of Trump’s psychotic mob who had to settle for savaging law enforcement officers and shitting on the Capitol in service to Trump’s call to harms and insurrection.

Trump’s pretend victorious return to Capitol Hill, prior to being dragged away in chains

The last three-minute segment of this video provides everything you will ever need to know about Trump devotees. If you don’t want to watch the whole thing, which is full of painful/funny stuff, jump to the 9:10 mark for the payoff. This interaction with several Trump Cult members is stunning if entirely predictable.

Biden v. Trump

Also, this summary by Seth Meyers

Trump is determined to defeat America this November and the race is much too close for comfort. I can’t believe we’re losing to this guy.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Fraught For The Day - Fascist Follies

The Trump Commandments

June 14, 2024

After another special rally, Convicted Felon Donald Trump returned to the scene (actually, the neighborhood of the crime, and as close to the scene itself as he should ever be permitted) of the crime, well one of the crimes. The chief insurrectionist waddled into a building near the People’s House to metaphorically take another dump on democracy. This time his mob consisted of congresspeople and senators who now wholeheartedly embrace Trump’s failed coup attempt, which many of them excoriated when it happened, after they finished running and hiding for their miserable lives while Trump’s mob hunted them down like dogs on January 6, 2021. A date that will live in infamy…or mark the beginning of the Trump Reich, depending on which side of the freedom fence you’re on. Or, what day it is.

“There’s no question — none — that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president.”
          Mitch McConnell, February 13, 2021 (5 weeks after Trump’s failed coup)*

Convicted Felon Trump at his latest rally

Trump paid a visit to Capitol Hill, this time without his violent, deranged mob of white nationalists, incels and mental defectives, for a meet and shriek with his enablers, henchmonkeys and ass-kissing cult members in Congress to lay out his plan to end democracy and rebrand America. In his own name and image. Just about every Fascist/Trump Party lawmaker bent the knee to Lord Trump – The Golden Cow. Trump is the craven image these weak-kneed fascists are blindly (and stupidly) worshiping.

Slime Marches On

Also today, the Extreme Court voted unanimously to allow the morning after pill, Mifepristone to remain available to the public. The vote was unanimous for one reason and one reason only. The six virulently anti-choice (in)justices voted to allow women to have medical abortions available (for the time being) because the know full well that outlawing this medicine would all but ensure that Fascist/Trump Party candidates would get wiped off the map in November.

As everyone knows, the two most radical and corrupt members of the Court (the two in the front row left above) – Alito and Thomas – are looking get the fuck out of town to enjoy the millions of dollars in lucre they’ve amassed, live it up (and allow Alito’s bonkers wife to fly all the fucking flags she wants to), and leave the rest of us to rot in the carcass of America, after they’ve dismantled decades of settled law on countless fronts – voting rights, abortion rights, dark money taking over politics (more than it used to), etc. To that end they need Trump and his fellow travelers to regain power so that the Court will continue its horrendous, illegitimate reign of ignorance and terror.

Probably today, they will hand down their long, needlessly and purposely delayed decision on whether or not Trump as president had absolute immunity from prosecution for his many so-called alleged crimes against America. So, there’s that.

*Just one of countless displays of craven hypocrisy following Trump’s failed coup attempt.

Freak out…

I mean, Peace Out.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Fraught For The Day.

You're welcome.

What has you fraught for the day? 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thought For The Day

And prayers

Supreme Hubris

June 13, 2024

If you are not already aware of the latest traitorous bullshit excreted by the Supreme Court, then you are not, you know, paying attention. But thank you for counting on us to pay attention for you.

Scum-sucking weasel Sam Alito recently had the opportunity to speak with an activist posing as a MAGA punk-assed bitch. Activist/documentarian Lauren Windsor spent some quality time with both Alito and his nutjob wife Martha-Ann – the one he blamed for flying sedition-supporting flags from their two homes. While it may be true that Windsor duped the Alitos into thinking she was one of them, she certainly did not force them to say the horrific things they said. For example…

Windsor: People in this country who believe in God have got to keep fighting for that – to return our country to a place of godliness.

Alito: I agree with you. I agree with you.

Naturally, Alito did not just mean generic godliness, as in personal faith or spirituality, he meant THE ONE AND ONLY CHRISTIAN GOD. And only the Christian God. The Ayatollah Alito wants to make America Iran…but just whiter.

The freakishly fascist Mrs. Alito told Windsor,

“I won’t [put up another flag] because I’m deferring to you. But when you are free of this nonsense, I’m putting it up and I’m going to send them a message every day, maybe every week, I’ll be changing the flags. There’ll be all kinds. I made a flag in my head. This how I satisfy myself*.”

The “this nonsense” she’s referring to is of course being on the Supreme Court. The Mrs. also noted that she enjoys creating fodder for new incendiary flags in her head for fun. Alito, for his part is doing his best, and is likely about to do his worst, to put Trump back in the White House so Alito can end “this nonsense” while having himself replaced by a younger, more dangerous, more fucked-up theocratic clone, to see to it that America becomes a theocracy for all time.

They sure don't look happy. How the fuck do they think we feel.

These two sniveling shitbags are vying with the Terrible Thomases for most corrupt, most anti-democratic, Christo-fascist fuckwads the Supreme Court has ever seen.

Both of these so-called justices are trying to take America as far backwards as they can manage, while taking massive bribes (to be fair no one even comes close to the four-plus-million-that-he-finally-admitted-to-becaue-he-got-caught in graft hauled in by Uncle Thomas) from Christo-fascist billionaires looking to buy themselves a new Constitution that favors them even more heavily than ever.

*Might I suggest trying a dildo?

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day. Think again.