Monday, June 10, 2024

Hulk Smash Trump

June 10, 2024

Absolutely MARVELous (via GIPHY)

I’ve been enjoying this wonderful GIF for several years; I don't know who created it. I pop it on every once in a while when the Trumpian weight of all his bullshit is making it difficult to keep food down, to think straight, and/or literally to breathe, and I need a little pick-me-up. I find it soothing. The way things are going, with the potential of Trump walking away unscathed after everything everyone has seen him do, I am desperate to take what little pleasure I can find. Fortunately, I'm easily amused.

I’m considering looking into the Guinness Book of World Records to see what the longest uninterrupted viewing of this marvelous imagery might be. I really want to take a stab at it – not a stab at Trump of course; that would be wrong, and very possibly illegal. No matter how many millions of Americans would heave a Hulk-sized sigh of relief. But no, that's just not my style. I am nothing if not a law-abrading citizen. Just to be clear, I meant a stab at the record. 

I’m fairly sure I could watch it non-stop until the dread-encrusted election this coming November – especially if the record permits multi-tasking so I could still enjoy watching Trump sweat through his many and varied possible court appearances. 

And if Trump gets elected, I might never be able to stop watching it.

Unfortunately, The Incredible Hulk might be the only way we get rid of this stupor villain.

I. Mangrey 

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