Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Stairway To Prison

Songs of The Trump Years

June 12, 2023

As we bask in the barely perceptible 2-Watt glow of Convicted Felon Donald Trump’s first 34 convictions, we here at Paying Attention™ have been wearing out the needle on our turntable – yes they still exist, and vinyl is making a comeback – listening to our very own I. Mangrey’s Stairway To Prison: Songs Of The Trump Years.

While Convicted Flatulent Felon Trump awaits sentencing, he had to meet with his parole officer. The first ex-president to have a parole officer. Trump is not just breaking wind, he continues breaking ground for horrific behavior by an American president and ex-president. Heck of a job Trumpy. This parole interview was done remotely presumably because the PO was unwilling to risk being in a small room with the King o’ Farts. One typical question asked in these settings is whether the convicted felon associates with other convicted felons. Trump’s answer to this question would have to be “Only.” They also want to discern the mental health of the criminal. This would seem to indicate that there’s a very good chance Trump will spend some quality time in a cell with much softer walls before making his way to his final solution destination at Rikers.

As you surely are, we too are hoping beyond hope, as we watch far right gains in the European Parliament alongside with the steady rise of neo-fascist ideology here in the U.S., that the Trump years will come to a crashing collapse come Electoral College Day this November.

A poll of Republicans (now the Fascist/Trump Party) in April asked whether someone convicted of a felony should be allowed to be president, 17% said yes. When they asked the same cohort the same question between May 31 and June 2, 58% answered affirmatively. So, in the abstract, these, let’s call them people for the sake of argument, these people did not think a convicted felon should be permitted to hold the highest office in the land – even though the Constitution allows it. Now that their convicted felon remains in the hunt for the presidency, they have changed their, let’s call them minds, though reptilian brain likely fits better.

It would seem that Trump has made a wise choice in running against democracy, the Constitution and America. The base of the Fascist/Trump Party clearly has no affection for any of the aforementioned concepts. As a young lad, I too had issues with my government and a number of its agencies and agents and how they comported themselves at home and abroad. However, I cannot recall a time when I thought the answer to my concerns was violence and fascism. But that’s just me.

Frolicking with fascists is nothing new in this country, but in the past those who colluded with our enemies, both geopolitical and ideological, did so covertly, knowing that this sort of treasonous behavior was frowned upon, not only by authorities, but by a large majority of the citizenry. Times have changed. With the Oranging of America came a new freedom to hate, to kill, cramp and paralyze, to attempt a violent overthrow of the government, to get one’s fascist freak on.

Of course, it may be that none of this matters since it is possible that Trump will only need five votes to end up back in the White House – Thomas, Alito, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, Coney Barrett and Roberts.

For now, we offer you a pause in the disaster. The mellifluous, imaginary sounds of I. Mangrey and the Loud Boys. Sit back and sit by.


You Blight Up My Life

I Saw Him Staining There

Whole Lotta Lies

One Woke Over the Line

Takin’ Care of Bullshit

Donny Don’t Grab That Pussy

Big Yellow Tax Cheat

When Trumps Lie

Won’t Get Trumped Again

As (He Does) Time (and) Goes By(e)

Lawyers, Guns and MAGA

We Didn’t Start the Liar

Pence Avenue Sleaze Out

Dylan Medley:

   Mr. Tangerine Man
   Just Like an Asshole
   Tangled Up in Orange
   Simple Twist of Fake

Flabby Toad

   Scum Together


   Donald's Orange Hairline

   Oy! Donald

   Pussy Grabber’s Garden

   I (Don’t) Want You (He's So Hated)

   Here Comes The Putz

   Because (He Got Impeached Twice)

The Flabby Toad Medley:

   You’re Always Taking Their Money

   Scum King

   Mean Mr. Bone Spurs

   Polythene Pig

   He Came in Through the Boardroom Window

   Golden Showers

   Carry That Flab

   The End (If We’re Lucky)

   His Travesty

We hope you enjoy listening to this more than we enjoyed making it. It was hard work. Thinking about Rapey McDickface any more than absolutely necessary is risky business, but somebody has to do it.

Your friends at Paying Attention™


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