Sunday, June 30, 2024

Paying Attention™ Secret Word

Cloudy With A Chance Of Bloodbaths

June 30, 2024

A convicted felon who is also running for president has said “If I don’t get elected it’s gonna be a bloodbath.”* Conversely, or more likely perversely, on the stump he is promising a bloodbath – albeit more metaphorical than the actual bloodbath he is predicting/inciting in the above quote – if he wins.

What could go wrong?

Naturally, Trump is now claiming there is a “bloodbath hoax” because he was taken out of context…or joking, or being sarcastic. Someone should try and explain to Demented Don what context…or joking, or sarcastic means. Good luck with that.

*Actual quote from a sociopathic convicted felon currently in a dead heat to win the presidency. Can you guess his name? No, it’s not Crumpledfuckstain.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Secret Word. 

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