Saturday, June 15, 2024

Thought For The Day – What’s In A Name?

It’s All So Very, Very Simple

June 15, 2024

Yesterday was old, mentally enfeebled Convicted Felon Donald Trump’s 78th birthday. Well waddaya know, he’s pretty much as old as Joe Biden. All the Thing’s horses and all the Thing’s men and his whole family publicly wished him a happy birthday with one notable exception. His third and oft-cheated-on wife who has been publicly humiliated over and over and over. Not a birthday peep.

The day before his birthday, Thing Kong dared show his orange-pancaked mug on Capitol Hill, where he was serenaded and ass-kissed by the same hypocritical hyenas who were running for their lives, two steps ahead of Trump’s psychotic mob who had to settle for savaging law enforcement officers and shitting on the Capitol in service to Trump’s call to harms and insurrection.

Trump’s pretend victorious return to Capitol Hill, prior to being dragged away in chains

The last three-minute segment of this video provides everything you will ever need to know about Trump devotees. If you don’t want to watch the whole thing, which is full of painful/funny stuff, jump to the 9:10 mark for the payoff. This interaction with several Trump Cult members is stunning if entirely predictable.

Biden v. Trump

Also, this summary by Seth Meyers

Trump is determined to defeat America this November and the race is much too close for comfort. I can’t believe we’re losing to this guy.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day.