Friday, June 7, 2024

What’s In A Number*

Rage Is Just A Number**

June 7, 2024

As a rule, those who have become president of the United States age rapidly while in office. Whatever else you might think of our leaders, the job must be intensely stressful and require an almost incalculable amount of work.

There is one exception to the rule. That would be the 45th president. Even historic moron and one of the worst, most incompetent and lazy presidents in our history George WTF Bush aged more than his eight horrific years as buffoonish yet dangerously effective leader of the “free” world.

The typical accelerated aging process did not befall Donald Trump. He seemed physically unfazed by his almost fatal-to-democracy time in office. However, most of us who survived all the angst and horror he perpetrated upon the majority of Americans and the pandemic Trump nurtured, if they did not die from COVID or drinking bleach as very stable genius Trump suggested, aged at least a little extra during those calamitous years.

2016                                   2020                                       2024

However, the orange hybrid-haired hooligan who wants one more chance to destroy America from the top down has been aging at a rapid pace since being kicked out of office. Maybe it’s nearly 100 indictments, and now 34 felony convictions, and the threat of serious punishment if not jail time looming over his head, maybe it’s depression from his failed coup, maybe it’s all the effort he’s put into keeping the big lie alive in order to maintain his Svengali-like power to bilk his cult members from every cent they can spare and some they can’t. And maybe it’s all the planning for his fascist re-making of America via Project 2025** if the Electoral College and/or the Supreme Court continue to defy the will of The People after Trump gets smacked around by the popular vote.

Trump is loudly proclaiming to anyone stupid enough to listen that he is planning concentration camps for migrants, a total ban on abortion and letting red states monitor women’s pregnancies. He constantly croaks about freeing his January 6 hench-idiots from prison, disbanding the pandemic preparedness office, firing U.S. attorneys who dare defy his illegal orders, requiring loyalty oaths from everyone serving in government, arresting and/or killing rivals and opponents, putting local, state and federal law enforcement under direct control of the president, limiting voting, and countless other fascist wet nightmares Trump and his flying monkeys have been cooking up. Don’t even get me started on Project 2025 – the radical religious right wing plan to end democracy in the USA and turn America into a medieval theocracy.

2016                                   2020                                       2024

It could be the caked-on/canned tan. It could be horrifically-hued hybrid “hair.” It could be that he spent four years in Our House sleeping, watching Fux News, tweeting, worsening a pandemic, throwing ketchup, divulging state secrets to foes, getting impeached, stealing, hiding and hoarding classified documents, and most of all golfing, instead of doing the People’s work. The only effort he ever exerted was fanning the flames of insurrection on his way out the door.

The President Show – Donny Goes to School

In any event, Trump currently looks like shit and we wish him hell.

* The “b” is silent.
** The “b” is not silent.
*** Project 2025 includes slashing Department of Justice (DOJ) funding, dismantling the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Homeland Security, gutting environmental and climate crisis regulations to favor fossil fuel production, and eliminating the cabinet Departments of Education and Commerce. Oh, and putting church in charge of state.

I. Mangrey reporting. 

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