Sunday, June 2, 2024

Fun Fact For The Day – Sentence Structure

Cleanup On I-81

June 2, 2024

According to those in the know, it is possible that 34-time Convicted Felon Trump could be sentenced to nothing more than community service, like picking up trash on the side of the road. Despite being a much milder punishment than being fined, locked up or put on probation, community service would be an ironic demand of someone who knows nothing of either community or service. Trump exists in a community of one and has only ever provided service to himself.

Hopefully this little lady can hoist that huge piece of garbage into her trash bag

So it is with all the humility, solemnity and respect due this historic moment, and due the man who more than any candidate in American history lied his way into the White House, trashing America in his wake, everyone here at Paying Attention™ can say with one voice to Donald Trump

Stop fucking America. Go fuck yourself. 

Was that not in fact fun?

This has been your Paying Attention™ Fun Fact For The Day.

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