Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Donald Trump: A Man Of (34) Conviction(s)

Elections Convictions Have Consequences

June 18, 2024

As a degenerate scumbag and convicted felon, Donald Trump is forced to surrender his guns. You are likely aware that it is perfectly legal for degenerate scumbags to own firearms, and most of them do. However, convicted felons are not permitted to own guns by federal law – that of course will change if Trump ends up back in the White House. One imagines a second Trump administration would repurpose the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives to primarily handing out at least alcohol, firearms and explosives to all convicted felons, though hopefully only the ones who are not incarcerated, but you never know. Tobacco will be optional, at least until it becomes mandatory to smoke indoors to provide second-hand smoke because the Supreme Court deems science illegal and cigarette smoke a vegetable.

So until then, if Trump wants to shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue in New York, he will only be able to fart in their general direction. From what we have heard about the Orange Gasbag and his veritable smorgasbord of odious odors, being shot would be preferable.

Convicted Felon Trump drops an A-hole Bomb on innocent civilians

Naturally, the fact that Trump is disqualified from owning a firearm in no way prohibits him from having his unsteady, uncoordinated, tiny little hands, minimally-functioning brain and extreme propensity for vengeance on the nuclear trigger. And he can have the military do his everyday gunning for him.

There’s another thing convicted felons like Convicted Felon Donald Trump cannot do. Vote. They can be Electoral-Colleged to the presidency, but they can’t vote for president. Which begs the question, has Trump even voted more than twice. Smart money is on unfucking likely.

In Other News Of Fascist Fuckwits

Many Fascist/Trump Party members of the Pennsylvania State House booed and walked out on January 6 officers who were there to be honored for their service to America and their heroism in the face of a vicious and violent assault on the Capitol at the behest of now-Convicted Felon Donald Trump. They must have felt doubly honored to be booed and walked out on by such Trump-infected very fine people.

I imagine these Trumped-up assholes would have gone to Ground Zero in New York and booed the rubble that had been the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, and then booed the first responders who dared become mortally ill from the toxic debris.

Such patriotism should not go unrewarded. Vote them out. Lock them up.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day. 

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