Friday, June 14, 2024

Fraught For The Day - Fascist Follies

The Trump Commandments

June 14, 2024

After another special rally, Convicted Felon Donald Trump returned to the scene (actually, the neighborhood of the crime, and as close to the scene itself as he should ever be permitted) of the crime, well one of the crimes. The chief insurrectionist waddled into a building near the People’s House to metaphorically take another dump on democracy. This time his mob consisted of congresspeople and senators who now wholeheartedly embrace Trump’s failed coup attempt, which many of them excoriated when it happened, after they finished running and hiding for their miserable lives while Trump’s mob hunted them down like dogs on January 6, 2021. A date that will live in infamy…or mark the beginning of the Trump Reich, depending on which side of the freedom fence you’re on. Or, what day it is.

“There’s no question — none — that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president.”
          Mitch McConnell, February 13, 2021 (5 weeks after Trump’s failed coup)*

Convicted Felon Trump at his latest rally

Trump paid a visit to Capitol Hill, this time without his violent, deranged mob of white nationalists, incels and mental defectives, for a meet and shriek with his enablers, henchmonkeys and ass-kissing cult members in Congress to lay out his plan to end democracy and rebrand America. In his own name and image. Just about every Fascist/Trump Party lawmaker bent the knee to Lord Trump – The Golden Cow. Trump is the craven image these weak-kneed fascists are blindly (and stupidly) worshiping.

Slime Marches On

Also today, the Extreme Court voted unanimously to allow the morning after pill, Mifepristone to remain available to the public. The vote was unanimous for one reason and one reason only. The six virulently anti-choice (in)justices voted to allow women to have medical abortions available (for the time being) because the know full well that outlawing this medicine would all but ensure that Fascist/Trump Party candidates would get wiped off the map in November.

As everyone knows, the two most radical and corrupt members of the Court (the two in the front row left above) – Alito and Thomas – are looking get the fuck out of town to enjoy the millions of dollars in lucre they’ve amassed, live it up (and allow Alito’s bonkers wife to fly all the fucking flags she wants to), and leave the rest of us to rot in the carcass of America, after they’ve dismantled decades of settled law on countless fronts – voting rights, abortion rights, dark money taking over politics (more than it used to), etc. To that end they need Trump and his fellow travelers to regain power so that the Court will continue its horrendous, illegitimate reign of ignorance and terror.

Probably today, they will hand down their long, needlessly and purposely delayed decision on whether or not Trump as president had absolute immunity from prosecution for his many so-called alleged crimes against America. So, there’s that.

*Just one of countless displays of craven hypocrisy following Trump’s failed coup attempt.

Freak out…

I mean, Peace Out.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Fraught For The Day.

You're welcome.

What has you fraught for the day? 

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