Saturday, June 29, 2024

Moving On (Hopefully) From The Debate

Old Country For Old Men

June 29, 2024

Alright, the smelling salts have kicked in and I think I can string a few words together. Watching Biden’s “debate” performance was like watching paint die.

Joe Biden entered the “debate” stage looking like he had died just a few minutes earlier. Trump entered with his usual diaper more-than-half-full waddle.

Biden literally looked like a ghost. And then he opened his mouth. And he sounded like, if he hadn’t already been dead, he was about to be.

There is much panic in the air. Mostly from the frantic media, always desperate for clicks and giggles. Not that there is no reason for concern, the media – who in the person of CNN during the “debate” completely soiled themselves by allowing Trump to continually fling feces (i.e., lies) all over the room every time he insulted the airwaves with noise from his face sphincter. (Fun fact: Trump is the only American president with a sphincter at both ends) Tapper and Bash did nothing but make a great argument for replacing debate monitors with AI.

Olbermann v. CNN

There is one important person who has not succumbed to the panic. Joseph R. Biden. Only time will tell if this is warranted or not.

Hopefully, this will end up being a, pardon the expression, wake-up call for Biden.

              “I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know how to tell the truth.”
         Joe Biden, June 28, 2024 (after the worst debate performance anyone has ever seen)

         “No shit Sherlock, but yes there is that, but do Americans care about that?”
                   Ed Venture, June 28, 2024 (after barely surviving said debate)

So, the focus of the media, the pundits and so many other was 1) panic in public like there’s no tomorrow in order to make things even worse, and 2) Biden’s Big Choke Job instead of the incessant, pathological lying and fascist (going after his opponents for made-up crimes), racist (the migrants are taking all the “black jobs”) stylings of 34-time convicted felon, rapist, life-long criminal, classified document thief and treasonous insurrectionist Trump.

The only lie Trump didn’t tell was accusing Biden of sleeping with a porn star. Yeah, okay we get it. Biden is very old, and on that “debate” stage he looked more fragile than a Faberge Egg, but he’s not a sociopathic failure who cannot not tell a lie about every single fucking thing all the time.

If there is another debate, Biden needs a whole new approach. There is no need to discuss policy. That shit’s over with. That can be flogged all over the campaign trail. TV ads. TikTok. Whatthefuck ever. All Biden has to do now in any future debate is to wait for Trump to complete his next lie and say, “Well, that was complete and utter bullshit with no relation to reality. I guess that’s what convicted felons do – LIE. What else you got?” or “There you go again, lying like rug, just like what you do with your golf scores. Next question.” or, “Okay, everyone say it with me – can you possibly not lie, just this once? Just kidding, you can’t. Apparently, you also can’t answer the question that was asked. I may be old, but you’re out of your damn mind, Jack.”

I. Mangrey regaining consciousness.  

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