Saturday, June 1, 2024

Fascinating – Running Mate Or Cellmate

Location, Location, Location

June 1, 2024

It is fascinating that all the lackluster loser legislators who continue to fawn over 34-time convicted felon Donald Jailbird Trump in the hope of impressing his electoral base have a big decision to make. How much do they really want to spend or do time with him? Do they want to be a running mate or cellmate? Or maybe both? Inquiring minds want to know. Or more likely don’t give a fucking shit.

All these miserable sick-o-phants who Trump trashed and spit on and humiliated over and over and over and who then changed their primary job descriptions to Official Trump Ass-kisser have all made conscious decisions to die on the hill of puss that is 34-time convicted felon Donald Trump.

Pictured below, just a few of the sorry-assed, shit-licking suck-ups who showed up for then defendant Trump who was asleep just a few hundred feet away in the courtroom, to show their undead loyalty to the most disloyal creature in the history of mankind. Apparently, Sam Alito’s wife would not let him join the human centipede in Manhattan.

Since the 34 guilty verdicts were handed down by random, vetted and agreed upon by both the prosecution and the defense, American citizens – who literally put their lives on the line in the face of repeated, and possibly just beginning in earnest, threats by the defendant and his minions – Trump toadies have become extra apoplectic in defending Dear Leader against the law and the land.

MAGAts on parade. Some poor schmuck did not get the red tie memo.


*What The Fascinating Fuck

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