Monday, July 1, 2024

Broken News - Picking Nit(wit)s

Trump Picks A Ruining Mate

July 1, 2024

After witnessing the monumentally disastrous shitshow put on at last Thursday’s presidential debate, the editorial board at Paying Attention™ joins the Philadelphia Inquirer in calling for convicted felon, sexual predator, wannabe dictator and all-around fuck-up Donald J. Trump to withdraw from the race – not just the presidential race, but the human race, to which he has clearly never belonged in the first place.

We have it on good alternative authority that convicted felon/presidential candidate Donald Trump has made his decision on a running mate. In a move that surprised no one, Trump has chosen his new BFF, the man he just can't stop talking about…

The late, great Jeffrey Epstein

Oops Epstein’s dead. Wrong BFF.

The late, great Hannibal Lecter – fictional, but good enough for Trump

Joe Biden is sticking with Kamala Harris, despite rumors (planted by the Biden camp) he was going to switch to either Mike Pence – just to fuck with Trump’s nearly empty head – or Hillary Clinton – for the same reason.

In other news of Trump’s BFFs, Steve Bannon is finally headed to prison today for refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena (which begs the question: what about Jim Jordan who continues to ignore a congressional subpoena, and he’s still in fucking Congress ). Bannon looks like something the cat dragged in dragged in.

Bannon – clearly well past his smell-by date

I’m sure, with his winning smile and personality, Bannon will make some real friends in prison, hopefully very intimate ones. With any luck he’ll be able to get a nice clean shiv…I mean shave.

One More Fucking Thing

Also today, we are supposed to hear what the six Mooks in Black in the Trump-packed Supreme Court have to say about absolute presidential immunity. These fucking assholes were asked by Special Prosecutor Jack Smith six months ago to fast-track this painfully obvious decision so that the American public might know if one of the candidates for president is more of a criminal than they already know he is.

The decision as to whether or not there is absolute immunity from prosecution for presidents, particularly those who engaged in election interference and insurrection, if not in fact sedition and treason, should be a no-brainer, since there is no such thing as absolute presidential immunity.

Unfortunately, this current court has made a name for itself* by wantonly overturning precedent after law after precedent. Not to mention all the grifting, grafting and nose-thumbing. And flagrant shows of solidarity, if not absolute collusion with Trump’s insurrection. So, there is no way to know just how horrifically these fuckers will be fucking us with their disgracefully delayed decision.

Interestingly, this is not the delayed decision that Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s scathing dissent referred to as “an act of political chicanery before the election;” that was in reference to the Sick Six avoiding ruling on Idaho’s abortion ban because they know that would turn many more voters against their BFF Trump. Presumably, Jackson has similar feelings about the immunity case.

Either way, this fucking bullshit delay – such a long delay that these fuckers had to extend the current term (a term that featured the serial judicial gang-rape of American law and society) beyond its normal end date – is very likely de facto immunity for the subject of the current case that has been buried by the overtly partisan, anti-democratic, pro-corporate (to put it mildly) Shit-Stained, Criminal Roberts Court. 

So, stand back and stand by. At some point today, the smoke will rise from the Supreme Court, signaling that Donald Trump will be the next Pope of America.

*That name is The Shit-Stained, Criminal Roberts Court

This has been a Paying Attention™ Special Broken News report.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled ulcer. 

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