Sunday, July 14, 2024

Thought For The Day – Aw Shoot

Cloudy With A Chance Of Showers…Of Bullets

July 14, 2024, Late Morning Edition

Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA) – land of Marjorie Taylor Greene

Since a number of Ratpublican lawmakers and other Trump fellow travelers immediately began blaming either Joe Biden for putting a hit on Trump, or blaming violent rhetoric from the Biden camp, I guess it’s only fair to posit that this was all done for political theater, or maybe it was someone who believed that Trump wasn’t fascist enough for their taste. Why not run with that until proven otherwise?

Trump veep wannabe J.D. Vance lied with absolutely zero evidence that Biden was to blame for accurately labeling Trump an authoritarian fascist. For the record, the shooter was a registered Ratpublican and Second Amendment fetishist.

This was posted by Trump right before this Bund rally began…

Hmmmm, did Trump know what was going to happen?

Either way, I will now be forever haunted by the sight of Trump being helped to his feet and safely whisked away by the SS.

Obviously, it’s too soon to talk about doing something about assault weapons on our streets and sniper positions, so we won’t go there. And we will absolutely not call Donald Trump a fat pig. Repeat, we will not call Donald Trump a fat pig.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day. 

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