Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Paying Attention™ Secret Word

Say The Secret Word And Win The Election

July 16, 2024

Several years ago – for obvious reasons – the good folks here at Paying Attention™ bejeweled the marketplace with a groundbreaking product, which has saved countless hearts, minds and probably lives in the face of the devastating Trump presidency. You have likely made it a staple in your medicine cabinet during these trying times. It is the one, the only Rent-A-Coma.

Americans have a special ability to be intellectually comatose amnesiacs. The memory duration of the average American can only be measured by specialized equipment typically used by quantum physicists who measure minute timespans of subatomic particles.

The latest mouth-monkey to flog the Biden “Debate” Debacle was NBC’s Lester Holt, who taking a urine-stained page out of George Stephanopoulos’s disgrace-drenched “interview” with Joe Biden, again spent an inordinate amount of time rehashing the otherwise long-forgotten episode. Biden smacked the ex-journalist around, once again trying to put the past in the past.

Too many Democrats are also piling on and clutching pearls. There’s no easy way to knock sense into the media, but if all these whining, wimpy Democrats would just shut the fuck up about Biden’s admittedly horrible one-night-fall, Americans would have no choice, based on their genetic makeup, but to forget about it. Stop fucking reminding everyone about it every fucking day and get behind the guy who beat Trump like an artificially red-headed (some nauseating shade of orange actually) stepchild. That is Joseph R. Biden. 

The idea of trying to leap onto a new horse at full gallop so near the end of an election cycle is likely to result in serious injury and the end of democracy in America. And you can bet there won’t be enough Rent-A-Coma to get any of us through the nuclear political winter Trump will bring down our heads.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Secret Word.

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