Sunday, July 21, 2024

Trump v. ??

Cherchez La Femme (But Not In The Original Sexist Sense)

July 21, 2024

What a pitiful, ridiculous little man – wonder who’s idea the backdrop was

They Call It Unity (Think They Meant Untidy)

In case you were smart enough to miss Trump’s unhinged, hateful, incoherent acceptance screech at his party’s nominating/coronation convention, it was not, as many useful idiots in the media predicted (for approximately the millionth time) a new, pivoting Trump. Too many highly paid talking heads kvelled that Donny Bonespurs was a changed man after his brush with being barely injured. They said he was humbled, kinder, gentler, more circumspect. Bullfuckingshit.

We do know for sure that the Trump/Vance ticket and the Fascist/Trump Party writ large is (pretending to be) running against everything they actually stand for. They are running against Trump’s record, their own virulent anti-abortion policy (Vance removed the “End Abortion” page from his website), their stance on guns and of course their christofascist plan to unmake America – Project 2025. There was no mention of abortion, gun rights or Project 2025 – though the particulars of it oozed out of every pore of the party’s otherwise policy-free platform – during their recent circus/convention in Milwaukee.

The Fascist/Trump Party claimed they were bringing a message of unity. Unity-Or-Else is not unity. Disaster J. Trump did his best at the outset of his “acceptance” screech. Then the full moon rose and the wereweasel emerged as Trump reverted back to his usual demented, delusional, vicious, lying beast form. He dutifully read what was written for him for a while, and then he went full-Trump, rambling on for more than 90 fucking minutes*, putting many to sleep, causing home viewers to change the channel. It was not a new Trump after all. It was just more of the shame.

Now What?

Despite all of that it is difficult to decide whether or not Joe Biden needs to bow out of the presidential contest against someone who should not even be allowed to run for the office. Calls for the 46th president are growing louder and coming from increasingly influential quarters within the Democratic Party, though it is mostly the conservaDems making most of the stupid noises demanding Biden drop out. Still, many believe that Biden has stepped in too much political shit, despite probably going into the books policy-wise as the best president for everyday Americans since LBJ (who was certainly no liberal lion, but hey, you take what you can get). Now Biden has COVID and must take time that he does not have, off from campaigning. This, while his detractors continue pummeling him, and if they are not careful, themselves.

If Biden does indeed step aside, there is really only one person who can step into his candidacy.

The only people to have brought Trump to justice in any meaningful (barely) way are women. E. Jean Carroll took Trump to the cleaners (Spoiler Alert: he’s still filthy) to the tune of three-quarters-of-a-billion dollars, and a judge insisting that what Trump did to Carroll was rape. Letitia James had Trump’s license to do business in New York State revoked and lightened his wallet by $355 million after winning a civil fraud case against Trump. Stormy Daniels stood her ground and led to Trump being convicted of 34 fucking felonies.

For the moment at least, Tanya Chutkin and Fani Willis have not played their final hands and remain in the game. They continue to insist that Trump deserves his day in court to clear his good name…just kidding, they want to bring Maxwell’s fucking hammer down upon his horribly dyed head for the crimes we all saw and heard him commit.

Kamala Harris, besides being the only person who can have immediate and total access to Biden’s war chest, happens to be a woman. I’m not a big Harris fan by any means, but she is no stranger to kicking ass. And she has bigger balls than decrepit Old Man Trump.

Also not to be ignored is the fact that Democrats survive in no small part, as does any semblance of life, liberty and/or the pursuit of happiness in this country, on the backs of Black women. Democrats, if you force Biden to withdraw, skip over Kamala Harris at your peril.

All that being said, anybody or anything should be able to defeat a fascistic, toxic narcissist and convicted felon whose brain is melting, and whose soul rotted away in the womb. If this proves untrue...

Earache my eye

*Making it factually the longest, and by almost all accounts (certainly mine) the most pathetically stupid, boring and deranged acceptance speech of all time.

I. Mangrey reporting. 

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