Thursday, July 11, 2024

Paying Attention™ Request Line

Ariel Baddass on the air and taking your requests

July 11, 2024

Our recently hired DJ Ariel Baddass convinced management to add a request/dedication line for folks to hear what they want, when they want it, and send it on out there to someone special…

Hey boys and girls, cats and kitties, all the ships and clippers at sea. This is Ariel B back on the air at last. Been on kind of a forced hiatus. Got asked to leave my last gig after my tribute to the great Joey Reynolds. As Joey did on his last day at WIBG in Philly back in the early ‘70s, I locked myself in the booth and played John Lennon’s Give Peace a Chance for an hour or so, until they brought in a locksmith and a very large gentleman to “help” me out the booth and into my car. Thanks to the good folks at Paying Attention for hookin’ me up to once again play the platters, spin the saucers, dish out the discs and respect the stacks of wax here at PA Central. I hope to make you proud playin’ the hits, the misses, and anything else you wanna hear.

I. Mangrey perusing the playlist

DJ: Let’s hit the ground spinning and take our first call. And who do we have on the line?

Caller: Hi, I’m Ed long time managing editor, first time caller.

DJ: Hi Ed. What’s your request and who are you dedicating it to? We’re here to make it happen.

Caller: Thanks Ariel. I wanna hear the late, great Mose Allison’s Your Mind is On Vacation. And I’d like this to go out to someone so deserving it ain’t even funny. If anyone embodies this song, if anyone needed to follow the sage advice dished out by Mose it’s this fuckin’ guy. Please send this out to Big, Dumb Donny T – America’s favorite convicted felon and wannabe dictator. May he rest in peace, or at least STFU. It could also go out to Margie T. Greene, but I’m still on the fence with that whole mind thing as it regards EmptyG.

Mose Allison – Your Mind is On Vacation (1962)

Send us your requests and dedications and we’ll get ‘em on the air. 

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