Saturday, July 13, 2024

Stop Burying The Lede…And Our Democracy

Yeah, Biden’s Old. What’s Your Excuse?

July 13, 2024

With all the incessant convulsing over Joe Biden’s spate of gaffs recently, two things come to mind. One, Biden has forever been known as a “gaff machine.” Two, watching everyone else who parades across my TV screen more closely, it is apparent that everyone drops words, speaks the wrong name, loses their place while reading the teleprompter, etc. So really, WTFF

“I am a gaffe machine, but my God, what a wonderful thing compared to a guy who can't tell the truth.”
                                Joseph R. Biden, 2018

As President Biden (who everyone, I mean everyone, knows beat Trump in 2020 like a badly soiled rug) ended his hour-long, very well-handled press conference Thursday night, easily handling complex questions (that reporters had to read from their own notes) on varied topics with cogent answers, one more question came his way…during overtime

Even though the announcement that the presser was over was being made, in true Biden fashion, the president did not walk away, which he could have and should have done. Instead, he fielded the question and scored a TKO with his (uncharacteristically) succinct tranquillizer-dart of an answer

Reporter: Earlier you misspoke, in your opening answer, and referred to Vice President Harris as vice president Trump. Right now [ex-]president Trump is using that to mock your age and your memory. How do you combat that criticism from tonight?”

Biden: (smiling) Listen to him.

If Joe had been holding the mic, he would have righteously dropped it and then crushed it under his heel like the glass at the conclusion of a Jewish wedding.

Trump could not have answered one of the questions Biden parried with anything even resembling facts or useful information. Trump would not have handled an overtime question with even a shred of aplomb, certainly not without go racist, misogynist, fascist or just plain fucking asshole. And probably all of that.

If you want to know what a deteriorating old man in rapid mental decline looks/sounds/smells like, just take Joe Biden’s advice. Trump’s gaffs and pure, unrivalled ignorance and stupidity are incalculable. Not to mention the blatant, unrelenting lies and stories of Hannibal Lecter and getting electrocuted in order to avoid being eaten by a shark.

All the presumably well-meaning democrats and others who are incessantly calling for one of the most accomplished presidents in our nation’s history are really not doing anyone any favors. I understand the concerns. Everything is on the line. Everything. 

This would not be just changing horses in mid-stream. This would be changing from a horse to a unicorn. Naturally, Biden cannot win if his allies keep screaming that he cannot win. So, who the fuck can win? No one knows. No one. That’s no joke. Biden has already done it once, and if everyone would just get behind him up instead kicking him in the nuts every five minutes, he just might save our sorry asses. I, like many if not most Americans don’t care if Biden is in perfect shape, braindead or totally dead or anything else. All I need to know is he is not Donald Fascist Fucking Trump.

Better than Trump no matter what

Donald Trump: Not Your Average Joke

I am no political expert, never worked on any campaigns, but I do have a suggestion. Why doesn’t everyone who is so busy beating up on old man Biden spend their time reminding everyone that

     Trump is virtually the same age
     Trump is the one who repeatedly fell asleep in public (at his trial)
     Trump misspeaks every 30 seconds
     Trump is infinitely more cognitively damaged
     Trump was found liable for sexual assault
     Trump was indicted for election interference in Georgia
     Trump was indicted for his role in the January 6 attempted coup
     Trump is a 34-time convicted felon
     Trump proudly helped overturn Roe v. Wade
     Trump incited an insurrection/attempted coup
     Trump said he wanted to “terminate the Constitution”
     Trump stole classified documents
     Trump is vehicle for the Christo-fascist Project 2025
      Trump fawns over dictators and thinks democracy is for losers

Plenty more where that came from.

Compare that with Joe Biden’s record. Remind people of all of this at every opportunity. Leave Joe alone!

I. Mangrey reporting. How’s my driving?                                        


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