Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Trump v. Project 2025

Whatever It Is, He's Against It (Not Really)

July 9, 2024

If you are as yet unfamiliar with Project 2025, you have homework. This Christo-fascist MANifesto was mostly written by among other pitiful politico preverts, a bevy of brain-damaged members of wannabe dictator, rapist and insurrectionist Convicted Felon Donald Trump’s administration. Why there’s good ol’ Doc Ben Carson, Peter Navarro (currently in prison for contempt of Congress) and everyone’s favorite psycho zombie asshole Stephen Miller, to name a few.

Project 2025 is basically a plan to dismember the America we have come to know since 1776 and reconfigure it as a theocratic monarchy/patriarchy, think Third Reich. And these fuckers intend to complete this fake-over in just 180 days once Trump is appointed to the “presidency” after losing bigly to Joe Biden this November.

Naturally, one of the brilliant planks of this platform-from-hell calls for the elimination of the Department of Education. Fascists do not want people to be educated or think in any way. This is duly evidenced by Trump, their chosen leader/patsy, who knows almost nothing about almost everything.

But it turns out most Americans, once they get a load of this Project(ile vomit) 2025, do not like it one little bit. So Dear Leader/Patsy and his handlers are trying to gaslight us on what it is and who wants to beat you over the head with it.

Great men say great things. They know words, they have the best words. Like “anominous,” “refuttal,” “infantroopen,” “delegitimatize,” “benefishers,” and of course, “covfefe.” Many of these great men are very stable geniuses. They have very, very large uh-brains. And they know more about everything than anyone. And you can take that to the grave…I mean bank. One of these self-proclaimed great men is desperately trying to keep from being buried alive by this malignant manifesto.

Trump posted the following on his bigly failing antisocial media platform

What Donny meant to say was, “Stand back and stand by.” Surely Project 2025 was perpetrated by some very fine people.

Not only is Trump a very stable genius, he is apparently a psychotic psychic. He knows nothing about Project 2025, and yet he knows that some of the things contained within “are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal.” And, he wishes them luck with any of the absolutely ridiculous and abysmal things they do. Don’t try this at home folks, it could be fatal for mere mortals.

And I say unto you – What the fuck.

Trump’s own super PAC has been running ads promoting Project 2025, calling it “Trump’s Project 2025.” What an odd coincidence.

Trump’s name shows up on nearly 200 pages of the Project 2025 master-race…I mean manifesto. Someone should read the nearly 1000-page tome to Trump, though to paraphrase the late, great Molly Ivins, it would probably sound better in the original German. And Trump barely understands English. And he will only awaken when he hears his name mentioned. It’s hard to imagine Trump not being aware of something that mentions his name 190 times. Just kidding, he’s a lying sack of shit.

I know nothing about Donald Trump. I have no idea who is behind him. I disagree with all of the things he’s saying and all of the things he’s saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything he does, I wish him a speedy demise.

All you really need to know re Project 2025
(Not Safe For Life)

I. Mangrey reporting. Project 2025 and bust.

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