Monday, July 8, 2024

Notes From The Handbasket

Supreme Court v. Constitution

July 8, 2024

A Tsupreme Tsunami Of Tshit

After the Category 6 Supreme hurricane that blew across the country, battering democracy, shredding the Constitution, dropping several feet of autocracy across the land, we await the settling of the dust, the landing of the other shoe on our necks. How many fucking shoes are there anyway?

First they slit the throat of Roe v. Wade and outlawed abortion – literally handing down death sentences to untold numbers of women. Then they decided bump-stock adaptors were just fine for those needing to commit mass murder in a hurry. The democracy dismantling dipshits (two of whom are criminals themselves and three of whom are wholly owned subsidiaries of TrumpCo) then proceeded to spay and neuter all federal regulatory agencies (because who wants safe food, water and air, safe workplaces, protection from corporate overreach, a livable planet and useless shit like that). Then they criminalized homelessness, and made bribery legal for themselves (ex post facto, I believe they call it) and other politicos – but, no bribery for you!

For their grand finale – and the finale of the democracy we thought we had, these Six Shitheads flung their feces at the Constitution by reversing 248 years of precedent in their Donald J. Trump v. United States decision which has granted absolute immunity to what is now a new American monarchy, custom made for the insurrectionist-in-chief and 34-time convicted felon who they intend to install as king after he loses the 2024 election.

The six Republicans-in-robes-attempting-to-add-crowns-to-their-wardrobes can be counted on to replace the Constitution with Project 2025, aka the Presidential Transition Project, aka Trump’s Project 2025.* What creators of this abomination against democracy aren’t explaining is that the transition they are intending is America transitioning from democracy to a Christo-fascist theocracy that will disenfranchise – at best – a majority of Americans. Combine this with the already insane rewriting of the most fundamental concept of the Great American Experiment of 1776 – the idea that no one, no one, regardless of station, is above the law.

Can magine imagining the worst thing that a second Trump administration could do. I can’t even imagine that.

This One’s For Me

In closing, something that might be a tad stale, but we never heard anyone else say it. As you may remember, the insurrectionist Alitos flew pro-insurrection flags at their primary residence and their vacation home. A pox on both their houses.

I never said it was going to be pretty.

*More on this feces-filled, fascist wish list tomorrow.

I. Mangrey reporting. A little fascism goes a long, long way.

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