Sunday, July 21, 2024

Fun Fact For The Day – Late Edition: Thanks Joe

Biden Begs Off – Puts America First…For Reals

July 21, 2024

Just regaining consciousness after this afternoon’s ginormous news that Joe Biden has ended his bid for a second term and endorsed Kamala Harris to carry the baton.

Presumably, everyone is familiar with the election cycle phenomenon known as the October Surprise – the shake-up event that frequently takes place in the month before an election. Like when James Comey stupidly stuck his mouth where it didn’t belong less than two weeks before Election Day, by sliming Hillary Clinton just before she bested Trump in the popular vote in 2016. Many of you are also likely familiar with what happened after that.

This is all prologue to the fun fact that than the handing of the torch by Joe Biden to Kamala Harris is the earliest October Surprise in American history.

Unlike the self-proclaimed “America First” crowd, who follow Trump like rats followed the Pied Piper, Joe Biden, in a historic move, withdrew his incumbent candidacy for the greater good. Biden became convinced that this would provide the best chance of keeping American democracy out of the hands of those who mean to end it. This is not hyperbole. No malarky. This is no joke. I’m not kidding here folks.

Was that not in fact fun?

This has been your Paying Attention™ Fun Fact For The Day.

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