Saturday, July 6, 2024

Post “Debate” Debate

The “Debate” Makes The Man

July 6, 2024

Joe Biden had a horrible night at the recent “debate.” Just ask the now pro-Trump New York Times. Biden wasted everyone’s time trying to present facts and figures while being Gish galloped* nearly to death and answering the questions presented by the useless moderators, while his opponent did an excellent job of lying, projecting, caterwauling, and of course projecting and lying, in service to avoiding answering any questions or talking about anything of substance. Biden might as well have debated a rabid badger on crack.

Before and since then, Trump has threatened to lock up everyone he deems has wronged him, and to end democracy. I think you can see the appeal.

Many people are saying that the terrible “debate” performance is proof that Biden cannot handle the job of president. Here is more proof of Biden’s abject incompetence:

You could write Trump’s accomplishments, well the ones he did for the good of the country, on the head of a pin with a crayon. He accomplished plenty for his miserable self.

And really, how many days did Biden even golf? How much money did he and his family grift off of taxpayers? How many billions of dollars did Biden rake in from the Saudis? Clearly, the man is unfit for the job.

*During a Gish gallop, in a short space of time the galloper confronts an opponent with a rapid and endless series of specious arguments, half-truths, misrepresentations, and outright lies that makes it impossible for the opponent to refute all of them within the format of the debate, or even the “debate.” Full disclosure:The Gish gallop is no relation to our founder and benefactor Steve Gallop, who pays little or no attention to any of this mortifying, soul-sapping bullshit.

I. Mangrey reporting. Oh, ye of little fascism.

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