Thursday, July 4, 2024

Look Who's Fuckin’ Talking – Final Fourth of July Edition

Get A Load Of This Fascist Fuckin’ Bullshit

July 4, 2024

Look Who’s Fuckin’ Talking

Kevin Roberts, the feces-filled fascist fuckwit president of the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025-oil salesman had this to say after his hand-picked travesty of the most corrupt, anti-democratic, backward-looking majority of the current Supreme Court ended the Great Experiment in governance of, by and for the people:

“        "We are in the process of the second American Revolution,
          which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be."”

An interesting stomach-turn of phrase since this delusional second revolution already turned bloody (by the side with all the guns) when the Shit Heard ‘Round The World caused several deaths during the failed coup on January 6, 2021. And as everyone knows, no matter how hard they try to spin it, it was not the left who drew first blood or literally shit on our democracy. George Orwell is giving a sarcastic thumbs-up in his grave.

Orwell drops the mic on American democracy

The “second American Revolution” that Roberts believes is in process is in fact the original American Revolution in full reverse. These Christ-fascist fuckers want to take us as far backward as the majority of Americans will allow. They are against elections, against minorities, the poor, science, the Earth and the Constitution, to name a few. They would happily re-institute slavery, take away a woman’s right to vote (they already all-but-ended a woman’s right to control her own body), end same-sex marriage (and same-sex people) and anyone who disagrees with them. And they won’t even have to risk running afoul of the law because their newly empowered president/king can just deputize anyone he wants to do his bidding. To paraphrase a previous would-be autocrat, “If the president tells you to do it, that means that it is not illegal.”

The actual Second American Revolution began the moment the Roberts2 Court ended American democracy by turning our presidency into a monarchy. It is not the second American Revolution Roberts and Roberts want. Hopefully we can stop their anti-American Revolution in its tracks, choke the life out of it in the Cradle of Democracy, and bring forth on this continent, a renewed nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all people – not just radical Christo-fascist freaks – are created equal.

The Heritage Foundation cannot murder democracy in its sleep if it stays awake. Kevin Roberts's Reverse Revolution and Project 2025 cannot stand. Either that, or I’m going to have to remember where I stashed my fucking hemlock.

Done, and done

Happy final Fourth of July.

This has been a Paying Attention™ special feature:

Look Who’s Fuckin’ Talking

“If you look at Project 2025, and compare it to the Nazis' manifesto, it's very, very scary. There's so many parallels there of what can be done, of what they're promising in 2025 to do. Do away with the justice system, basically. Get rid of all public servants, do away with actually every department and agency that provides any kind of stability for this country. It's really frightening. The people who say 'Oh, well, he'll never do that.' Why would you say that? If you believe he's gonna cut taxes, and you believe he's gonna do away with regulation, why don't you believe the rest of it? You can't have it both ways. Our democracy is teetering the brink right now.”
       Former Republican New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman

BET Awards Host Taraji P. Henson: 'Project 2025 Is Not a Game'

1 comment:

  1. 4 1/2 more months of American democracy? Sure Biden is old and maybe not all there. But the other 'guy'? Guaranteed some medical F codes on drumph
