Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Broken News – Court's In Regression

More Cowbell…I Mean Gavel

May 21, 2024

The Supreme Court has been a cancer on our democracy, and it’s metastasizing rapidly at this point. With no sign of treatment on the horizon. On the heels of the latest travesty of justice perpetrated by Fascist/Trump Party Supreme Court justices behaving badly, the Court has finally decided to set some hard and fast ethics guidelines.

The most recent depredation entails the disclosure of photographic evidence along with interviews with neighbors of a symbol of solidarity with Trump’s attempted coup displayed on the front lawn of the home of (In)justice Samuel Alito who remains under fire and suspicion of quid pro quo with a billionaire. And of course no one should forget about Clarence Thomas who is in the pocket of his own billionaire, and whose wife was instrumental (along with receipts) in plotting the overthrow of the duly elected president of the United States.

Don’t Tread On Me Either, Assholes

Right-wing assholes do not own the Stars and/or Stripes, the Constitution or America, though they do unfortunately own the diseased Supreme Court. An upside-down flag – the distress flag, flown as a sign of dire circumstances – was seen flying outside the Alito home just days after Ginni Thomas aided and abetted Donald Trump’s attempted coup on January 6, 2021. At that particular point in time, the distress flag was popular among Donald Trump’s violent seditionists and their allies. Probably not something that should be employed by a Supreme Court justice. We should thank Alito for being transparent for a change, though he has at other times been open about his horrific, anti-democratic views. Alito blamed his wife for the incident, claiming she was upset at her liberal neighbors.

Then there’s this: CNN’s Holmes Lybrand, a former fact-checker for The Weekly Standard, reports “I spoke with some of Justice Alito’s neighbors who said they remember the American flag being flown upside-down at his home but didn’t recall any neighborhood drama surrounding it. Each neighbor I spoke with reiterated multiple times how kind and well-liked the Alitos are.”

It turns out that the neighbor’s transgression consisted of them having a “Fuck Trump” sign on their lawn (if we can even believe that). Oh dear, what’s next a Biden 2024 sign? How will the Alitos ever survive such a hostile environment. Maybe the Alitos should consider relocating to Mor-on Lago.

I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!

The upside-down flag has long been used as a sign of distress. It was used in the 1970s by anti-Vietnam War protesters. It became a symbol of Trump’s “Stop The Steal” movement in response to Trump badly losing the 2020 presidential election and his petulant refusal to accept the result. We at Paying Attention™ have long used this symbol of concern, but we are not in favor of turning America into a fascist kleptocracy playground. Nor are we charged with deciding issues of presidential immunity as are members of the highest court in the land, who are supposed to be above politics – or at least pretend to be. The Alitos had their distress flag flying while the court was deciding whether to hear a 2020 election case, which Alito favored but the court decided against. Meanwhile, Trump is the one endlessly whining about corrupt judges – well, he ought to know, he appointed most of them.

So for the record, Sam Alito is overflowing of shit. And he and his white nationalist/fascist buddies are not the ones who should be flying the distress flag.

Samuel Alito – injustice incarnate; at least he remembered 
to wear his black robe (sans hood) for a change

The Court’s new ethics suggestions allow for only one billionaire benefactor with business before the Court to lavish millions of dollars of lucre per justice. According to Chief Justice Roberts, “I am very proud to present our new Supreme Court Code of Unethical Behavior. We are not requiring the justices to suckle at the teats of billionaires, but if they so choose, they are limited to one single billionaire…at a time. Certain billionaires, like George Soros who hates America, and is after all an unrepentant Jew, will not be permitted to take part in this program.”

John Roberts sans makeup

There is also now a limit on how many spouses per justice’s household are permitted to engage or show solidarity with plots to overturn elections and democracy. Again, Roberts weighed in, “We are very proud of our new guidelines…well, suggestions – let’s not get carried away here. By limiting each justice to one treasonous spouse we are showing how serious we are about appearing above board. Whether or not the justice in question has knowledge of or is in direct participation with said insurrectionist spouse however, is none of your fucking business.”

For those of you keeping score, we now have two fucking Supreme Court justices blatantly aligning themselves with insurrection, sedition and the violent overthrow of the government of the United States. They should both recuse themselves from any case having anything to do with Donald Trump or the January 6 insurrection. And then they both should resign in disgrace never to be heard from again.

And we didn’t even touch on the three jurists imprudent appointed by the most corrupt, most impeached, most insurrection-plotting president in our nation’s history.

This has been a Paying Attention™ Special Broken News report.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled gnashing of teeth.


  1. No one needs a F Drumph or F Brandon flag or sign. What the F have we become?? F-ing crazy people?
    BTW, how the F are you?

    1. I'm assuming we've become what the "good Lord" intended. Right? Couldn't be F-ing better...well, maybe a little.

    2. If we're talking need, we all need large syringes of something - other than hopes and prayers. Especially cuz the teacher had to explain to the kindy class prefect (SotH) why his budget ignorance could bring about his rapture before he's ready
