Thursday, May 16, 2024

Taking One More Shot At Kristi Noem

Shooting A Dead Horse
A Gravel Pity Party

May 16, 2024

We are not going to waste any more of our or your valuable time reporting the latest lie uncovered while (someone else less fortunate who made the brave and no doubt painful sacrifice of) reading Kristi Noem’s snuff book. Well, maybe a little more. Unless she decides not to disappear from our lives, in which case all bets are off.

Kristi Noem preparing to “feed” her new puppy

She shot a dog for acting like a dog. She shot a goat for acting like a goat. She was warned by advisors two years ago not to write about it. She wrote about it anyway. She thought it would impress MAGA and their cult leader Trump because they are mostly soulless cretins whose best friends are often guns (or Nazi-wannabes or white nationalists or Klan members, or other very fine people). She didn’t count on the powerful recoil knocking her on her keister.

Just Say Noem

Noem, in her new book described children as “little tyrants.” Did Kristi Noem shoot any of those little tyrants? The smart money is on yes. And has anyone seen Mike Pence lately? He hasn't answered any of my calls for several weeks. Somebody needs to get a warrant to excavate that gravel pit.  

Funny thing, Noem never met Kim Jong Un and continues to lie about it.

But wait, there's more...

The gruesome governor also claimed to have cancelled a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron to show him she’s a big boss. Another funny thing, no such meeting was ever planned. Never. More fabricated bullshit. It’s just the kind of blinkered philistine pig ignorance we’ve come to expect from this non-creative garbage.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day.

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