Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Second Oldest Profession

Raw Dogs

May 25, 2024

I thought it would be wise to take a break from the dystopian present this holiday weekend and stop paying attention for a few days. That doesn’t mean I’m doing it. I’m not.

Prostitution is often referred to as “the oldest profession.” The second oldest profession, while hardly dissimilar is nonetheless a way of fucking people hard sans emotional attachment – politics. At least prostitutes will wait for their clients to undress before giving them the business, as they say.

Fucking America with its pants up, hands in pockets

Everyone knows that most politicians will do anything g for a buck, even if a large portion of that buck is going to someone much wealthier than they are. They are happy to live vicariously through their benefactors, or even happier to sponge off them and get a free house for a parent, a million-dollar mobile home, luxurious all-expense-paid vacations, or maybe stash a few gold bars in their fridge, their attic or if need be, up their fat asses.

“I think the real threat to democracy is the progressive movement and the Biden administration.”
               Former Attorney General and still asshole, Bill Barr

Just to make sure I have this straight: the guy who led an insurrection, had his mindless, white nationalist, Confederacy cosplaying thugs lay siege to the Capitol in the hope of thwarting a free and fair election, and capture and/or kill members of Congress and his own vice president (for doing his job), and who is running for re-election on the promise of eliminating the free press and free elections, raining vengeance, retribution, racism, anti-Semitism and fascism on America, is less of a threat than social justice, civil rights, voting rights, economic justice, women’s rights, gender rights, student loan forgiveness, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, environmental protections.

Fuck Bill Barr and the whores he rode in on.

And then there’s old Go-Go Boots DuhSantis. You remember him; he’s the guy who tried to unseat Trump from the Trump/Fascist Party throne. Florida Ron went after Trump in the primary, desperately trying to bash Trump without bashing Trump, swearing he would never support him again.

For his part, Trump spent months mocking “Meatball Ron” until DuhSantis ran his doomed-from-the-start campaign into the toilet, in no small part by turning his state into a hellhole of intolerance, ignorance and backwards-looking devolution.

More recently, as a surprise to no one, DuhSantis went to Mor-on-Lago to kiss Trump’s…uh, let’s say ring since this is a fucking family show.

Guess Who’s Voting For Trump

And finally, after several months of and only several months after Icky Haley warned that Trump was “unhinged,” “not qualified” and “can't win a general election” and that Trump becoming the Republican (her word, not mine) presidential nominee would be “suicide for our country” adding that “everything Trump touches turns to chaos.” The hypocrite from the Secession State has unsurprisingly thrown her alleged principles to the wind and embraced the unembraceable one. Make sure to wear your chastity belt Nikki.

Tune in next time when Mike Pence apologizes and backs Trump.

I. Mangrey regardless.                                                                      


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