Thursday, May 30, 2024

Brother Teresa?

The Devil You Say

May 30, 2024

Defendant Trump stops to address his supporter
before entering the courtroom to sleep

Demented, deranged, disgraced, twice-impeached, quadruple-indicted (so far), failed insurrection leader and Fifth-Amendment-dependent ex-one-term-president and current delusional deadbeat douchebag defendant facing thirty-four charges Donald Trump has at times compared himself to Martin Luther King, Jr., Nelson Mandela, Jesus and God. He has referred to himself as the “King of the Jews” and “the Chosen One” as he looked to the heavens because someone told him that’s where people believe God is. Trump considers himself the greatest president we’ve ever had. Better than Lincoln and probably even better than George Washington – two people with whom Trump is all but completely unfamiliar, except that he’s heard their names.

“I think it would be hard if George Washington came back from the dead and he chose Abraham Lincoln as his vice president, I think it would have been very hard for them to beat me.”
                                    Donald Trump

In his latest episode of psychotic narcissistic arrogance Trump compared himself to Mother Teresa. There is no use wasting time attempting to discern any possible imagined context. The only way this most recent attempt to place himself among actual emotionally, socially and intellectually intact people, let alone those mentioned above works is in respect to Mother Teresa when she famously said, “I realized a long time ago that I had a Hitler within me.”

This is presumably the last thing Trump saw in the mirror before leaving for court

It seems Defendant Don didn’t get enough rest after putting himself down for a nap in the courtroom while Judge Merchan gave the jury instructions yesterday. On his way out of the courthouse, Trump stopped for his usual taste of whine.

I. Mangrey reporting. What's in your mirror?

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