Sunday, May 26, 2024

Special Announcement - The Paying Attention™ Gravel Pit

Mind Blown

May 26, 2024

I was shocked on learning of the brutal, senseless murder of the puppy called Cricket by the bloodthirsty whackjob who is currently governor of the state of South Dakota – Cricket…I mean Kristi Noem. Tomorrow, the entire Paying Attention™ staff will be meeting to begin planning the installation of a spiffy new gravel pit adjacent to the moat at our secret undisclosed, non-existent fortress of solitaire. We can promise you ahead of time that the pit will be used only for niceness and not evil. We will never stoop so low as to put any innocent or even misbehaving non-human animals to death in this location – or any other for that matter.

We are not creating this luxurious gravel pit for any particular or nefarious purpose. You just never know when you might need one. We want to be prepared in case we ever witness anything that might warrant escorting someone to a gravel pit as opposed to some more logical, humane or legal means of resolving a dispute, or perhaps some deep-seated need to do something better left undone.

While Donald Trump is busy breaking wind, we are breaking ground

We are not at liberty to discuss the depth and/or breadth of the purposing for what will be, we think, the most beautiful, high-quality gravel pit ever witnessed, though with any luck no one outside of the Paying Attention™ staff and management will ever see it.  

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day. 

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