Tuesday, May 7, 2024

His Balls Are In Their Court

Perhaps A More Literal Gag Is In Order

May 7, 2024

Another day in court for Defendant Trump, another admonishment from the bench and Trump once again found in contempt of court for the 10th time and had a stint in the pokey dangled in front of him for violating his court-imposed gag order. Trump thinks that going to jail will make him the next Martin Luther King, Jr. or the next Nelson Mandela – interesting choices for a racist fuck like Trump. I would have thought he would have gone with Adolph Hitler. That will come later, as he becomes more desperate, realizing that he is going to lose bigly.

Judge Juan Merchan told the incorrigible dipshit defendant, “Your continued violations threaten to disrupt processing and constitute a direct attack on the rule of law.” The judge added, “I cannot allow that to continue. So, as much as I do not want to impose a jail sanction, and I have done everything I dan to avoid doing so, I want you to understand that I will.”

And then he had Day 12 of The People of The State of New York v. Donald J. Trump called to order.

The courtroom sketch below shows Defendant Trump attempting a terrorist fist jab with Former Trump Organization controller Jeffrey McConney who just gave damning testimony against him. Trump is either too stupid or too psychotic to understand when witnesses are making him look guilty as shit.

Sketch artist: Elizabeth Williams

Former fake president and current lying-sack-of-shit defendant Donald Jizzabell Trump spends his waking minutes (i.e., when he's not fart-napping (or is it nap-farting) in court yelling fascistic fabrications, terroristic threats and bombastic bullshit outside Judge Juan Merchan’s courtroom.

Fat fucking Florida guy loudly lying at those he calls “the enemy of the people.” 

Trump tries to convince his adamantly and relentlessly uninformed cult members that the gag order intended to stop him from threatening jurors, witnesses, and family members of the court disqualifies him from testifying. Merchan put a quick stop to that by assuring the defendant that he has every right to speak in court and to testify on his own behalf. He is only meant to shut the fuck up about everyone connected to his trial.

Trump previously bragged that he would certainly be testifying at his illegal hoax trial. Everyone living in non-alternative reality knows full well that Trump will never testify in court. Under oath. We know this for two main reasons: 1) Trump has repeatedly threatened to testify during various court appearances; he never does; he is a pathological liar, and 2) since Trump is an inveterate liar he can never take the witness stand without committing perjury. Over and over and over again.

I. Mangrey reporting.


  1. We hold these truths to be self-incriminating.
