Saturday, May 11, 2024

Let Lying Dog Killers Lie

Kristi Creamed

May 11, 2024

It appears that murderous misfit Kristi Noem was not content with just shooting every animal saved on Noah’s Ark (excluding the dinosaurs – they are sacred because Jesus rode them – Google it if you don’t believe me). It turns out Noem has also taken truth and reality to the ole killing field...I mean gravel pit and shot it in the head.

Noem, seen here learning that one of her pets was still alive

In her new book No Fucking Clue – or something like that – Noem claimed to have met demented dictator/Trump pen pal Kim Jong Un while in North Korea. It remains unclear, after Noem sparred with CBS’s Margaret Brennan and others, if Noem ever actually set foot in North Korea, but it seems damn sure that the lying serial animal killer met the man Donald Trump “fell in love” with (so much so that Trump stole the love letters he got from Kim despite them being government property, and as of this writing Trump is not the State).

Brennan was the first of many – on all the networks – to  take a crack at getting to the bottom of this very stupid unforced error, or as we call it in the business – a flagrant lie. Noem tap danced instead of answering this simple yes-or-no question about having actually met Kim.

When repeatedly asked about her mythical tête-à-tête with North Korean psycho Kim Jong Un (think Stormy and Donny?) what was Noem’s repeated response? Crickets.

Noem eventually tossed out this gem:

“And this anecdote [about meeting Kim] is something that when it was brought to my attention, we made some changes, and when the book's released, we'll do all that we can to see that that that is reflected.”

Now that’s some serious South Dakota buffalo shit.

Brennan countered:

“I know you read this book before it was published because you released a video of your recording of the audiobook. You didn't catch these errors when you were recording it?”

That would be what we call checkmate, but Noem continued with her next move despite the game being over:

“Margaret, as soon as it was brought to my attention, I took action to make sure that it was reflected.”

Um, nice try Governor Gravel Pit.

Chapter Six: All Dogs Go to Gravel Pit

I. Mangrey at your service.

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