Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Day After The Day Before

Hors d'oeuvre?

The Brainless Whoresman Who’s Sleepy, Hollow

May 29, 2024

After weeks of testimony and the presentation of punishing evidence against The Defendant, it appears that today will bring, at the very least, Judge Juan Merchan’s instructions to the jury on how they should deliberate before finding Donald Trump guilty...I mean before weighing all of the evidence and reaching a unanimous decision to save America from a fate worse than, or at least equal to Trump. Perhaps the jury will immediately begin deliberating in order to get this the fuck over with.

Demented, deranged, disgraced, twice-impeached, quadruple-indicted (so far), failed insurrection leader and Fifth-Amendment-dependent ex-one-term-president, now the most famous criminal defendant in the history of the United States*, spent another snoozy day in court yesterday. Both sides began their closing arguments. The prosecution – representing the American people – is making the case for finding the blatantly guilty (allegedly innocent until proven otherwise) fascistic conman guilty of campaign fraud. The hapless defense, on the other hand, is desperately flailing to create the David Copperfieldesque illusion of a shadow of a reasonable doubt in the mind of one juror, who may or may not be a surreptitious Trump supporter.

One question before the jury is whether to believe the lying creep Michael Cohen or the lying scumbag who hired Cohen to lie, cheat and steal for (and apparently from) him. Cohen’s boss may very well be the lyingest liar who ever lied. A man mortally allergic to anything resembling a reality shared by anyone else except those who are, and I say this with all due respect and no desire to make ad hominem attack, fucking morons who desperately and purposely avoid any voice other than those in their mostly empty heads, or the voice of their sociopathic simp of a cult leader.  

Trump, seen here – as in every other known
image of him – lying through his dentures 

One thing to keep in mind if you are on the jury is that only one of these slimeballs had the guts to testify under oath. And Cohen ended up doing time for the very crime now hanging – hopefully like the finely honed blade of a figurative guillotine awaiting a few adjustments to ensure a smooth completion of its task – over Donald Trump’s mostly fake head.

For those keeping score, Trump not only enlisted the fakest of news National Enquirer to bury hurtful stories about Trump fucking a porn star while his Stepford Wife cared for their four-month-old son – paying her to keep quiet only once that became necessary to get his campaign off of “grab ‘em by the pussy” life support, the Orange Fart Monster begged Russia, if they were listening, to aid and abet him by creating fake news about Hillary Clinton.

Adulterer, traitor, liar, racist, rapist, conman, insurrectionist and once again – as if twice was not three times too many – presidential candidate, this is Donald Trump on a good day.

All we can do now is sit back, cross our fingers, bite our nails, grind our teeth and hope the jury was paying attention to the veritable smorgasbord of hard evidence, Michael Cohen’s questionable presence notwithstanding, and is able to connect some of the largest dots ever assembled in a court of law in order to find an extremely guilty man guilty.

Here’s hoping I can keep my popcorn down

*Forget the Lindberg baby kidnapping – seriously, forget Lindberg who was a fucking Nazi; forget Ethel and Julius Rosenberg; forget OJ; Donald trumps them all.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day. 

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