Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May Day Mayday

May Day Mayday Rerun Rerun

May 1, 2024

St. Ronald Reagan started it – “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” This has since become an unavoidable cliché for presidential candidates. Flying in the face of sanity and reality, Defendant/candidate Donald Trump – he of the COVID-will-magically-disappear-in-a-few-days blather, and the let’s-all-drink-some-bleach cure – decided he too would use this old line. So, just in case anyone has (and not without good reason) shoved the memory of where we were four years ago, please take a moment to “enjoy” a little rerun from May Day 2020, which includes a little rerum from 2019, and hope beyond hope that we don’t throw ourselves back to the future this November. And then ask yourself, “Do I want to be better off four years from now than I am today?”

Motherf*&#er May I

May 1, 2020 

What with all this fake virus hoax with all its soon-to-be 65,000 fake dead Americans and soon-to-be 250,000 fake dead people across the globe, and all the staying at home, wearing masks in public and fake footage of empty streets in Manhattan, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and major cities all over the world, International Workers Day - Mayday - is even more forgotten than usual, especially in the United States.  Since the staff at Paying Attention is wallowing in fake survival mode, trying desperately not to be taken in by this scamdemic, we are nonetheless unable to muster up the energy to pay proper tribute to all the world's workers, most of whom are busy not working today in tribute to the fake virus hoax the entire world is engaged in for the sole purpose of ridding the world of Donald Chrump's fake presidency. In fairness, who could blame them.  Chrump makes any would-be deadly pandemic feel like a tropical breeze in paradise. In any event, please enjoy this fake blog post from last year and don't forget to tip your waitress delivery person and show some solidarity with the suddenly-greatly-appreciated staff at your local market when you attempt without success to buy disinfectant wipes.

The First Day of May Not

May 1, 2019

May Day, with its long-standing tradition of honoring workers around the world, is all but ignored by most of America. The 2016 election saw Donald Chrump’s fake message of support for workers, Social Security, Medicare, the middle class and the Constitution resonate with and dupe many workers across the country – mostly white ones, but nonetheless enough to plunge our nation into Chrump’s Carnage Presidency. In honor of May Day, Hair Chrump, thought it would be a good time to display his undying solidarity with workers…I mean dictators the world over. Here is his statement:

“Beginning right now and from this day forward I, Donald J. Chrump – the greatest president in American history – by presidential decree, declare that there will no longer be a May 1st. That date has been contaminated by fake political nonsense. So-called May Day is a disaster. An absolute and a total disaster. Workers can celebrate if they want to, but it must be in private, and on their own time from now on. No more of this prancing around trying to get attention. Or better pay, or working conditions or less harassment from their bosses. How greedy can you get? Workers are making too much money and raping rich people everywhere. I say enough already. I decree that today will now be known as April 31st. Tomorrow will still be May 2nd. No more May 1st. I only wish April originally had 31 days, then I would have been able to make April the only month with 32 days. That would have been great. And when you’re president, they let you do anything, grab ‘em by the calendar, or the whatever. Also, if I had been around during the Civil War maybe I would have figured out why it happened. I alone could have fixed it. It’s what I do. I fix things. I’m a fixer, believe me.” Chrump has said, “There's no reason for this. People don't realize, ya know, the Civil War — if you think about it, why? People don't ask that question, but why was there a Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?”*

Yeah, what the hell was all that Civil War stuff about anyway? No one really knows for sure. Can we have a do-over? I heard it had something to do with snakes’ rights or something like that. Or maybe it had something to do with workers in America. If only there was a way to find out why we had a Civil War. I think many people would like to know, and some of them are very fine people. But really, why didn’t the great (according to Chrump) Andrew Jackson and the other founding fathers take care of that Civil War nonsense. Maybe next time they will get it right.

Here’s hoping.

I. Mangrey reporting. Mayday, mayday.                                          


*non-alternative quote 

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