Monday, May 27, 2024

Fraught For The Day – Judge Aileen Cannon*

Cannon’s Gavel Pit

May 27, 2024

Trump-owned Florida judge Aileen Cannon has been doing her master’s bidding every step of the way. This despite new evidence of Trump’s already blatantly obvious guilt. We just learned that the defendant had boxes of classified documents in his bedroom four months after he forced the FBI to raid his Mor-on-Lago golf motel. Add to this the also-recent disclosure of photographic evidence of Trump’s loyal employee/lackey Walt Nouta carrying a stack of classified document-filled boxes for the purpose of hiding them from authorities.

Nouta, caught orange red handed

In a recently unsealed opinion, we learned that once Trump realized that his employees moving classified government information that officials were attempting to recover at Mor-on-Lago (seen in the above photographic evidence) would end up on security cameras, he allegedly ensured that they would avoid the cameras when moving boxes. The detail suggests prosecutors have more evidence of alleged obstruction by Trump than they included in their criminal indictment—a situation that is not unusual in criminal cases.

Aileen Cannon continues her not-so-good Sgt. Schultz impression. The question is, is she only copying the dimwitted, incompetent aspect or the part where Schultz is, after all, a Nazi?

Sgt. Cannon: sees nothing, hears nothing but 
Trump's voice, and sure as fuck knows nothing

Cannon has already had two rulings reversed by a superior court after shamelessly and inappropriately ruling for Trump already. One cannot help but wonder why the circuit court has not butted in now, when this open-and-shut case needs to be heard, not just in the legal sense, but by the American electorate who need to know if they’re voting for a treasonous criminal piece of shit, or just a wannabe fascist asshole piece of shit instead of Joe Biden.

Court watchers cannot determine which is more egregious – Cannon’s stunning incompetence or her flagrant bias toward the defendant who appointed her just moments before leaving office with dozens of boxes full of classified documents and starting an insurrection (or as we call it when it happens in other countries, a coup d’état) in order to stay in the office he lost.

Most experts are shocked to see Cannon getting away with her latest bullshit on behalf of Defendant Trump.

Cannon should trade in her black robe and gavel for a white robe and hood.

* This is a strong recommendation, not a title.

This has been your Paying Attention Fraught For The Day.

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