Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Celluloid Villains Never Really Die

Reality Bites

May 14, 2024

Defendant Trump squeezed in a demented rant-filled rally in Wildwood, New Jersey in between days sleeping in court. Thousands of mentally defective supporters joined the repeatedly-indicted defendant/candidate who dribbled out the usual lies, complete gibberish and dementia and/or syphilis tainted lunacy like

“The late great Hannibal Lecter. He's a wonderful man...But Hannibal Lecter. Congratulations. The late great Hannibal Lecter.”

Trump prepping to rile up his rally crowd

Trump has mentioned Lecter in the past. No one knows exactly why, but Trump seemed to think Hannibal Lecter is a real person. Maybe he brought Lecter up this time as a dumfounding non sequitur just to show he now knows this is a fictitious character. Who the fuck knows what is happening beneath that synthetic cotton candy atop his depleted dome?

Complete and utter lack of silence of the ham

 To be sure, no one knows exactly how many people Trump has eaten as homage to Hannibal Lecter, a man Trump obviously holds in high esteem. Is that why he had no problem with Mohammed bin Salman slicing and dicing Washington Post reporter Jamal Khashoggi? Was Trump on the receiving end of the leftovers?

Hannibal Lecter could not be reached for comment. Because he’s a fucking fictitious character. Many people are saying Lecter would be very fond of the semi-fictitious Donald Trump…with some fava beans and a nice chianti.

The Deadbeat Goes On

By the way, the city of Wildwood required Donny Deadbeat to pay up front since the last time he brought his poisonous posse to town, he stiffed them. It’s not cheap allowing the former sociopath-in-chief show up in your city. Besides the cost of security and presumably massive clean-up after thousands of inconsiderate, anti-environment slobs do their business and walk away.

After his Wildwood bund rally, Trump returned to court for the long-awaited testimony of his former lawyer/fixer Michael Cohen, who already did time for aiding and abetting the person referred to in Cohen’s trial as “Individual One,” known to everyone else as Donald J. Trump. So, the guy who carried out the criminal orders went to jail while the person who gave the criminal orders continues to waddle among us, a free man.

Trump, his attorney and assorted idiots including Tommy Tuberville and son Eric

After the hissy-fit above, Trump returned to the courtroom defense table to resume napping while prosecution witness Michael Cohen proceeded to bury Trump alive.

Good night, sweet putz, and flights of assholes sing thee to thy rest. And make it quick will ya.

I. Mangrey. 

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