Friday, May 3, 2024

What A Shame

May 3, 2024

WARNING: Not safe for work, home, prison or locker room. After you finish this you will probably ask yourself, “Why did I (me) do that?” My answer – because it’s there.

“If Ivanka weren’t my daughter perhaps I’d be dating her.”
Donald J. Trump, live on The View, 2015 

I hate to admit this, but I feel so bad for Mr. Trump. This entire tawdry, disgusting, indictable mess could have been avoided if only his beloved Ivanka would have had sex with her dear, loving father. After all, that’s all he has ever really wanted.

And it wasn’t for lack of trying:




WTFHP (Watch Those Fucking Hands Pops)

Donald probably would not have even had to pay Ivanka off for her silence, but if he did it could have been considered a gift to a family member. He could have avoided the whole financial fraud nonsense. And they could have lived happily ever after. Hopefully Daddy Dearest has learned his lesson – never sleep with a woman who is not your daughter.

For contrast, here is Donald with his third wife – you know, the one he was cheating on with Karen McDougal for a year, and later with Stormy Daniels for about five minutes

Adding insult to incestry, darling daughter Ivanka is nowhere to be seen in support of her loving father – no comments, no tweets, no op-eds, no-show in the courtroom. This, even though he fucked Stormy Daniels and Karem McDougal because they reminded him of Ivanka. According to both women, Trump said as much.  

In contrast, the parents of Jeffrey Dahmer were in the front row every single day of his trial. No family member of Trump's has showed up for one second as their patriarch languishes in a New York City courtroom.

Not Only That

What a tragic irony. The one time Trump pays someone for something – in this case, paying Stormy Daniels for not doing something after having previously done something she didn’t get paid for, but Trump didn’t want anyone to know she and he did what they did (which Trump now denies he did) – it ends up with Trump as part of a criminal conspiracy. Our undercover, alternative sources overheard Trump say

You know, I've been stiffing people my whole life. But I never stiffed my daughter, though I sure thought about it a lot. I never paid anyone for anything - contractors, lawyers, doctors, women I grabbed by the pussy, you name it. The one time I pay someone, it comes right back, bites me in the ass, and I end up in court. Not only did I do nothing wrong, I finally did something right. You better believe that will never happen again.

Oh, the (lack of) humanity.

I. Mangrey reporting. Paging Dr. Schaden Freud.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May Day Mayday

May Day Mayday Rerun Rerun

May 1, 2024

St. Ronald Reagan started it – “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” This has since become an unavoidable cliché for presidential candidates. Flying in the face of sanity and reality, Defendant/candidate Donald Trump – he of the COVID-will-magically-disappear-in-a-few-days blather, and the let’s-all-drink-some-bleach cure – decided he too would use this old line. So, just in case anyone has (and not without good reason) shoved the memory of where we were four years ago, please take a moment to “enjoy” a little rerun from May Day 2020, which includes a little rerum from 2019, and hope beyond hope that we don’t throw ourselves back to the future this November. And then ask yourself, “Do I want to be better off four years from now than I am today?”

Motherf*&#er May I

May 1, 2020 

What with all this fake virus hoax with all its soon-to-be 65,000 fake dead Americans and soon-to-be 250,000 fake dead people across the globe, and all the staying at home, wearing masks in public and fake footage of empty streets in Manhattan, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and major cities all over the world, International Workers Day - Mayday - is even more forgotten than usual, especially in the United States.  Since the staff at Paying Attention is wallowing in fake survival mode, trying desperately not to be taken in by this scamdemic, we are nonetheless unable to muster up the energy to pay proper tribute to all the world's workers, most of whom are busy not working today in tribute to the fake virus hoax the entire world is engaged in for the sole purpose of ridding the world of Donald Chrump's fake presidency. In fairness, who could blame them.  Chrump makes any would-be deadly pandemic feel like a tropical breeze in paradise. In any event, please enjoy this fake blog post from last year and don't forget to tip your waitress delivery person and show some solidarity with the suddenly-greatly-appreciated staff at your local market when you attempt without success to buy disinfectant wipes.

The First Day of May Not

May 1, 2019

May Day, with its long-standing tradition of honoring workers around the world, is all but ignored by most of America. The 2016 election saw Donald Chrump’s fake message of support for workers, Social Security, Medicare, the middle class and the Constitution resonate with and dupe many workers across the country – mostly white ones, but nonetheless enough to plunge our nation into Chrump’s Carnage Presidency. In honor of May Day, Hair Chrump, thought it would be a good time to display his undying solidarity with workers…I mean dictators the world over. Here is his statement:

“Beginning right now and from this day forward I, Donald J. Chrump – the greatest president in American history – by presidential decree, declare that there will no longer be a May 1st. That date has been contaminated by fake political nonsense. So-called May Day is a disaster. An absolute and a total disaster. Workers can celebrate if they want to, but it must be in private, and on their own time from now on. No more of this prancing around trying to get attention. Or better pay, or working conditions or less harassment from their bosses. How greedy can you get? Workers are making too much money and raping rich people everywhere. I say enough already. I decree that today will now be known as April 31st. Tomorrow will still be May 2nd. No more May 1st. I only wish April originally had 31 days, then I would have been able to make April the only month with 32 days. That would have been great. And when you’re president, they let you do anything, grab ‘em by the calendar, or the whatever. Also, if I had been around during the Civil War maybe I would have figured out why it happened. I alone could have fixed it. It’s what I do. I fix things. I’m a fixer, believe me.” Chrump has said, “There's no reason for this. People don't realize, ya know, the Civil War — if you think about it, why? People don't ask that question, but why was there a Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?”*

Yeah, what the hell was all that Civil War stuff about anyway? No one really knows for sure. Can we have a do-over? I heard it had something to do with snakes’ rights or something like that. Or maybe it had something to do with workers in America. If only there was a way to find out why we had a Civil War. I think many people would like to know, and some of them are very fine people. But really, why didn’t the great (according to Chrump) Andrew Jackson and the other founding fathers take care of that Civil War nonsense. Maybe next time they will get it right.

Here’s hoping.

I. Mangrey reporting. Mayday, mayday.                                          


*non-alternative quote 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A Girl And Her (Dead) Dog

She Shoots Dogs (And Goats And Horses) Don’t She

April 30, 2024

Governor Kristi Noem (P*-SD) in her new memoir No Going Back related a story she really needn’t have told. Noem is angling for the VP spot in the dystopian second Trump administration. Noem is widely regarded to be on the short list but may have just shot her way to the shit list after her callous, brazen admission. Though Trump undoubtedly found the story either touching or meaningless, many people are saying it is simply despicable and heartless – two other plusses in Trump’s mind.

She said the 14-month-old puppy was unmanageable, would not listen to unreason and acted like a “trained assassin.” One cannot help but wonder who trained her.

Noem wanted to make sure everyone reading her book really understood just what kind of person she was and is. She called the dog “untrainable” and “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with” adding, “I hated that dog.” It seems more than likely that the feeling was mutual. Unfortunately, Cricket was unarmed. As usual Noem could just as easily been talking about herself. Projection, thy name is Republican.

Noem claimed the puppy was named Cricket, but our imaginary sources have learned that she had in fact named the little girl Kick-it, which may have had something to do with how she treated the dog before happily blowing its brains out in a gravel pit. It is believed that Noem immediately removed its heart, ate it and then roasted the remainder in front of her cowering children. We also learned that Noem claimed to have been very upset at having to murder her pet, but quickly found a new one and was reportedly distraught that the new puppy was perfectly well-behaved.

Why couldn’t she just have strapped the dog to the roof of her car like normal Republicans.

Noem, seen here signing doggie death warrants in the shadow of
infamous dog murderer Michael Vick (who at least apologized in the end)

After shooting her dog, Noem writes that she also killed a goat her family owned that she calls “nasty and mean.” Reading further, one learns that Noem was livid because the animal was behaving like…a goat. One hopes her children learned to be potty trained in a timely manner. However, it will be interesting to see how Noem responds when Trump starts behaving like Trump in her presence.

Noem believes that the only thing this story shows is that she knows how to make the tough decisions and that she is courageous enough to do what needs to be done herself. You know, like giving up a distressed animal to someone willing to take the trouble to rehabilitate it.

Noem seen here responding to anti-dog-killers

Guardin' Noem

Did we mention that Noem has been banned from numerous Indian reservations in her state after she claimed that some tribal leaders were profiting from drug dealing, “personally benefiting from the cartels” and questioning their commitments to children on reservations.

In response to the tsunamic backlash she has received for needlessly murdering her puppy, Noem has changed the title of her guaranteed least-selling book, on the eve of its release, to No Going Forward.

We at Paying Attention™ just have one question: Was she a bitch? Uh, excuse us Governor Noem, we were talking to the dog.

*Psycho Party

The staff at Paying Attention™

Monday, April 29, 2024

Question For The Day – It’s So Sad When Cousins Marry*

She Thinks She Thinks. She Doesn’t.

April 29, 2024

Today's Question:

Can Marjorie Taylor Greene even spell her own name?

Asking for a friend.

This is not how an adult, let alone a member of Congress,
would dress at the State of The Union, but it’s exactly how EmptyG did

Bonus Question:

Was she damaged by a Jewish space laser?

*Martin Mull quote used on hecklers

This has been your Paying Attention™ Question For The Day. Or has it?

Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Supreme Court Is Not Incompetent…

Just Criminal

April 27, 2024

The case could not be more aptly named: Trump v. United States. After all, Trump has been opposed to the United States for most of his unnecessary life. Trump’s lawyer, D. John Mustard…I mean Sauer continued to use the same ridiculous, yet horrifying argument in pleading before the Supremes that American presidents simply cannot function if even a hint of culpability or responsibility to the laws of the land apply to them. Ridiculous, because it has no basis in even alternate reality, horrifying because all the thing’s men on the Court were happily wallowing around in the feces-filled slop Sauer was spewing.

Sauer repeated his Appellate Court BS that yes, it might be okay for a president to order Seal Team 6 to off his rivals, you know…because. Adding fascism to injury, Sauer upped the ante, saying there might also be circumstances under which a sitting president could legitimately stage a coup. It appears that the five white males on the Court (I’m including Clarence Thomas – the other white meat) are buying this shit since they are simply looking for any reason to help their Big Boy Donald.

The only reason anyone is even talking about this bullshit issue is because Sauer’s client – who just happens to be a life-long conman, thief and very likely a serial rapist, not to mention his new hobbies of election fraud, stealing classified documents and inciting insurrection – has made a mockery of the presidency, democracy and the Constitution.

May It Disease The Court

No other president has caused the issue of absolute presidential immunity to arise, with the possible exception of Richard Nixon, who resigned in the face of impeachment after covering up his crimes against the country. Because Nixon knew he would be pardoned by his hand-picked successor because Nixon knew he could end up in court for his crimes against the country – not to mention his crimes against humanity. Trump’s own attorney, during one of his impeachment trials, insisted that his client should not be impeached because he should instead be tried in civilian court once out of office. Maybe this attorney figured Trump would never be out of office.

Speaking of crimes against humanity, or at least crimes against the American public (well, against the segment – still in the majority – of the American public who do not believe: Trump’s “hair” and skin tone are natural, that he has many bibles in his “house” or that the January 6 coup attempt was just like a Girls Gone Wild video – while pretending to adjudicate the (non-existent) matter of absolute presidential immunity, no mention of the primary reason this absurd conversation even began was permitted. That’s right the Goons Gone Wild, Washington DC Edition of January 6, 2021, which earned Trump a record-breaking second impeachment and an invitation to federal court as the special guest of Jack Smith, was not part of the pro-Trump hearing this past Thursday. Who says it can’t happen here?

Someone saying “It can’t happen here.”

The Court Of Last Distort

Human beer-soaked turd Brett Kavanaugh had the unmitigated gall to note that the pardoning of Nixon is “now looked upon as one of the better decisions in presidential history, I think by most people.” Au contraire, mon fuck-faced, rapey little shit frère. The pardoning of Nixon has left a stain a half-century long on this nation. And we still haven’t been able to shout it out.

So now, we await what should be a no-brainer decision on a case that should never have gotten this far from Trump’s own, owned Supreme Court. It seems frighteningly possible that – whether or not there is such a thing as absolute presidential immunity* – the highly unbalanced (in more ways than one) Court will nonetheless bestow it on Trump. It will be no surprise, however horrific, for this court to upend the Constitution for the umpteenth time, and with it our democracy (which they have been working feverishly to accomplish for years), by deciding that the 45th president has absolute immunity from prosecution.

The Trump majority is now planning on dragging out a claim that should have taken all of 30 seconds to deny – especially for all those self-proclaimed, dangerously deluded, so-called “originalists” who claim to know the founders’ intent with every word they put to parchment.

As we and countless others have noted many times in many places, the founders themselves did not always agree with each other, or even with themselves at times, so there is no such thing as “original intent” when it comes to the Constitution. The dishonest, and all-too-often blatantly hypocritical “originalist” hacks we now have running roughshod over the highest court in the land pretend to revere (much more than did the men who wrote the words) the letter of the law written some 250 years ago. Of course, those men who wrote those words never intended those words to be immutable across the ages. These justices are not originalists so much as absurdists.

“Criminal Court” May Not Mean What You Think It Means

And you can bet that if at least five of the six current absurdists decide in Trump’s favor, they will make it a one-off, just like they did in deciding to appoint George WTF Bush, who lost the 2000 election to Al Gore and became president nonetheless. And their decision will include a rider that it only becomes effective on January 20, 2025 if Trump takes the White House, just in case current president Joe Biden gets any funny ideas about using this newly-created presidential super-power for himself and/or to protect America from a second bite at the worm-infested Trump apple.

The Extreme Six unfortunately treat the Constitution the way they treat the Bible. They say they revere every word, but their actions betray their true feelings as they break their word with the god they claim to serve above, the same way they do with those they are appointed to serve here below. The words they claim to live by both privately and professionally, religiously and politically, are not nearly as valuable to these frauds as the paper any of the words is printed on. They simply pick and choose which words to live by and which to laugh off.

Can you find the six “justices” who are pimping for Trump?

This Just In

It has just been revealed that some guy named George Washington was a really big deal back in the day, it seems he was a president and he’s getting more and more recognition these days. This Washington guy said about the Constitution, “Its only keepers, the people.” I believe he was referring to the “We The People” kind of mentioned in the Constitution thingie, and not six assholes appointed by presidents.

Especially when one of the six is married to a co-conspirator in an attempted coup and three of these lifetime-appointees (including the one married to an insurrectionist) have massive conflicts of interest, and two others were appointed under incredibly spurious circumstance. And especially the current cash-crop most of whom were appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote, you know, the vote that represents the will of We The People (one of those presidents also lost the unpopular/Electoral College vote, and was subsequently appointed by five of those Supreme Court assholes, who simply decided to piss all over the Constitution and put their preferred guy in office – an office he ultimately defecated all over).

This Washington guy – as did most of the founders – believed that the Constitution was a living document that could, and probably should be amended and improved over time. As times change, those trying desperately to un-change them are gaining more and more momentum and power.

 It was fun while it lasted. Sort of.

Mose Allison - I Don't Worry About A Thing

*Spoiler Alert: THERE ISN’T.

I. Mangrey for a change.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Picture Of The Day - Who Dis?

Not A Thousand Words, But Worth It   

April 26, 2024

Who has two thumbs…no brains, no balls, no clue, and the soul of a tick?*

This fuckin’ guy

Also, this fuckin’ guy couldn’t get hired at a mall…

Maybe he could get elected to work at Cinnabon or Sbarro…until he got canned for eating everything in sight before it could be sold.

Lastly, will this fuckin’ guy finally be brought to justice by a porn star and a Pecker?

*But owns a Supreme Court.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Picture Of The Day

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Hey, Hey, They're The Flunkies

Clarence Fucking Thomas, Et Al

April 25, 2024

First things first. Sixty percent of adult Americans disapprove of what the Supreme Court is doing. Be it overturning decades of settled law, sabotaging democracy at every turn by gutting voting laws and flooding elections with dark money (should be called “white money” since all of it is coming from rich white assholes), consistently siding with corporations over the public welfare, or the blatant corruption of at least two of the most self-enriching, anti-democratic justices which has recently come to light. This is one fucked up Supreme Court. For the ages.

Today, at long last, after a lengthy and wholly unnecessary delay (other than stalling like and for Trump) the Trump-packed Supreme Court will pretend to hear oral arguments in the case wherein Donald Trump is claiming that he has absolute and total immunity from prosecution because the Electoral College – the same Electoral College that Trump refused to honor four years later, when it did not hand him the presidency – deemed him president in 2016 for four of the worst years in this nation’s nearly 250-year history.

The Court appears poised to waste another two months dickering over an issue that deserved not one nanosecond of debate, especially for those who claim to revere every word and presumed intent of the Constitution. Presidents are not kings. Fuck these fuckers.

Pack The Court, Smack The Court, Do Some Fucking Thing

Self-loathing Uncle Thomas is at it again, burnishing his horrific legacy as one of the most effective saboteurs of American democracy in our nation's history (thanks Biden). After spending decades as the Court Mime, now Uncle T will not shut the fuck up.

Clarence Thomas made Marcel Marceau look like Donald Trump

Thomas and his insurrectionist wife are hard at work, by word and by deed, dissolving decorum, decency and democracy. That of course, is when Monster T is not busy taking bribes from radical Christian billionaires. After all, he’s mostly in it for the money.

If for no other reason (though reasons abound) Democrats should pack the Supreme in order to offset CFT and the further damage he has planned for this country. He already made it clear that he thinks contraceptives and same sex marriage need to be "revisited." Thomas recently questioned whether the attempted violent overthrow of the government by homegrown terrorists allied with Donald Trump (well beyond merely aided and abetted by CFT’s nutjob wife) was just like any other protest. Nothing to see here, and if there was something to see, no one had anything to do with it. Thomas had to be figuratively spanked by Justice Sonya Sotomayor, who in a truly just world would have instead walked a few seats down the bench and slapped his sorry ass silly, and then gone and sat back down.

While Thomas is nothing if not a corrupt, white nationalist Christo-fascist, the Court's top buffoon and annoying splinter on the bench Neil Gorsuch – only barely claiming the top spot from Amy Clowny Barrett –  is trying to compare the murderous, coup-happy mob who ransacked the Capitol, assaulted law enforcement, destroyed and stole property, threatened the lives of legislators and desperately wanted to hang the vice president, and defecated in the halls of the Capitol in service to stopping the certification of a free and fair election, to Rep. Jamal Bowman (D-NY) pulling a fire alarm to delay a vote.

These Supreme fuckers are desperately trying to get their lard and savior Donald Trump off the hook for trying the end democracy in America. And every other fucking horrific deed he has ever done or ever will do if given half a chance.

Justices are expected to recuse themselves when even the appearance of conflict of interests exist. Some might consider it a conflict of interest when the defendant’s co-conspirator is married to one or more (who knows what these freaks are doing behind our backs – other than Thomas and Alito openly taking bribes from filthy-rich white men who stand to benefit from their “friendship”) of the justices. Others might be more interested in having those who were appointed by the defendant recuse themselves for the most obvious and clear-cut reasons in the history of jurisprudence. Or maybe it’s just me.

Just me, I. Mangrey.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Fraught For The Earth Day – Crisis Mismanagement

Climates In Crisis

April 22, 2024

On this Earth Day, not only is there an environmental climate crisis around the globe (assuming the Earth is not flat); the people of many countries are in the throes of a political climate crisis. From sea to shining sea, from continent to continent, democracy – whatever it may look like in any given locale – is losing its appeal and its grip. Unsurprisingly, these two crises are intimately intertwined. Trump is doggedly trying to maintain his axis of assholes. While continuing to laud shithead dictators like Putin, Un and Xi, Dickish Donald is making sure to be in good with the worst, including Hungary’s Orban, Argentina’s Milei and any other asshole Trump can get his lips on – figuratively or otherwise.

In Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro was recently ousted by voters after four horrifying years in power, after which he went full Trump with a copycat post-election Big Lie. As is usually the case, fascist assholes like Bolsonaro and Trump are neck-deep in both crises. Bolsonaro’s administration specialized in destruction of the Amazon, earning him the moniker “Captain Chainsaw.” More recently, now out of the political crisis game, Bolsonaro was suspected of harassing a humpback whale in the waters off Brazil’s south-eastern coastline near the town of São Sebastião.

In December 2023, Javier Milei, another Christo-fascist, faux-libertarian jackass, who campaigned brandishing an actual chainsaw, was elected president of Argentina. Fortunately, Trump, who congratulated the world’s newest dictator by saying Milei “will make Argentina great again” does not possess the physical strength to lift anything heavier than a Whopper. It seems likely that Argentina will soon be more fascist than Florida. At least Trump will be able to find safe-haven when he decides to jump bail – like Napoleon, he was never going to be able to handle Russian winters.

Here at home, as we are too well aware, we have a disgraced, twice-impeached, four-time-indicted (so far), failed insurrection leader and Fifth Amendment-dependent ex-one-term-president, currently indicted all over the fucking place for so many, and such egregious acts that he should have been locked up, or shipped off to Elba, ages ago. Instead, this fuckwad is once again his – and I do mean his – party’s nominee for president and is currently leading in the polls over Joe Biden.

Trump is also crushing Biden for King of Senior Moments. And number of indictments.

Back To The End Of The Future

NOVA circa 1983 – The Climate Crisis

From a 1969 (Nixon) White House memo:

“As with so many of the more interesting environmental questions, we really don’t have very satisfactory measurements of the carbon dioxide problem. On the other hand, this very clearly is a problem, and, perhaps most particularly, is one that can seize the imagination of persons normally indifferent to projects of apocalyptic change.”

The memo further stated that dumping more CO2 into the atmosphere

“could increase the average temperature near the earth’s surface by 7 degrees Fahrenheit. This in turn could raise the level of the sea by 10 feet. Goodbye New York. Goodbye Washington, for that matter.”

The Nixon White House memo (did I mention it was produced in 1969, which by some accounts was 55 years ago…in the past) also offered ideas for mitigating the coming (now here) disaster, including

“fairly mammoth man-made efforts to countervail the CO2 rise. (E.g., stop burning fossil fuels. I would think this is a subject that the Administration ought to get involved with.”

 That was the Nixon administration. Richard Nixon. Paranoid, criminal scumbag. In 1969.

Then again, the Greenhouse Effect was initially posited in the 1890s. How we doin’ so far?

To Hell with “America First.”

Freak out…

I mean, Peace Out.

Bullshit, I mean freak the fuck out.

This has been your Special Edition Paying Attention™ Fraught For Earth The Day. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Fraught For The Day – Fishy, Fishy, Fishy, Fish

So Long, And Thanks For All The Fucking Fish

April 21, 2024

Tomorrow is Earth Day. Today, the world’s seafood “supply” is collapsing. Has been for a long time. It is estimated that we have fished out some 90% of ocean life.

Not that the imminent mass extinction of life in the sea, which will inevitably spread to life on land enters into the equation that consists only of dollar signs, but the iconic purveyor of cheap, fast-food-y foods from the sea, Red Lobster is heading for bankruptcy.

Funny thing, so are the oceans.

Industrial fishing, climate crisis and demand for omega fish oil products are decimating the seas. Not to mention Red Fucking Lobster’s famed All-You-Can-Eat shrimp or their Endless Lobster Experience.

Not to worry though, once the coral reefs die off (along with the bees) life above sea level will not fare very well. Assuming we all haven’t burned, drowned or frozen to death first.

Fishy, Fishy, Fishy, Fish

Get ready for Fred Lobster and their All-You-Can-Eat-Soylent-Green.

Bankruptcy, It’s Not Just For Breakfast Anymore

Speaking of bankruptcy, Donald Trump. The world’s most famous morally, intellectually and financially bankrupt dumbass is now turning everyone’s couch cushions inside-out in search of loose change. It isn’t enough that he managed to get his Stepford daughter-in-law in charge of the RNC’s purse strings – vowing to devote every penny to dear old dad-in-law. Self-proclaimed “King of Debt” Trump is now demanding that any Fascist/Trump/Putin Party candidate who uses Damaged Don’s likeness or name to boost their own election chances (is that really still a thing?) must pay a protection fee…I mean royalties to The Don.

Freak out…

I mean, Peace Out.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Fraught For The Day.