Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Why Is President Death On My TV Every Damn Day?

Isn’t This Virus Pandemic Bad Enough Without This Asshole Yammering Nonsense All The Time?

Pence preparing his next lie, Dr. Fauci trying desperately to keep his hands
from wrapping around Chrump’s neck during a space task force briefing

March 31, 2020  

It is time that President Death stop blaming the Democrats, the “fake news media” and Hillary Clinton’s emails for perpetrating the coronavirus hoax (which he had been told over and over was a serious threat that demanded immediate action).  No one is under any illusion that Chrump will take responsibility, he has mad that perfectly clear.  Maybe he could compromise and just shut the fuck up.  
Certainly, the major networks should simply stop showing his fake-medicine show/public masturbation sessions live every single damn day.  They could just broadcast the other presenters – those, like Dr. Anthony Fauci – who actually provide important, factual information. 
We have had quite enough of Chrump accusing New York’s front-line doctors of selling protective masks “out the back door” of hospitals, lying about how many “beautiful” tests are available for “anyone who needs one” and pedaling unproven “cures” that have already killed people.
Would you buy a used protective mask from this man?

It is surprising that the big televangelists have not seen the light and placed the blame where it belongs.  It is clear that God is punishing the United States for allowing Chrump to occupy the sacred White House that Jesus built.  It’s almost like they just make this shit up to rile up their congregations in order to perpetuate many of the things Jesus fought against – hating thy neighbor, greed and that sort of thing.
High-profile televangelists – all of whom seem to love alleged serial rapist and proven adulterer and self-proclaimed grabber of women’s private parts just slightly less than they claim to love Jesus – were so quick to blame various natural disasters on gay people or lack of prayer in school or whatever cockamamie reasons they like to give for hurricanes and the like. 
Jerry Falwell, Jr. plied his bullshit on Fux and Friends recently, after taking heavy flak for reopening his Liberty University.  Son of Falwell told the Friends, “It’s just strange to me how so many are over-reacting…impeachment didn’t work, and the Mueller Report didn’t work, and Article 25 didn’t work, and so maybe now this is their next attempt to get Trump.”  Since being forced back to campus by Falwell, and despite the pretense of proper social distancing, nearly a dozen (so far) Liberty students have fallen ill with symptoms that suggest COVID-19 infection.  Only time will tell how much God loves Falwell and his institution.  Falwell will no doubt cover any and all medical expenses for those stricken under his watch.
This time it is crystal clear that God hates America because of Donald Chrump…or maybe we have the most cases of COVID-19 because President Death was busy playing with himself for almost two months, ignoring all expert advice and telling all of us that the virus would magically disappear very quickly with only 15 people ever getting sick and that number quickly going to zero. 
A good start
Consider signing this MoveOn petition to all major news outlets to stop airing Chrump’s BS daily poop rallies: Ending live daily coverage of Trump’s COVID-19 briefings

I. Mangrey reporting…from more than six feet away…with clean (and very large) hands.                                                                                                 

Monday, March 30, 2020

Question For The Day

Let’s (Toilet) Roll
March 30, 2020
As America trudges through the partially self-inflicted coronavirus pandemic – made much worse than it needed to be by the ignorant, self-obsessed narcissist in the White House, the public’s first instinct was to hoard toilet paper.  The Demander-in-chief continues to fight to the last toilet flush against listening to the experts who are trying their best to convince him that everything he thinks he knows is beyond wrong.  Presumably, their best argument is that the escalating loss of life will seriously diminish Chrump’s crowd size once things return to “normal.” 
Is it possible that the run on toilet paper signifies that the American people finally realized just how full of shit they are?
America desperately needs to excrete
this turd and wipe its ass asap*

* As always, we apologize for posting such graphic and disturbing images; we hope no one will be emotionally scarred or made physically ill for having seen this one.

This has been your Paying Attention Question For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your question for the day?

Friday, March 27, 2020

MAGAvirus 'R' Us

Donald Chrump’s Super Spectacular MAGAvirus Two-Step

March 27, 2020
It’s broken, we bought it
As you may have heard, some number of very stable American geniuses believed that the novel coronavirus was at least in part caused by Corona beer.  You can bet your sweet bippy that these are the same people who thought it would be a good idea for a dubious reality show star who bragged about grabbing women “by the pussy” to be president.
Thanks to the infallible hunches and brilliant non-strategy of Der Furor, the virus he likes to call the “Chinese virus” the American version should now be re-branded as the “MAGAvirus.”  Yes, China withheld a good deal of information about the nature and extent of the nascent epidemic, but Chrump did them one better.  Chrump was warned repeatedly during the early stages, possibly before the coronavirus hit our shores.  He, in his infinite whatever-it-is-that-sure-as-hell-ain’t-wisdom, decided the best thing to do was to shove his head even further up his ass and pretend nothing was happening.
Once it became clear that something was happening, he said it was no big deal and it would magically go away in a few weeks.  Now, you might expect the leader of a great nation, despite publicly putting a hopeful spin on what he was told was going to be a major disaster, might rally his troops behind the scenes and make sure they were prepared for the worst-case scenario. 
You would be living in a dream world.  Our IMPEACHED-president instead “planned” for the best-case scenario, thereby all but assuring the worst-case scenario.  And that my friends is what is now breathing down our necks.  Thanks to Chrump America is #1 – we now have more coronavirus cases than any other country in the world.  And according to most experts – other than the brilliant President Death – the worst is yet to come.  I am currently wrapping my house in Saran Wrap.
Perhaps the most painful and depressing part of this – for anyone not either hospitalized or already dead because of Chrump’s Herculean ineptitude – is the fact that Chrump’s poll numbers are climbing because many Americans are impressed with the way he is “handling” the pandemic.  Just because Chrump is able to act like something vaguely resembling a president for several minutes a day, spending the majority of his now-daily virus rallies slamming the press, blaming Obama, spewing half-baked nonsensical plans for ignoring reality, and as usual, making shit up, desperate, stupid Americans have forgotten that Chrump made things exponentially worse before being badgered into pretending he cared, and now think he is “handling” things.
Can you imagine how much shorter the American wing of the pandemic could have been had it been named the “Budweiservirus”?
I. Mangrey rephrasing.  Do not drink unless drunken to.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thought For The Day

I Am Not Ann T. Soshal*

March 26, 2020
I am continuing to exercise stringent social media distancing throughout the Coronavirus hoax/pandemic.  No Instagerm, no Snapsplatt, no Talkieface or F*&#book.  No Tic Tack, Who-zat, Tweeter, Facetouch or any other such platforms – or apps, as the kids say, which as you can see, I am totally familiar with.
If you must engage in social media activities please make sure to do so safely: always wear a mask, mittens and galoshes when typing.  Wash your hands, keep your nose clean, your head high, your eyes on the road and your hands upon the wheel.  Never text while driving, and probably don’t even drive right now.  If you do drive, do not exit your vehicle until you return home.  Then, run inside and bathe in alcohol.  And please stop hounding me for autographs and selfies.
Stop doing this already!  Six feet, people!
I will continue to sicken myself the old-fashioned way – paying attention to the news.  The real news.  The fake news.  Cable news.  Network news.  Breaking news.  Old news.  No news.  Good news.

*Ann is currently in an undisclosed location waiting for the pandemic (and possibly the Chrump presidency of death) to blow over.  Ann does not think the coronavirus carnage will be as brief as a certain orange hot air buffoon keeps insisting.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Chrumpococcus: The Real Pandemic

Chrump Tries To Blighten The Mood

March 25, 2020
We are amazed but not amused with all the talk about Chrump finally shifting his tone on the coronavirus pandemic.  I hope the media and the non-Chrumpified American people realize that this is nothing more than an act.  Circumstances and other forces have combined to force Chrump to pretend he has turned away from his incessant, demented conspiracy-theory-bullshit and display a façade of long-overdue-sensibility. 
There was no admission of being fatally mistaken (reports indicate that Chrump relied on another dangerously ignorant gadfly – Jared Kushner – to guide his path on the coronavirus crisis), but an absolute denial taking any responsibility for royally screwing up, but plenty of patting himself on the back for the great job he is doing. 

Make no mistake, this so-called shift in tone by Mr. “I-don’t-take-responsibility-at-all,” will have zero effect on the essence of the sociopathic, narcissistic conman that shameless Republican’t enablers, no small number of racists and purposefully-ignorant voters, and the obsolete Electoral College saw fit to install as president.  The man many people are now calling “President Death.”
Anything good that happens is because of me;
anything bad that happens is someone else’s fault.
One reason Chrump is now President Death is thanks to his mindless happy talk about his very-stable-genius-hunch that Chloroquine – a malaria drug with known dangerous, potentially fatal, side effects – would be a miracle cure for COVID-19.  Despite real-time fact checking of Chrump’s latest delusional advice by the nation’s long-time expert epidemiologist Anthony Fauci, one Chrump true-believer took President Death’s ill-advised advice and ended up dead.  Side note: Chrump is also responsible for an unknown number already dead and not-yet-dead Americans as a result of his vicious, unending assault on all environmental regulations.
A Deadly Mandemic
After jeopardizing public health, national security and the economic well-being of America, the deadliest infectious agent threatening global stability had the psychotic nerve to tell reporters, “I’ve always known this is a real – this is a pandemic.  I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”  Verifiably complete and utter bullshit.  In reality, Chrump still does not understand what we are dealing with, and he damn sure does not think it is a serious problem.  The only reason Chrump is holding daily publicity events is to keep his orange-Crayola face in front of a camera since he cannot gather his mental-defectives together, and because first Pence and then New York Governor Cuomo were seen as more presidential, believable and more informative (not to mention less dishonest and less bat-shit-crazy) than Chrump.
Coronavirus got nothing on Chrumpococcus
This miserable, mush-for-brains moron not only dismantled our pandemic readiness infrastructure because it was created by the Obama administration, he then went on to ridicule the nascent virus pandemic for weeks, rather than listen to experts and take immediate action.  Donald Chrump has blood on his little hands; his inaction and his purposeful misinformation have already caused some number of deaths.  Perhaps someone will develop an algorithm to determine exactly how many deaths are directly attributable to the actions of President Death.  Either way, Chrump kills.  The fact that he very likely believes that he was ahead of the curve, that his heroic actions are saving the day and that he rates his response “a ten” only makes things worse.
It is long past time for everyone to stop humoring this malevolent mutant and call him out at every turn.
Stevie Wonder – You Haven’t Done Nothin’
I. Mangrey restraining.  Barely.           

Monday, March 23, 2020

Dumb Wasn’t Built In A Day

This Burns Me Up

March 23, 2020
Hey, remember George W. Bush?  Remember how we thought George II was a blithering idiot who did not read or understand most of what went on around him?
You can’t judge a book by its stupid cover, but
every page of this one was riddled with typos
Remember his August 6, 2001 President’s Daily Brief (PDB) entitled, “Bin Laden Determined To Strike In U.S.”?  Remember how he completely ignored the message because he was busy vacationing on his “ranch”?  And then one month later bin Laden attacked in U.S., and then Bush invaded Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia?
Segment of August 6, 2001 PDB, including its vague heading
Well guess what?  Donald Chrump was warned beginning back in January about the coming pandemic.  U.S. intelligence agencies were issuing ominous, classified warnings in January and February about the global danger posed by the coronavirus.  Chrump was also warned that Chinese officials appeared to be minimizing the severity of the outbreak.  Apparently Chrump interpreted this warning the wrong way, instead deciding it was a great strategy.
Chrump had numerous reports and warnings saying that the novel coronavirus could well become a global pandemic that could require governments to take swift actions to contain it.  The only swift action one can expect from Chrump is the inhalation of a bucket of chicken or a series of hamberders.  As usual, Chrump determined the best course of action was to ignore the experts and lie to the American public.  As I always say, you go with your strengths.
Despite these repeated dire warnings Chrump and his Republican’t ass-kissing team continued to insist publicly that all was well for another two months.  Apparently, the virus did listen to the experts and did exactly what the experts said it would do.  Chrump continued insisting he was the victim, calling the whole thing a fake news hoax as opposed to taking immediate – or any – action, which might have slowed the spread of the virus.
The main action taken by some Republican’ts was lying to the public while simultaneously dumping millions of dollars of stocks in order to get out ahead of the Market crash they knew was coming.  Sens. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.), James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Richard Burr (R-N.C.) each sold hundreds of thousands of dollars (over a million each for Burr and Loeffler) in stocks within days of classified Senate briefings with Chrump officials on the threat of the coronavirus outbreak.  Coincidentally, Loeffler’s husband is the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange; I’m sure she had no idea that was his job, and that they have no idea how and when their stocks are traded (which is what they claim)

America's top infectious disease doctor/expert Anthony Fauci tries to face-palm
his way out of listening to Chrump's “hunches” about the pandemic
In fact, Chrump continues to ignore all the experts in medicine, intelligence and national security.  Chrump’s most trusted advisors are people like Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, the three-headed-mental-midget that is Fux and Friends and greedy CEOs, none of whom has a clue how the real world works for real people, and most of whom barely have the brain power to screw in a lightbulb.  Chrump’s only concern is himself – his money and his reelection. 
Chrump is clearly more comfortable with thousands of Americans dying than he is with the economic pain he and his (actually) rich buddies might have to endure.  According to reports, Chrump is dying (killing?) to over-rule the medical community and end the period of social distancing very soon.  Der Furor continually whines about not being appreciated enough for the selfless and amazing work he is doing to make himself great again.  Chrump’s primary concern of late is the fact that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s briefings are getting much better reviews than Chrump’s insane, delusion-and-lie-filled daily rally-replacements/press events.
Chrump is like an arsonist who notices your house is covered with gasoline, lets it marinate a while, and lights it up.  Then he and his fire bask in each other’s orange glow.  Unsurprisingly, he doesn’t call 911 (in this analogy the arsonist has disbanded the entire 911/first responder network), but our little firebug shows up a day or so later with a gallon of water, drinks the water and then pisses on the smoldering remains of the house.  Next, he pats himself on the back and then calls a press conference demanding praise for his heroic efforts to save the house.  Just another perfect job done perfectly by Mr. Perfect.
I didn’t start the fire
I. Mangrey reporting.  What’s got you burned up?

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Votable Quotables for $1000

WTF Stops Here?

March 22, 2020
President Harry S. Truman and his famous quote
We hope you enjoyed our special Paying Attention Spring Break From Endless Virus Panic.  It was almost as much fun as getting the new coronavirus on a Florida beach.  We now return you to your regularly scheduled ongoing catastrophe, commonly referred to as Donald Chrump.  Chrump continues to alternate between delusional happy talk, spraying blame and his forte, abject pathological lying as he pretends to deal with the burgeoning coronavirus pandemic.
America is on her 45th president like a bitch.  We have had some great ones.  There have been memorable ones.  There have been forgettable ones.  We have had disastrous ones.  The current one makes the worst presidents we have ever had look pretty damn good, with the exception of George W. Bush, who still looks horrible though occasionally slightly less so under the ever more darkening shadow of Donald Jabba-the-Hut Chrump.  A number of our presidents have managed to utter phrases that will likely never be forgotten, either for their inspirational value, or in some cases something closer to comedic value.
Take a guess: “We live in the midst of alarms; anxiety clouds the future; we expect some new disaster with each newspaper we read.” What president said this? *

George Washington: “Associate with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for it is better to be alone than in bad company.”

Abraham Lincoln: ““You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”

Franklin Delano Roosevelt: “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

Dwight Eisenhower: “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.”

John F. Kennedy: “And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

Richard Nixon: “People have got to know whether or not their president’s a crook. Well, I’m not a crook.”  Turns out a crook would have been an improvement.

Gerald Ford (after pardoning Nixon): “My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over.”  He was wrong.  It was not.

Ronald Reagan: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall.” and “I don’t recall.”

Circa 1980 – sound familiar?

George H.W. Bush (on the trans-Alaska oil pipeline): “The caribou love it. They rub against it and they have babies. There are more caribou in Alaska than you can shake a stick at.”

Bill Clinton: “There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America.” and “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”

George W. Bush: “Mission accomplished.” and “I know the human being and fish can co-exist peacefully.”  and “If this were a dictatorship it would be a heck of a lot easier... as long as I'm the dictator. Hehehe.”

Barack Obama: “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

Donald Chrump: “I don’t take responsibility at all.” **

The recent disgraceful selfishness that caused Senate Republicant’s to ignore the facts and the consistently damning testimony of more than a dozen non-partisan career public servants, and the horrific refusal of Republican’ts to hear for themselves and allow the American public to hear testimony from first-hand witnesses could not provide better proof of the veracity and prescience of the warning George Washington provided in his farewell address, after refusing to serve a third term as the new nation’s first president:

"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."  September 17, 1796
We close with one more from Abraham Lincoln, who also seemed to foreshadow Donald Chrump with this quote:
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”
I. Mangrey remembering.  The only thing we have to fear is Chrump himself.

There’s nothing in here. Believe me.

Special Bonus Presidential Quote:
We did get fooled again

*Abraham Lincoln
**In fairness, we did not include Chrump’s inimitable “grab ‘em by the pussy” quote because we thought we were still living in a world where he would never be president when he spit that one out.

Friday, March 20, 2020

It’s The Environment, Stupid

It’s My Planet, And I’ll Cry If I Want To

March 20, 2020
On the first day of Spring 2020, let us take a moment to step aside from the ongoing coronavirus onslaught to talk about the infinitely bigger and more deadly – albeit in much slower motion – threat to human and other life on Earth.  Anyone remember Climate Crisis?  Global climate crisis has arguably already resulted in many more deaths than COVID-19, and will continue to do so long after the latest virus gets bored and fades into the mayfly-like memories of most people.
There is only one of these in our vicinity
It was somewhat heartening to see most of the Democratic presidential candidates willing to stress the importance of dealing with the ongoing climate crisis.  Donald Chrump and the Republicant’s continue to keep their heads buried in their asses, which in turn are buried in the sand.  They will never pull them out, so we need a new regime to keep us from burning to a crisp or being chased from our homes by the ocean, or whatever else the already-well-under-way climate disaster has in store for us.
When unrelenting climate activist Greta Thunberg was asked what she would have said to Chrump if she had a chance to speak with the unspeakable orange nightmare, Thunberg said: “Honestly, I don't think I would have said anything because obviously he's not listening to scientists and experts, so why would he listen to me?”
Lest we forget, before he was forced to be distracted by COVID-19, Chrump busily working to decimate clean water standards by undoing 50 years of painstaking progress to protect our water.  Chrump claimed his latest attempt at environmental destruction will benefit farmers by allowing them to more easily pollute nearby federally protected creeks.  Oddly enough, a government report showed that the real beneficiaries of real estate developer/IMPEACHED-president Chrump’s massive reversal of the Clean Water Act will be – wait for it…real estate developers not farmers.  Remember, Chrump is also the guy who whined that he had to flush his toilet 15 times and run his dishwasher 10 times to clean his dishes – as if he has ever in his life had anything to do with washing a dish or flushing his own toilet. 
Don’t Be Best, Be Real
If you have children and are not committed to reversing climate crisis by taking some degree of personal responsibility and giving up a few creature comforts, then you might as well be beating your children.  In fact, you are beating the living crap out of them…non-stop…in super-slow-motion.
Climate activists (from left) Vanessa Nakate (originally cropped out of the photo by
the Associated Press news agency), Luisa Neubauer, Greta Thunberg, Isabelle Axelsson
and Loukina Tille arrive for a news conference in Davos, January 2020.
Thankfully the “children” are not just laying down and taking it.  This is their world, we are borrowing it from them as has always been the case, whether the “adults” have chosen to recognize this or not. 
Undaunted by anything not feeding his insatiable greed, Steve Mnuchin, Chrump’s Treasury Secretary and former foreclosure king went after climate activist Greta Thunberg at the Davos World Economic Forum in January.
Mnuchin made a name for himself by overseeing more than 36,000 foreclosures, tossing former homeowners onto the street without hesitation or pity by any – not always legal – means necessary.  Those having their homes yanked out from under them included active duty military servicemen and women, the elderly and of course, the financially disadvantaged.  Mnuchin did not do this simply out of malice.  Naturally, there was greed involved; his actions netted him some $200M.  Now, he is in charge of our nation’s treasury. 

Mnuchin had this to say about the 17-year-old Thunberg: “Is she the chief economist, or who is she?  I'm confused.  It's a joke.  After she goes and studies economics in college she can come back and explain that to us.”  Yes, but will she, or anyone, ever be able to explain you to us?
Even Mnuchin’s wife was not willing to be such a disgusting pig (this time).  A post on her verified Instagram account read, “I stand with Greta on this issue. (I don't have a degree in economics either) We need to drastically reduce our use of fossil fuels. Keep up the fight @gretathunberg.”  The post has since been deleted.  Looks like someone might end up sleeping in the guest mansion for a while.
Mnuchin and the Mrs. in happier times
Native Americans have long contended that all decisions must take into account their potential impact on the seventh generation yet to come.  Purposeful idiots like Donald Chrump and Steve Mnuchin do not even care about what happens seven minutes from now, while they insist on not learning from the past.  One must wonder if they even know where they are at this very moment.  They are certainly, to paraphrase the recently departed Richard “Baba Ram Das” Alpert, Not Here Now.  Wherever they might happen to be, they need to go away.
Kansas - Death Of Mother Nature Suite
I. Mangrey recycling. 

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Fraught For The Day

In Case You Did NotSee This
March 19, 2020
A heckler unfurled a Nazi flag at one of Bernie Sanders’ rallies.  Who do you imagine this guy supports for president?  As has been pointed out previously in this space, not all Chrump supporters are Nazi types, but you can be sure that all Nazi types support Chrump.  One thing is for sure: there are some very fine people on one side.
Not a very fine person
This has been your Paying Attention Fraught For The Day.

You're welcome.
What has you fraught for the day?

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

A Serious Joke

Sean Hannity, Information Twister 

March 18, 2020
Would you buy a used president from this man?
The demented warthog of a man above spent several weeks squealing about how the Novel Coronavirus was nothing more than a hoax.  Sean Hannity is Chrump’s lead propagandist and the two reportedly have nightly (presumably perfect) phone conversations.  These calls are prime time for Hannity to tell Chrump what he is supposed to think; Chrump sleeps on it for few minutes, hops on his toilet, and tweets it out before flushing 15 times. 
Both of these buffoons incessantly insisted the newest virus was nothing more than another attempt to disrupt the incomprehensibly astounding super-presidency of the now IMPEACHED Donald Jalopy Chrump.  All of this mindless misinformation will very possibly be responsible for hundreds if not thousands of needlessly dead Americans – many of whom trusted these two sociopathic liars and depended on them for all their “information.”
On March 9th Hannity told his radio audience that the COVID-19 virus pandemic was a “fraud” perpetrated by the deep state to spread panic, manipulate the economy and suppress dissent.  Apparently, the dissent Sean the Clown feared was a bunch of science and medical experts warning the public that a virulent virus – not entirely more toxic than Hannity – was about to bring a microscopic hammer down if appropriate measures were not taken.
Sean Clownity sans make-up
Four days later Hannity almost broke his barely existent neck with a head-spinning one-eighty.  He suddenly found himself with no choice but to pivot after his boy Don was forced to declare a national emergency over what Don has also spent several weeks calling a hoax.  Hannity wasted no time acting serious, telling his elderly, mentally ailing viewers, particularly his number-one elderly, mentally ailing viewer Chrump (and one imagines, a mirror) that unfortunately, people had previously been feeding them bad information.

Was he trying to get us killed?
Here is the new tune Chrump’s primary source of “news” and ideas suddenly found himself singing, “Make no mistake. In serious situations, truth matters. Facts matter. And, unfortunately, there’s been way too much politicizing of this, too much – well, untruths being told and actually, even some actually weaponizing what is a global pandemic. That all needs to stop. I hope it will.”  Yes, we all do.  Especially since the most damaging and consistent purveyor of steaming piles of bullshit, other than Hannity, was his phone-pal Donald Chrump.  Both of them should STFU.
Social and all other forms of distancing from Hannity and Chrump are a must.
I. Mangrey rebuking. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Perfect Thought For The Day

Build this wall.  I bet Mexico would pay for it.  I know I would.
Isn’t it beautiful?  It’s almost perfect.
A Perfect Fool
March 17, 2020
Forget for a moment (it may of course last but a moment) that Donald Chrump is pretending to be presidential now that he has been compelled to admit, at least in public, that the Novel Coronavirus is not the fake news hoax he was pedaling for so long.  He almost seems so sincere.  Chrump is no less the Disaster-in-chief he has been since delivering his “American Carnage” inaugural address in front of the smallest inaugural crowd in memory.  He remains IMPEACHED.  He remains the worst president, with the worst words and the worst people.  The casualties of the Chrump presidency are too many to count.  So I will pick just one…for now.
Another casualty in the War on Reality, the raison d'être of the Chrump presidency if not the very existence of Donald Jurassic Chrump, is the word ‘perfect.’  He had a “perfect phone call,” which by most accounts by non-deranged observers was horrifying if not downright illegal.  The transcript of that “perfect phone call,” which we have all been repeatedly admonished to read, and which has never actually seen the light of day, being rather hidden in a secure undisclosed location, was also “perfect.”
Now our perfectly IMPEACHED* president is insisting that his response to the COVID-19 virus pandemic was “perfect.”  It is clear Chrump does not know the meaning of the word perfect, as is the case with so many of the words that come staggering out of the gaping hole beneath his orange-dyed nose.  We know the word has no meaning to America’s chief narcissist because he said this: “The tests are all perfect, like the letter was perfect, the transcription was perfect, right? This was not as perfect as that, but pretty good.”  “Not as perfect as that?” So it was only partially perfect?  I think there are words for that, but ‘perfect' is surely not one of them. 
Thanks to Chrump, many other words have already been horribly mangled and/or abused, if not rendered moot for all time: brain, genius, wall, swamp, hair, Article 2, hoax, president, and of course – America.
He “thinks” he has the best words 

This has been your Paying Attention Perfect Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?  Is it perfect?  Doesn’t matter.

*Unfortunately, this is not entirely true; if the impeachment was perfect, Chrump would have been convicted and removed from office.  However, it was not the fault of the impeachment, it was obviously the gutless Republicant’s, refusing to hear witnesses that would have turned public opinion against Mr. Perfect-Phone-Call, preferring to protect their jobs rather than our democracy and for a number of us, perhaps our lives.