Friday, March 13, 2020

Where Assholes Favor To Tread

Show US The Money, You Pinheads

March 13, 2020
The Federal Reserve is preparing to inject $1 trillion into the Stock Market due to the COVID-19 virus crisis and the staggeringly inept “handling” of the pandemic by the Chrump administration.  Many people are saying that much of the blame for the present scope of the problem rests on the padded shoulders of Donald Judas Chrump, who spent weeks claiming the Novel Coronavirus was a hoax, and continues to eschew any and all protective and preventive measures, while relenting to occasionally pretend he cares.  But by all means, let’s protect Wall Street despite the fact that 80 percent of Americans own no stocks.
Meanwhile, Democrats in Congress are passing legislation to inject money into the pockets of real Americans who are ill and/or losing income as more and more businesses suffer major losses and/or close down temporarily or permanently.  Many workers are already in financial distress because of the pandemic.  You can be sure that Republican’ts will fight against providing assistance to regular folks long tooth and hangnail.  In fact, Moscow Mitch McConnell attempted to send the Senate home for recess right in the middle of the most serious and deadly crisis in the past century.
For his part, bravely taking a break from golfing, the impeached-president had this to say, “We’re also talking to the hotel industry.  And some places, actually, will do well, and some places probably won’t do well at all. But we’re working also with the hotel industry.”  Hmmm, wonder what caused Chrump to single out the hotel industry.  There are also reports that Chrump is “strongly considering a bailout for oil and gas producers” mainly because the current oil price-war between Saudi Arabia and Russia.  Oh, and Chrump's close ties with donors from the oil industry.
Fortunately, there are still some kick-ass Democrats to hold back the tide of greed and stupidity.  Freshman Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) has made it her business to beat up on corporate sleazebags and other assorted weasels during House hearings.  Porter, a former student and devotee of Elizabeth Warren secured a commitment from the CDC director that they would cover the cost of testing and treatment for anyone who needs it, whether or not they have any or sufficient insurance.
Rep. Katie Porter – if you are not familiar with her work, check her out.
Or if you prefer, the shorter version:

“Dr. Redfield, will you commit right now to using the authority that you have vested in you under law, that provides, in a public health emergency, for testing, treatment, exam, isolation without cost?  Yes or no?”
 Rep. Katie Porter to CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield, March 12, 2020
Chrump, who has been in close contact with at least a dozen people who have tested positive for the virus, refuses to be tested.  He is after all, a very stable genius.
I. Mangrey reporting.  Virus-free as of March 13, 2020, 6:43 am Eastern Time.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post. I particularly liked to see Congresswoman Porter demand an answer instead of buying into his deflection attempts. Backbone should be a requirement to become an elected representative.

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