Friday, June 28, 2019

Thought For The Day

The Soundness of Silence

June 28, 2019
If you are not a fan of women’s soccer, you might want to reconsider.  Megan Rapinoe co-captains the U.S. Women’s soccer team.  Rapinoe – a long-time outspoken advocate for equal pay, LGBTQ rights and social justice in general – has been standing in silence during the playing of the National Anthem before this year’s World Cup games.  She had been kneeling in solidarity with Colin Kaepernick and others since 2016 when she became the first white athlete to take a knee.  Now, U.S. Soccer now requires players to stand.  
The man pretending (very badly) to be president naturally had to weigh in from his toilet.  At this point, the question on most Americans’ minds is, “Does he wipe himself after he finishes tweeting, or does he have someone do it for him?  Is is always Ivanka, or does every acting cabinet member have to take turns?” 
Despite Der Furor’s faux outrage, Rapinoe refused to back down when asked if she would go to the White House if the team won the Cup and was invited…
Well played as usual Ms. Rapinoe
Sorry Megan, I guess you are not Chrump’s type.  No rape for you! 

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Monday, June 24, 2019

Thought For The Day

White Like He

June 24, 2019
June 19, 1865, known as Juneteenth, was the day that African Americans in Texas finally became the last ones to learn that the Civil War had ended and so had slavery in America, two and a half years after Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, which had become official January 1, 1863.
On June 18th, the day before the 154th anniversary of Juneteenth and the impending Congressional hearing on reparations for slavery, Mitch McConnell responded to a reporter’s question about reparations.  McConnell, one of the whitest people on Earth – not known as a racist, but not exactly pro-civil rights – replied, “I don't think reparations for something that happened 150 years ago when none of us currently living are responsible is a good idea.  We've tried to deal with our original sin of slavery by fighting a civil war, by passing landmark civil rights legislation.  We've elected an African American president.”  What do you mean “we” white man?  You did everything possible to suffocate and destroy the presidency of our African American president – including stealing one of his Supreme Court nominations – you piece of shit.
Mitch McConnell, who has clearly never made a fist before, celebrates White Power
Who cares if the thing that “happened 150 years ago” lasted for over 250 years, and when it officially ended, was followed by another 100 years of brutal repression, murder and legally and socially sanctioned humiliation?  Thankfully, all of that is over…except for the insanely lopsided incarceration, the frequent murders at the hands of police and the explosion of public displays of racism thanks to the racist 45th president’s welcoming presence.  Fuck you very much Mitch.
McConnell (left), not exactly looking unhappy about posing with Stars and Bars
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Friday, June 21, 2019

Climate Crisis Crisis

Looking For Intelligent Life on Earth

June 21, 2019, Summer Solstice

I hate to dredge up the distant past, in fact, I am loathe to dredge up or even look at just about anything these days – including the future – for fear that Chrump will lumber into the picture.  However, if I hope to have anything to say here at chez Paying Attention, I must keep my eyes peeled, my ears to the ground and my nose to the grindstone.
I. Mangrey, hard at work
Drool, Baby Drool

Long, long ago, in June of 2017, Chrump hosted a group of Native American tribal leaders at the White House and urged them to ignore federal laws forbidding them to drill on tribal land and “just do it,” referring to extracting whatever they want from the land they control.
The chiefs explained to Chrump that there were regulatory barriers preventing them from doing what Chrump was advising.  The Criminal-in-chief replied, “But now it’s me.  The government’s different now. Obama’s gone; and we’re doing things differently here.”
According to a reporter on the scene, the tribal leaders were taken aback, looked at each other, and seemed uncertain about how to proceed.  This confused the tiny-brained president who turned to one of the tribal leaders saying, “Chief, chief, what are they going to do? Once you get it out of the ground are they going to make you put it back in there? I mean, once it’s out of the ground it can’t go back in there. You’ve just got to do it. I’m telling you, chief, you’ve just got to do it.”
For those of you keeping score, that was the so-called President of the United States blithely telling people to break the law.  Not the first time and not the last.
The Native American leaders still weren’t sure whether the president was serious.  After all, Native Americans should always be skeptical of American presidents.  Chrump reiterated his suggestion to engage in criminal activity.  “Guys, I feel like you’re not hearing me right now.  We’ve just got to do it. I feel like we’ve got no choice; other countries are just doing it.  China is not asking questions about all of this stuff. They’re just doing it. And guys, we’ve just got to do it.”  There was no report any of the chiefs saying, “What do you mean we, white man?”
The Beating Goes On

But that was a long time ago.  With Chrump in the White House, I feel like I know now what dog years are like.  Here are a few environmental tidbits in honor of the Summer Solstice – the beginning of the shortening of daylight, and in horror of the beginning of a whole different level of darkness, the Chrump administration’s ongoing efforts to end human life on Earth.
During his fake re-launch of the campaign-that-never-ended, Donald Chrump told his reality-averse audience, “Our air and water are the cleanest they’ve ever been by far.”  That of course, is what is known in the business as horseshit.  Pure. Unadulterated. Transparent. Soul-crushing. Horse. Shit.  As it turns out, according to the American Lung Association, things have gotten measurably worse in the last two years (after years of improvement during Obama's tenure), since the Toxic Orange Gas Cloud began enveloping Washington, DC and all of planet Earth.  Four-in-ten Americans are now breathing unsafe air, as the Chrump administration rolls back environmental rules and regulations – 83 so far.
Twenty-nine experts who comprise the European Academies'Science Advisory Council (EASAC) have reported what most of us already know: climate crisis not only poses major threats to human health in the future, its effects are already here.  Their latest report explains that our accelerating climate crises is already creating global problems by spreading infectious diseases and exacerbating mental health problems.  I am happy to say that I am not suffering from an infectious disease due to climate crisis.  My attorney has advised me not to talk about my mental health.  The council’s report stated, “Climate change is already contributing to the burden of disease and premature mortality.  Without prompt and effective action, the problems are forecast to worsen considerably.”  

Chrump’s Environmental Prevention Agency, always ready to do their part on the climate front, recently paved the way for states to set theirown carbon emissions standards for coal-fired power plants.  One could excuse a brainless sociopath like Chrump for not knowing that air and water do not obey state boundaries.  However, one would like to expect more from the EPA, which acknowledges that this change could result in 1,400 more premature deaths by 2030 than the Obama-era plan it will replace.  Someone should remind the addled Chrump that he has a young son who, no matter how much money he inherits (probably not very much by the time his old man drops dead of a fast food overdose), he still has to breathe the same air as everyone else, though I am sure he will look fetching in his gold-plated gas mask. 
Further efforts to support climate crisis acceleration found the White House blocking a State Department intelligence agency from submitting testimony to the House Intel Committee stating that climate change is “possibly catastrophic.”  This gives further credence – as if this was needed – to the scientifically proven fact that Donald Chrump is “unquestionably catastrophic.”
Hermit crab frolicking on garbage-laden remote beach in its new plastic “shell”
Chrump’s Department of Energy recently put out a press release authorizing new natural gas exports.  The release referred to the gas as “freedom gas.”  In the press release Steven Winberg, who serves as the Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy, additionally characterized the gas as "molecules of freedom."  Now it seems that freedom is just another word for nothing left at all.
But Wait, There’s More…
And, in a somewhat related matter, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao (Mrs. Bitch McConnell) has kept shares in Vulcan Materials, “the country’s largest supplier of the crushed stone, sand and gravel used in road-paving and building” more than a year after promising to divest, collecting more than $40,000 in investment gains along the way, according to the Wall Street Journal.  Not many people know this, but roads are often used for transportation.   

Speaking of more, there will probably be another dozen or so stories like these by the time I finish writing this…there always are, and even more by the time you see this.  Just sayin’.
Finally, Some Good News
There are still some in government with functioning hearts and minds.  Not obvious, but true.  These almost mythical creatures attempting to put the brakes on Chrump Change.  More than a dozen states are pushing theirown bills to wean electricity systems off fossil fuels. Also, there is an ever-growing list of cities that have vowed to kick their fossil-fuel addiction.  Ryan Fitzpatrick, deputy director of the clean energy Program at the think tank Third Way said, “We couldn’t update our maps fast enough.  These states know that net zero emissions by 2050 is the goal, and there’s no time to waste. So they’re taking a minute to celebrate, then asking, ‘what’s next?’”  If they do not hurry up, what’s next will be ‘duck and cover.’

I. Mangrey reporting.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Bland On The Run

The One, The Loud, The Maroon

June 20, 2019
As we close in on three traumatic years of Donald Chrump’s reign of insolence, idiocy and more than a hint of interest in incest, of record-shattering lying, criminal activity and a higher turnover rate than a school for suicide bombers, we learn, to no one’s surprise that Donald Chrump is running for re-election.  Go figure.
Chrump took his phantasmagorical freak show to the home of Disney (a devout racist, homophobe and anti-Semite) to pretend to launch his 2020 campaign.  Chrump, as everyone knows, began his 2020 campaign the day he was inaugurated in 2017, if not before.  In fact, if you listen to him, which of course is not advisable, he is also running for re-election in 2024, 2028 and 2032…so far.  This is likely why Chrump dodged a reporter’s question whether or not he would endorse Mike Pence in 2024.
Der Furor verbally assaulted his adoring audiencein Orlando, which boasted (literally) a preponderance of, one assumes, very fine Nazis and assorted white supremacists, with tales of 2015/2016.  If you thought his post-escalator-descent racist diatribe was nauseating, you are correct.  Unfortunately, that was merely an hors d’oeuvre for America’s last meal, a brief overture to an obscene opera of obfuscation and obliteration.  With five acts.  And no intermission…so far. 
Orlando’s principal newspaper The Sentinel, having endorsed Republican’t candidates for president almost exclusively since the 1950s – though they endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016, preempted Chrump’s fake announcement with an announcement of their own.
From The Orlando Sentinel:
We’re here to announce our endorsement for president in 2020, or, at least, who we’re not endorsing: Donald Trump.
Some readers will wonder how we could possibly eliminate a candidate so far before an election, and before knowing the identity of his opponent. Because there’s no point pretending we would ever recommend that readers vote for Trump.
After 2½ years we’ve seen enough. Enough of the chaos, the division, the schoolyard insults, the self-aggrandizement, the corruption, and especially the lies.

The Braindead Bunch
Shouting in all caps throughout his ego-massage session, Chrump brought out his greatest hits of race-baiting, fear-mongering, dissembling bullshit to the great delight of his gathered goons.  He went after his favorite opponent, Hillary Clinton with both bloated, fast-food-clogged barrels.  I know what you’re thinking, “Hillary isn’t even running this time.”  You would be absolutely right.  And, Donald Chrump would be absolutely irredeemably, batshit, bull-goose loony insane.
Thankfully? they’ve traded in the brown shirts for red hats.
When Chrump was not bashing Clinton or basking in his minions’ chants of “Lock her up!” he was waxing psychotic with pure, unadulterated projection like, “Our radical Democrat opponents are driven by hatred, prejudice and rage. They want to destroy you and they want to destroy our country as we know it.”  As always, Chrump was talking – screaming actually – about himself with every word.
I. Mangrey reporting.  Merry-go, merry-go, merry-go-round.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Outrage For The Day

The Lone Rager

June 18, 2019

Many people are concerned that there is too much outrage coming from quarters like this blog.  The problem is, since there are so many certifyably outrageous acts being committed by Donald Chrump day after day, each outrageous act seems more, and yet less, outrageous that the last.  Just because there are so may outrageous acts, does not entitle you to be less outraged.  It is all too easy to allow ourselves to lapse into thinking that this is the new normal.  It cannot be.  Each horrifyingly outrageous transgression deserves your unadulterated, unbridled, anabridged, full-throated, expletive-laden outrage…if only for as long as it takes until the next sickeningly dangerous affront smacks you upside the head.  Don’t be shy.
Try this latest lurch on for sighs. 
The Central Park Five were non-white teens who police railroaded into confessing to the assault and rape of a 28-year old white woman in New York City in 1989.  They were ultimately exonerated by an admission of guilt and DNA evidence from the actual assailant in 2002.  But, not before being treated as pariahs, and having a New York real estate mongrel mogul take out a full-page ad in four major newspapers calling for their execution, despite the total lack of evidence – something that clearly did not interfere with their being found guilty.  To this day, the egregious editorializer has steadfastly refused to accept the proven innocence of the Five.  As payback for his racist insolence, this miserable blob of excrement, a man called Chrump, became leader of the free (white) world.  God bless America.
Just hours before he officially launched his doomed* re-election campaign, CNN’s April Ryan asked Chrump, “Mr. President [her words, not mine], will you apologize to the Central Park Five? They’ve been exonerated, there have been videos and movies shown about the case, and you took out a full-page ad saying they should die.”
“You have people on both sides of that.  They admitted their guilt.”  Yes, under near-torture conditions, without parents or legal counsel, these young teens admitted guilt for something they had no part in whatsoever.  And yes Mr. Chrump, you have people on both sides of that, whatever the fuck that means.  As usual, you make it clear that, as far as you are concerned, only the white ones are very fine people.
Donald J. Chrump – the man who put the con in…everything

*either his or ours.

This has been your Paying Attention Outrage For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your outrage for the day?

Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Clodfather

Collusion Curious
June 16, 2019
Chrump said that the head of the FBI (who Chrump appointed) “was wrong” when he said that any politician who is contacted by a foreign power with purported intelligence should report such activity immediately, but he will not bat an eye now that American Intelligence says Iran attacked oil tankers in the Gulf of Tonkin Oman.  Mike Pompeo wasted no time blaming Iran just in time to give his boss the war he desperately needs to salvage his rapidly decaying, fake presidency.
George Stephanopoulos asked life-long conman Chrump if he would contact authorities if approached by a foreign entity with dirt on an opponent.  Chrump believed it was his duty to take whatever he could get on his opponent, and then consider letting the intelligence community in on it, if he determined it necessary.  According to all unbiased authorities, it is against the law to accept such information, which should immediately be reported.
By way of explanation for yet another decision to ignore the law, Chrump whined, “I’ve seen a lot of things over my life. I don’t think in my whole life I’ve ever called the FBI. In my whole life. You don’t call the FBI.” 
It surprises no one that a criminal would tend to avoid contacting law enforcement.  Funny thing though, Chrump did call the FBI in 1981 and offered to “fully cooperate” with the bureau, suggesting that FBI agents work undercover in a casino he was considering opening in Atlantic City.  Chrump said he heard there were problems with organized crime in Atlantic City.  As everyone now knows, Chrump prefers disorganized crime.
Perhaps Il Douche is so fed up with all the collusion accusations, that he decided, “Hey, why not just go for it, what could it hurt?  I mean, it worked pretty well last time...I mean, NO least not yet.”
The Clodfather, making an offer he can’t understand…
or maybe it’s just gas.
Reporter v. Donald J. Trump, June 13, 2019
Reporter: “You seem to suggest that yesterday you essentially committing to not spying on North Korea. is that what you meant? Were those comments interpreted accurately, if so why?”
Trump: “It’s not what I meant…it’s what I said, and that’s what, I think it’s different than maybe your interpretation.” 
I. Mangrey reporting.  Carry that weight.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Thought For The Day

This Guy Sucks
June 13, 2019
“There is nothing more frightening than ignorance in action.” – Goethe
Mentally defective Tennessee Sheriff’s Detective and pastor Grayson Fritts took to the pulpit with a special sermon titled “Why Leviticus 20:13 Should Still Be Enforced.”  In his sermon, Fritts called for the Bible-based, state-sponsored arrest and execution of all LGBTQ people.
During his hour and seven-minute long sermon, Fritts claimed he did not want to preach about Leviticus – a portion of the Old Testament Bible that calls for men who sleep with men to be put to death – but he had to. He also said he’s “sick of sodomy.”
We here at Paying Attention, as always, are sympathetic to the mentally less fortunate.  We debated the issue and finally came to a unanimous consensus.  We decided that, if Fritts is so ‘sick of sodomy,’ he should stop doing it.  Case closed. 
One wonders when he will be offered a cabinet post.
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Paging George Orwell

From the Editor:

I wrote and dated this piece several days ago.  I did not know it at the time, but June 8, 2019 is the 70th anniversary of the publication of George Orwell’s “Nineteen Eighty-Four.”  For all his eerie prescience, Orwell did not count on Big Brother having fake orange “hair,” severe uh, brain damage, and the grossly misplaced certainty that he is an “extremely stable genius.”
Op-Ed Venture, Managing Editor

“Ignorance Is Strength”
June 8, 2019
“Truth isn’t truth.”
Rudy Giuliani, August 2018
The title is a quote from George Orwell’s seminal book, Nineteen-Eighty-Four, which saw its sales increase 3,100 percent shortly after the inauguration of a president even Orwell would have found implausible.  Orwell’s statement was meant to represent the psycho-fascist dystopia of a world in the thrall of “Big Brother” and the all-consuming State that told people what to think and tailored reality to meet the needs of the few at the expense of the many, and now the American Carnage president has made “ignorance is strength” a reality.  Donald Chrump is the embodiment of the phrase.  Like it or not, Chrump has displayed nothing but unparalleled ignorance at every lumbering, unsteady step and yet managed to acquire tremendous strength by winning the presidency while losing the vote count by a wide margin.  You just can’t get any more Orwellian than that.  I hope.
Der Furor blithely insists that he did not say something that is easily fact-checked by playing the audio tape of him saying the thing he says he did not say.  Hand size, crowd size, “hair” size, brain size, height size, weight size, whatever size, size clearly matters to this very small man.  Nothing too big or too small for this putz to lie about.
“What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening.”  First of all, I find it, let’s say interesting, that he made a distinction between seeing and reading.  Makes one wonder how he reads.  Second, what the fuck?!?!
 “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.
It was their final, most essential command.”
                         George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
Republican’ts are using Nineteen Eighty-Four as an instruction manual rather than a warning.  They have been mining Orwell’s final work for talking points without an iota of shame or irony.
“His heart sank as he thought of the enormous power arrayed against him, the ease with which any Party intellectual would overthrow him in debate, the subtle arguments which he would not be able to understand, much less answer. And yet he was in the right! They were wrong and he was right.”
                         George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

R.I.P. Mac “Dr. John” Rebennack

Right Place, Wrong Time

Friday, June 7, 2019

Thought For The Day

Joe Biden Is An Idiot
June 7, 2019
Joe Biden will soon learn that he should have quit while he still smelled like Obama, instead of that tray of sushi you accidentally left under your driver’s seat last month.  Biden would like you to forget that he was a key architect of and Senate whip for the 2005 Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act, which made it harder for consumers to declare bankruptcy.  Biden fought for the rights of Americans to be denied the ability to declare bankruptcy, while allowing corporations wallowing in wealth to do so at will. 
Fun fact: Biden had to battle a professor Elizabeth Warren, who questioned the wisdom (among other things) of protecting consumers by taking away their right to declare bankruptcy in desperate times. 
Feel free to ignore Joe’s history of standing up for corporations in their desperate struggle to overcome the relentless oppression at the hands of the common man as you read the following. 
Girl Trouble
First, Joe waited until the eve of his announcement that he would be running one last failed campaign for president to apologize to Anita Hill for throwing her under the bus and clearing the way for the worst Supreme Court justice of all time, Clarence “Uncle” Thomas.  Dr. Hill was unimpressed by Biden’s 28-year delay and stunning insincerity.  Clarence Thomas continues to be the un-scooped dog poop that ended up on the bottom of the Court’s shoe.
Next, one day after the former vice-president pledged to protect reproductive rights, Biden said he would stand by his long-held decision to back the 1976 Hyde Amendment, which prevents the use of federal funds to pay for abortion except to save the life of the woman, or in cases of rape or incest.  The inclusion of the rape and incest language was signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1993. This amendment, of course, makes it all but impossible for poor folks, particularly women of color, to access completely legal abortions – all of which were made legal in 1973.  All.

Biden voted consistently to keep the amendment in place during his time in the Senate in the ’70s and ’80s.  He also fought efforts to add the rape and incest exceptions to the legislation. One day after this very stupid announcement, Biden said he could no longer stand behind the long-held position that he fully supported 24 hours earlier. GFY Joe.
To be fair, a guy named Donald Chrump changed his position on abortion five times in three days in 2016.
Clearly, all men should recuse themselves from weighing in on the issue of abortion.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Wrath of Con

The Party of Stinkin’

June 6, 2019
“These folks have less empathy than shame, but you'd need a microscope to find either one.”
                            Charles P.Pierce, Esquire Magazine (5/31/19)
The Republican’t brand has been deteriorating since that fateful night at Ford’s Theater on April 14, 1865.  They seemingly hit peak puke on July 21, 2016 with their nomination of Donald J. Chrump and his lickspittle Mike Pence.  I say seemingly of course, because the nomination of the narcissistic, daughter-groping, sexual predator, racist, moron conman (not necessarily in that order) was merely the tip of the giant, climate-crisis-resistant shit-berg into which the country formerly known as America subsequently found itself careening at breakneck speed.  Now we are obliged to watch the Hindenburg of presidents, looking on in horror, simultaneously dreading and craving the chance to watch it burst into flames without taking all of us with it.
Chrump shows his appreciation for Ivanka on stage at the 2016 RNC
The fact that Chrump has the support of some 90 percent of Republican’ts shows how morally and intellectually bankrupt the party that used to be of-Lincoln, that used to be of-Reagan, that remains to this day in many ways of-Nixon and that is now a feces-infused wad of lint in the ill-fitting pocket of currently-disgraced, soon-to-be-pariah Donald J. Chrump, has become.  Their hard work is really paying off – literally, if you focus on the insane, perpetual tax cuts for the rich.  But, not so much for our nation’s truckers who have seen their tax burden skyrocket thanks to the Chrump/Republican’t tax “cuts.”
Oddly, not everyone finds the Republican’t approach robbing the poor to give to the rich and rush to fascism to their liking, and the percentage of voters willing to admit to being Republican’t continues its steady decline.  As such, Republican’ts cannot win a fair national election.  They need the Electoral College to win the presidency.  Republican’ts must also lie, cheat and steal most down-ballot elections using every means necessary, including their latest attempt to distort the Census in order to disenfranchise even more non-white voters. 
Republican’ts have shown, and continue to show that they are much more than willing to “win” this way.  They did not bat an eye as Russia interceded on Chrump’s behalf in 2016.  In fact, Mitch McConnell threatened Obama not to publicize the fact that American intelligence was already investigating the possible complicity of the Chrump campaign.  McConnell and company now have their eyes epoxied shut as the Russians (and others?) build on their success in getting their guy in the White House, in order to keep him around for another four years.  And, if Il Douche and his pet attorney general, subservient Senate and Supreme Court have anything to say about it, maybe 8, 12, or 16 more.  Chrump already said he deserves a do-over for his first two years because Democrats and the media had the temerity to say bad things about him.  He was practically drooling after Xi Jinping wrangled his president-for-life gig in China.  And, Chrump “joked,” “And maybe if we really like it a lot – and if things keep going like they're going – we'll go and we'll do what we have to do. We'll do a three and a four and a five.”  What a great sense of humor.
Everything is under control
I. Mangrey retorting.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Stable Boy

It’s All Schmuck and Mirrors

June 2, 2019
It appears that previously self-proclaimed “very stable genius” Donald Chrump has, for no discernable reason, upgraded himself to “extremely stable genius.”  No one but Chrump and some number of single-digit IQ devotees believes either version of this demented, narcissistic fantasy, but Chrump needs only one person to believe this drivel…assuming that even he believes anything that comes out of his face sphincter.
A number of psychologists have signed a statement claiming that Chrump actually meant to say, “I am an extremely stable JELL-O.”  According to one signatory Dr. W. Plezure, “This would make much more sense given his artificial color, artificial ingredients and complete lack of substance.  To be honest, I do not believe that Mr. Chrump could tell the difference between a genius and a bowl of JELL-O…even if they were clearly labeled.  Mr. Chrump’s relationship with reality is strikingly similar to the relationship between JELL-O and anything vaguely resembling a natural substance.  I have to wonder if he actually bathes in it, given his skin and hair color.” 
To be fair, beside the artificial flavors, colors and sweeteners, the main ingredient of JELL-O is gelatin, made from boiling the bones and hides of animals – many of which are partially natural, if you ignore all the hormones, steroids and otherwise chemically-enhanced feed.  All of this does sound like something Chrump would crave, if not Chrump himself.
Even Chrump’s “intelligence” is artificial, but not like all the artificial intelligence you hear about.  Since, as has been made painfully clear, Chrump is incapable of learning, and therefore of having actual intelligence, he is known to simply memorize whatever he sees on Fux News and parrot that garbage at his next rally, press tantrum or toilet tweeting session.  I suppose this could be considered a form of intelligence, but it is a stupid intelligence.
Chrump does look like a large blob of JELL-O that rolled under the bed, covering itself in orange fuzz, maybe from a family of shedding cats. 
Unintentional Chrump “hair” donor
I. Mangrey relaxing.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Update For The (Yester)Day

Flying Fingers, Fickle, Figurative and Otherwise
June 1, 2019

The original from a few years ago
Very interesting…but stupid
Several former Republican prosecutors released a video calling for Trump’s prosecution for obstruction and pointing not-so-fickle fingers of fate at several complicit creeps. 
Republicans not behaving badly

Not so fickle, not so subtle
This has been your Paying Attention Update For The (Yester)Day.
Deal with it.