Monday, July 30, 2018

Chrump Fiction

The Walking Dumb

July 30, 2018

“These midterm elections have nothing to do with me.  I’m not running for anything.  I’m doing a great job.  The best job anyone has ever done, I would say, in history.  Everyone says so.  Even the failing New York Times.  But not CNN – FAKE NEWS.  The fakest ever.  They never say nice things about Chrump.  Anyway, my Republican’ts are going to win bigly because of the great job I’m doing making America great again.  I don’t need any help from Russia, but Russia, if you’re listening, don’t you dare interfere in our elections…unless you think it’s a good idea.  Stop helping all those Democrats or Chrump will kiss…I mean kick your ass.  No one is tougher on you guys than Chrump.  And you know it.  Everyone knows it.  I’m too busy to get involved in midterms, always was.  Finals too.  It doesn’t matter since I have a very good brain.  A very stable genius.  I’m so smart it’s scary.  If I can find the time, I will be campaigning six or seven, maybe even nine or ten days a week to make sure Crooked Hillary’s Democrats cannot get in my way.  Remember when I beat Hillary?  That was pretty amazing.  I will beat her again too.” 
He once said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose a single vote.  It is clear at this point that he could shoot each and every one of his supporters, and if the shot was not fatal they would still vote for him.
“Stand up and be counted!"

One of the injured attendees brushed off attempts to assess her condition, and instead sought out reporters, “It is a blessing to be shot by such a great president.  He could have hit anyone, especially since he was screaming, “Lock her up, lock her up” while shooting blindly into the crowd.  Mr. Chrump was just telling it like it is, and showing the whole world that he is willing to shoot off more than just his mouth.  Paying attention Iran?  I may not feel great right now but I’ll be great again tomorrow.  All you fake newsers will report on is that Mr. Chrump – hallowed be his name – shot a bunch of people, not on the amazing Second Amendment that he demonstrated here today.  All of you are fake news and enemies of the state and you will pay for your sins.  You don’t see this kind of shooting in Russia.  They’re not allowed to have guns.  I believe that Putin wants to arm Russians, but the Russian congress won’t allow it.  Mr. Chrump wants to help Putin get a Second Amendment because he loves it so much he wants to share.  Talking to you is making me feel weak, because you are so fake.  Not because of the pool of blood at my feet.  It’s not my blood.  Probably not even blood.”  The woman then crumpled in a heap with a sickening thud – not nearly as sickening as her words.
Despite shrieking to the contrary, Der Furor is gearing up for the midterm elections.  There are reports that à la Nixon, Chrump is bringing in specialists to help “fix our elections.”  Since Cubans are not white enough, Chrump is thought to be bringing in Russians to safeguard the votes this November.  According to Chrump, “As everyone knows, I love our intelligence people – the best people.  That doesn’t mean they’re always right.  I think Russia did a great job not interfering in our rigged election.  I know I can trust them because Putin told me I could.  Very strongly and powerfully.  They know how to get my people fired up to vote.”  If there is one thing Chrump knows as well as anyone, it is how to play to his base.  He is a master baser.
I. Mangrey reloading.  Ask first, shoot questions later.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Thought For The Day

The Nightmares Are Getting Weirder
July 29, 2018
Who will emerge victorious in this battle for hottest air? 
Battle of The Hot Air Buffoons:
China’s Chrump Chicken vs. England’s Chrump Baby Blimp
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Saturday, July 28, 2018

You Say Racist, I say Fascist

Let’s Call The Whole Thing Chrump

July 28, 2018
Do not adjust your set.  This is not a drill.  Do not duck.  Do not cover.  Do not go out into the hall, sit by the wall and put your head between your knees to protect yourself.  That trick never worked anyway.  Even though the Chrump phenomenon (which is only different in degree, not substance relative to the Republican’t Party) is the social movement equivalent of radiation poisoning, Bert the Turtle will not save us, just as it was originally nothing more than a diversionary public relations campaign.  Mitch the turtle will definitely not save us.  He has other priorities.

Chrump opened his campaign as a racist, with just a hint of fascism.  He preceded his campaign with virulent racism against America’s first black president.  We will ignore the constant perpetual lying about all of it, for the time being.  Chrump has made it safer and more acceptable to be a racist than it has been since the 1950s.  After all, if the president says some of the white nationalists, one of whom murdered a peaceful protester, “are very fine people,” well then, that’s gotta mean something.  And it surely does, just not what he wants it to mean.

As time passes, Il Douche displays more and more of his authoritarian – many would say fascist – tendencies.  Declaring the free press enemies of the people, insisting on locking up his opponents, threatening or firing anyone who displeases him. 

Chrump is not alone, not by a mile.  Der Furor recently pardoned right-wing commentator Dinesh D’Souza, who was convicted of campaign finance violations – coincidently, one of the myriad crimes Chrump himself likely committed.  The consistently delusional D’Souza retweeted Twitter posts with the hashtags #burntheJews and #bringbackslavery.  He claimed it was an accident.  Probably what his parents are claiming about Dinesh.
Melania’s insensitively ignorant jacket, worn presumably to denigrate her husband’s kidnapped children, was much more than inappropriate.  The “I really don’t care” message was drawn from fascist sloganeering, and the jacket seller has a history of peddling such hate-wear.  Her spokesworm insisted it was all innocent, just a jacket.  Just as she knew what she was marrying, she was quite familiar with the message she whore wore.

Don Jr.’s new girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle – who just left Fux News to work for the Chrump campaign – posed for a photograph with a Pizzagate (which, if you are lucky, you have no idea what this is, and I will let you keep it that way) conspiracy theorist who was flashing a white nationalist sign for the occasion.  She didn’t mean anything by it.  As we all know, when a right wing nutjob wants to take a selfie with you, there really is no choice but to jump right to it.  I do it all the time, or I probably would if I was more of an asshole.  Interesting side note: according to reports, Guilfoyle was fired by Fux for showing pictures of male genitalia – and naming names – to coworkers.  The best people.
So many coincidences, so little time.

It is not fair to lay all of this at the bone-spurred feet of Don Chrump.  Let us not forget, today’s Republican’t Party was reborn out of the ashes of the Dixiecrats, who left their party over civil rights progress, and then Nixon’s Southern Strategy on the heels of LBJ pushing JFK’s further perceived incursions into white supremacy in America.  So, the GOP is not the party of Lincoln.  They are the party of racists who turned their backs on Lincoln – not saying every Republican’t is a racist, just that racism runs very deep in the heart of the party.  Not being judgmental, just honest. 

Republican’ts have been much more honest since the atrocity they worked so hard to create began its campaign to Make America As Bad As Possible.  I recall during the campaign someone described many Chrump supporters as a Basket of Deplorables.  This was simply not the right thing to say.  No way that was a basket; it was garbage barge filled to overflowing.

He alone can fucks it
To pad his fascist resume, and taking a page out of Nixon’s playbook, Chrump also unveiled a list of enemies he wants to punish.  Chrump has his diaper all in a twist over several ex-government employees who have said mean things about him.  They will be added to the original list of enemies, the intelligence community (and intelligence in general), the free press, non-white people, most women, more than half of the American electorate and the truth – they all stand in his way.
I. Mangrey repairing.  I regret that Chrump has even one life to lose for his country.                                       

Friday, July 27, 2018

Thought For The Day

Lawyer Room Talk
July 27, 2018

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Hear No Reality, See No Reality, Speak No Reality

Who You Gonna Believe, Your Lyin' Eyes or His Lyin' Mouth? 

July 25, 2018 

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.  It was their final , most essential command”
George Orwell, 1984 - June 8, 1949 

“It's all working out. Just remember: what you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening." 
Donald Trump – July 24 2018 

Wow, you mean I am not in fact seeing an orange-colored bag of protoplasm masquerading as a mammal masquerading as a human masquerading as a president of the United States?  I have not felt this happy since I saw that Apprentice nutbag’s agonizing descent down that escalator, only to become more agonizing once he opened his face sphincter and uttered those disgraceful words about Mexicans.  I cannot tell you how relieved I am to learn that it never really happened.  FAKE NEWS.  That was a close one.  Can you imagine what life would be like if that buffoon was anything other than a reality show clown?   

In case any further proof that reality has been battered like an artificially-orange-haired step-president, Der Furor did his best to eliminate every shred of doubt.  He took to his safe space, Twitter, to assure anyone who was still unsure, that he is a dangerously delusional sociopath, adrift and untethered – an Orange Gas Cloud. 

Chrump opens up can of dumbass
That’s right folks, the very people whose efforts were in no small part responsible for the Chrumping of America, support the Democrats – except for Hillary Clinton apparently.  And their strong and powerful president, who stood next to his little bitch in Helsinki answered, “Yes I did,” when asked, “President Putin, did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?”   Nothing we did not already know from a variety of sources, but it never hurts to get a public admission.  But according to the beneficiary of Putin’s affections, now that his Malignant Candidate is in the White House, he has decided to switch sides to elect his man’s unwavering opposition.  I’m glad we cleared that up. 
You might be interested to know that both Chrump’s Ministry of Information and the Kremlin altered the exchange to disappear Putin’s admission of favoring Chrump.  The Kremlin simply excised the entire exchange.
Remember in June 2016 when Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Leader and now an avid Chrumper, told colleagues – including Paul Ryan – that he thought “There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump”?  Ryan’s only response was, “This is an off the record.”  Some of his colleagues laughed at that.  Ryan continued, “No leaks, all right?  This is how we know we’re a real family here.”  Then it was immediately leaked.  Nice family you got there.  Be a shame if nothing happened to them.
But Wait, There’s More
Chrump told a crowd of mindless drones, “Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news.  I mean, I saw a piece on NBC today – NBC, not just CNN.  CNN’s the worst.  But I saw a piece on NBC.  It was heart throbbing.  They were interviewing people.  They probably go through 20 and then pick the one that sounds like the worst.  But they went through a group of people. In fact, I wanted to say, ‘I got to do something about this Trump.’”  Finally, Chrump has a brush with reality.
Speaking of mindless drones, Sean Spicer in his new (joke) book, called Chrump “…a unicorn, riding a unicorn over a rainbow.”  I kid you not.
I. Mangrey recoiling. 

Monday, July 23, 2018

No Laughing Matter

I Don’t See Any Reason Why We Should (or Shouldn’t) Be

July 23, 2018
First, a correction: In my last post, I wrote that Donald Chrump was a “moronic narcissist who cares nothing for America, knows nothing of history, economics, law, the Constitution, the names of all his children or where his own father was born.  After reading the transcripts, it came to my attention that I should have said not wouldn’t.  It’s kind of double negative, and a triple positive slathered in adverbs.
From the now-repentant author
of Chrump’s The Art of The Deal
Out of The Mouths of Boobs
Sometimes he would, then again he says he wouldn’t.  He is such a big-hearted man that he can even sympathize with Nazis and white supremacists.  Some people are saying that he only said this to shore up his base – which is full of Nazis and white supremacists.  Other people are saying he said this because he is an autocratic racist.  And, to be fair, his Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen – who still has not gotten the memo saying unequivocally that Russia, per Putin’s instructions, meddled in our election, which her boss got two weeks before being inaugurated – recently said, “I think what’s important about that conversation [about the alt-right march in Charlottesville] is, it’s not that one side is right and one side is wrong.”  Yeah, Nazis are people too, some of them very fine, I hear.  Aren’t they?  Check F*$#book for the answer.  Anyway, it was very gracious of Nielsen to take time away from kidnapping, imprisoning, drugging and torturing innocent children, to do an interview.  If only she had not made horrifyingly stupid words come out of her mouth; but, I guess you have to go with your strengths.  It's all about the base...
Randy Rainbow sings it like it is
Speaking of going with your strengths, there are reports of a growing comaraderie between white supremacists and Russians.  The Christian Right is also enamored of Putin.  Franklin Graham – son of famous anti-Semite Billy Graham – has met with Putin and found him simpatico.  So it is not Chrump’s fault, how could he be expected to resist a group of such very fine people.  I wish him well…I mean wouldn’t.

But Wait, There’s More
It also turns out that your good friends at the NRA have been colluding with Russia for years.  Long before El Chrumpo entered the presidential picture, there existed a long running plot involving Russia and American officials and representatives to the NRA.   According to Sarah Kendzior, an expert on authoritarian states, “They were absolutely willing to sacrifice American sovereignty, to jeopardize American national security for their own aims. One more final point is people need to be looking at the money. They need to be looking at the donations that the NRA was giving to the Republicans.”   Do any of these idiots know that personal weapons are completely illegal in Russia?  Republican’ts: making America great, by golly …or failing that, Russian.

Chrump, speaking to a crowd of workers and CEOs invited to the White House, was suddenly stunned after reading the word “apprenticeship” off his teleprompter.  He had never put together the fact that The Apprentice actually referred to, you know, apprentices.  Unaccustomed as he is to public thinking, the Child-in-chief told his audience, “That’s an interesting word for me to be saying, right? The Apprentice.  I never actually put that together until just now.”  Good to know, chief.  But, that begs the question, exactly what have you put together over the past 20 years?
Alas, poor excuse for a man, what did we ever do to you?
A recent poll found that 77 percent of Chrump voters think he should remain in office even if it is proven that he colluded with Russia’s attack on our election that helped him “win” the prezidency; only 14 percent said this would be grounds for removal; that leaves 9 percent that are even more braindead than the other 77 percent.  Chrump currently enjoys the support of 90 percent of Republican’ts who approve of the “job” he is “doing” as prezident.  This was surprising since only 80 percent of Republican’ts are Nazis, neo-Confederates and/or white supremacists.
What amazes me most about Hair Chrump, is he does it all with no laugh track.  That takes tiny little balls, and he’s got ‘em. 
If Chuck Berry rewrote Reelin’ and Rockin’ just before he died…
Sometimes he would, then again he says he wouldn’t
Sometimes he would, then again he says he wouldn’t
Sometimes he did, then again he says he didn't
Well I looked at my phone, it was Jan 21
We was at an inauguration, we was the only ones
And we rolled, reelin' and a rockin'
We was reelin' and a rockin'
Nauseous till the break of dawn
Well I looked at my phone, it was Jan 22
Just couldn’t believe that the president was you
And we rolled, reelin' and a rockin'
We was reelin' and a rockin'
Sicker as the days went on
Well I looked at my phone, it was Jan 23
Every time we looked ‘round you were all we could see
And we reelin', reelin' and a rockin'
We was reelin' and a rockin'
Wishin’ we’d a never been born
Well I looked at my phone, it was one year later
America sucked, it hadn’t got greater
And we reelin', reelin' and a rockin'
We was reelin' and a rockin'
Wishin’ you’d a never been born
Reelin' and Rockin' - original version
I. Mangrey rewriting.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Talking To The Little Hand

Hearing is Not Necessarily Believing 

July 21, 2018
In one hand, out the other
Presidents are privy to intelligence (that which is provided by the intelligence community, not necessarily that which one accumulates over the course of one’s life) unavailable to everyone else, unless that president determines others should be apprised of said information.  For example, Deputy Attorney General of the United States Rod Rosenstein gave Donald Chrump the option to have the indictment of 12 more Russian operatives involved in hacking the 2016 election made public before or after his private tête-a-whatever and public COLLUSION with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.  Chump decided to have the announcement made beforehand.  He meant to say afterward.  Or so it is (or isn’t said).
Some of you might remember the August 6, 2001 – less than one month before the historic 9-11 attack – President’s Daily Briefing entitled, “Bin Laden Determined To Strike in U.S.”  The 43rd president (who won the Electoral College*, but not the popular vote) curtly ignored this later-found-to-be-prophetic missive for reasons known only to him and his fellow travelers.
Ignored at our peril
Fewer of you probably remember January 6, 2018 – two weeks before his inauguration – the 45th president (who won (or is it won’t?) the Electoral College**, but not the popular vote) given ironclad proof – including texts and emails of senior Russian officials – that Russian president Vladimir Putin personally ordered cyber attacks against the U.S. election – the election responsible for his “being elected.”  And of course, thousands of Russians were dancing in the streets after their guy made it to the White House.  Chrump had the most Russians celebrating his victory of any president in American history.  And that’s a fact. 

Mitch McConnell, stopped the Obama administration from speaking out about the Russians meddling in the 2016 election.  The Kentucky Kretin refused to sign on to a bipartisan statement condemning Putin’s perfidy.  In case I have not mentioned this previously, fuck Mitch McConnell.  Twice.  And not in a nice way.
Chrump-appointed Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats told the nation, immediately preceding Chrump’s public display of affection with Putin, told the nation, “It was in the months prior to September 2001 when, according to then-CIA Director George Tenet, the system is blinking red. And here we are nearly two decades later, and I’m here to say, the warning lights are blinking red again.”  Coats was presumably referring to the threat of Russia co-opting the 2018 mid-term election, after having already (everyone save one person knows this) co-opted the 2016 presidential election.  It is unclear if Coats was also referring to the fact that the current president is acting at the behest of the Russian dictator. 

No one inside – or outside, save Vladimir Putin and his magic hidden (one assumes) recording device – the U.S. government has any idea what Chrump said to Putin while they were canoodling for over two hours.  Our entire military was blindsided by learning the first details from Russian media.  It is entirely likely that not even Chrump knows what was said in that meeting, and even if he had any recollections about it, he would just lie about it anyway.  Welcome to the new world order.

Meanwhile, the Chrump administration has disbanded the Cybersecurity Working Group and plans to eliminate other cybersecurity personnel.  He will probably turn things over to Putin, who will do a strong and powerful job of making sure he does not meddle in our elections, which he has never done.  Chrump is now planning to have Vlad for a sleepover in the fall, presumably to give him easier access to hack the midterm elections.  Very tough on Russia.  Clearly NO COLLUSION whatsoever.
I leave you with the words of Paula Poundstone: “Electing Trump is to Americans, what beaching themselves is to whales.  Scientists don’t understand it.  The only difference is we don’t have another species to shove us back in the water.”
I. Mangrey rehydrating.  Save the whales.
*Not really, but the Republican Supreme Court justices halted the vote recount in Florida and handed this unprepared, unworthy, uninformed, unintelligent nitwit the highest office in the land…because they could.
**Thanks largely to last-minute sabotage by then-FBI Director James Comey’s election eve ersatz email escapade, and Russian cyber warriors aiding and abetting (i.e., COLLUSION) the “winning” candidate.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Thought For The End of The Day

49 Years Ago: One Small Step For Man

July 20, 2018
July 20, 1969 – Remember when America was?
Today: One Giant Chrump For Mankind

July 20, 2018 - Who will survive?

Many people are not aware of this, but Donald Chrump is prezident of the United States.  Of America.  I know, WTF.  How can this be possible?  But it seems to be true.  I just thought you should know, and perhaps take appropriate action.
The Brits know
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?
Today’s full post below.

Intelligence Is Not Given, It Is Earned

Talking To The Little Hand

July 20, 2018
Presidents are privy to intelligence (that which is provided by the intelligence community, not necessarily that which one accumulates over the course of one’s life) unavailable to everyone else, unless that president determines others should be apprised of said information.  For example, Deputy Attorney General of the United States Rod Rosenstein gave Donald Chrump the option to have the indictment of 12 more Russian operatives involved in hacking the 2016 election made public before or after his private tête-a-whatever and public COLLUSION with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.  Chump decided to have the announcement made beforehand.  He meant to say afterward.  Or so it is said.
Some of you might remember the August 6, 2001 – less than one month before the historic 9-11 attack – President’s Daily Briefing entitled, “Bin Laden Determined To Strike in U.S.”  The 43rd president (who won the Electoral College*, but not the popular vote) curtly ignored this later-found-to-be-prophetic missive for reasons known only to him and his fellow travelers.
Ignored at our peril

Fewer of you probably remember January 6, 2018 – two weeks before his inauguration – the 45th president (who won the Electoral College**, but not the popular vote) given ironclad proof – including texts and emails of senior Russian officials – that Russian president Vladimir Putin personally ordered cyberattacks against the U.S. election – the election responsible for his “being elected.”  And of course, thousands of Russians were dancing in the streets after their guy made it to the White House.
Chrump-appointed Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats told the nation, “It was in the months prior to September 2001 when, according to then-CIA Director George Tenet, the system is blinking red. And here we are nearly two decades later, and I’m here to say, the warning lights are blinking red again.”  Coats was presumably referring to the threat of Russia co-opting the 2018 mid-term election, after having already (everyone save one person knows this) co-opted the 2016 presidential election.  It is unclear if Coats was also referring to the fact that the current president is acting at the behest of the Russian dictator.   
Former Watergate prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks and her awesome pin

Meanwhile, the Chrump administration has disbanded the Cybersecurity Working Group and plans to eliminate other cybersecurity personnel.  He will probably turn things over to Putin, who will do a strong and powerful job of making sure he does not meddle in our elections, which he has never done.  Chrump is now planning to have Vlad for a sleepover in the fall.  Very tough on Russia.  Clearly NO COLLUSION whatsoever.
I leave you with the words of Paula Poundstone: “Electing Trump is to Americans, what beaching themselves is to whales.  Scientists don’t understand it.  The only difference is we don’t have another species to shove us back in the water.”
I. Mangrey rehydrating.  Save the whales.
*Not really, but the Republican Supreme Court justices halted the vote recount in Florida and handed this unprepared, unworthy, uninformed, unintelligent nitwit the highest office in the land…because they could.

**Thanks largely to last-minute sabotage by then-FBI Director James Comey's election eve ersatz email escapade, and Russian cyber warriors aiding and abetting (i.e., COLLUSION) the “winning” candidate.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Tought For The Day, Prediction For The Morrow

July 19, 2018
Chrump: “Don’t Listen to What I Said, Listen to What I Say”
Yesterday Chrump said of Putin tampering with our elections, “I let him know we can’t have this. We’re not going to have it and that’s the way it’s going to be.”
Tomorrow Chrump will say, “I meant to say we can have this, we are going to have it and that’s the way it’s going to be or not to be that is the question.”
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?  Prediction for the morrow?

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Thought For The Day

July 18, 2018                                              
Der Furor tried to pretend, rather unsuccessfully because his tiny little brain is melting, that he was not fondling Putin's privates, by reading an "apology" (i.e., LIE) written for him by Pence and Pompeo.  In order to remind himself to repeat his favorite lie of NO COLLUSION, he wrote, "There WAS NO COLLUSION" in giant letters on his notes.

What is t'reason Chrump is so enamored of Putin?
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome. 

What is your thought for the day? 




Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Donny Does Vlad

As Expected, Chrump Blows Putin…Summit

July 17, 2018
Clearly, if there is anyone bound and determined to insure that Donald Chrump is impeached and/or sent to prison for treason (or any number of other unlawful acts) it is Donald Chrump.  Before and after winning the fake Electoral College election, Chrump has been the single most high profile and effective Russian operative acting to elect Donald Chrump.

Remember the good old days, when Der Furor was yukking it up with Kim Jong Un, pretending to get yuge concessions on nuclear weapons?  That escapade seems quaint at this point.  That seems like a Muppet movie compared to yesterday's Hindenberg Summit.
Ex-Director of National Intelligence (including during the early days of investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election well before the election*) John Brennan agreed with Mr. Chrump, tweeting,
The new Director of National Intelligence, appointed by Chrump, Dan Coats told the public what he told his boss over a week ago, “we have been clear in our assessments of Russian meddling in the 2016 election and their ongoing, pervasive efforts to undermine our democracy…”  Chrump took that with a mountain of salt and said that his boss, Putin “was extremely strong and powerful in his denial…” 
Regarding Russia meddling in our election Chrump added, “I don’t see any reason why they would.”  This the very first time Don Chrump managed to not look in a mirror, or he would have seen the reason why very strongly and powerfully.  For those of you keeping score, it is Putin 2, America 0. 
This morning Half-a-King Chrump tried to clear a few things up (not really) about the previous quote saying, “I meant to say ‘wouldn’t’, and would have said wouldn’t if I had read the transcripts of what I said before I said it.  I always read the transcripts.  I read all the time.  I’m a stable genius who loves to read.  That’s how I got all the best words and talk so good.” 
Chrump (again speaking for Putin) floated the idea of giving Russia access to our intelligence to help prove their (non-existent) innocence.  It has not been confirmed that Chrump actually offered to appoint Putin as the next DNI, or if Putin returned Chrump’s balls before allowing him to return to the United States to continue his work on behalf of the Russian people.  Putin 3, America 0.  Putin would continue to effortlessly run up the score before the press conference ended.  All via unforced errors.
Right about now Putin must be pretty excited about his return on investment.  He ended up with the American president of his choosing, who is perpetually going out of his way to show his undying admiration for the Russian strongman.  Donald Chrump is a walking PR firm for Putin and Russia, and it was all done on the cheap.  Since there were no witnesses at the two men’s private meeting, we will never know that Putin said, “This was the best $500 I ever spent.”
The Great Chrumputin Summit of 2018
After sliming every one of our allies at the G-6+1 and the NATO summit, Chrump once again stood with – literally and figuratively – Vladimir Putin.  At the recent one-on-one summit, while he was publicly aiding and comforting Putin, Chrump again avowed his distrust of America’s intelligence community and our free press.  (Speaking of the American free press, a recent study found that the U.S. ranked 45th in the world for freedom of the press.)
Even some Republican’ts spoke up…finally.  Finally.  But they will do absolutely nothing.  Mitch McConnell knew that Chrump was under investigation for working with Russia (or maybe it was China, or lots of other people, may be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, OK?)
I. Mangrey recoiling.  Lather, rant, repeat.