Friday, March 31, 2017

Son(-in-law) of a Bitch

It Just Keeps Getting Better and Bitter

Nepotism, DC
March 30, 2017
Don Chrump is officially putting his sleazy son-in-law in charge of overhauling the federal government. Der Furor is tasking the 36 year old Kushner with this job so he can “apply my ‘ahead of schedule, under budget’ mentality to the government” in service of putting together a what is being heralded as great and excellent “SWAT team” to “fix the government with business ideas”. Though as you may know, or simply be assuming based on far too much past experience, Chrump’s “ahead of schedule, under budget mentality”, as with every other word that spills out of his face sphincter, is nothing more than a lie. Nonetheless, the first son-in-law carries with him the baggage…I mean reputation of having the business skills to rival his wife’s not-so-secret admirer/father; that is, he is in a world of debt – a world-class loser with a well-crafted façade and a fraud/celebrity for a father-in-law.
Upper class twits: Oliver, Jared and Simon
Many people are saying they have high hopes for the greedy and all-around-ethically-challenged Kushner as he heads the Office of American Innovation. Some Americans are excited by the prospect of possibly seeing some, if not all, of the Kremlin loyalists have less of a strangle-hold on the White House.
“We should have excellence in government,” Kushner told the Post on Sunday. “The government should be run like a great American company. Our hope is that we can achieve successes and efficiencies for our customers, who are the citizens.” Or if that does not pan out, make an epic fortune off of the American taxpayer, whether they wanted this miserable little turd anywhere near the White House or not.
Young Jared will not be able to embark on his vital new mission just yet, first he must prepare to testify about his connections to the same Russian ambassador who had also been lip-locked with Michael Flynn (Remember him? He seems poised to be Chrump’s John Dean) and Jeff Sessions and most of the alt-president’s men. Kushner apparently need not worry about his conflict of Chinese interests…yet.
America As Golf Widow
His father-in-law – the Conflict-of-interest-in-chief – will of course be very busy golfing and/or hanging out at various properties that bear his name. That would be the man who told millions of gullible (or something) Americans, “I have the greatest stuff and you know what? I love golf. But if I were in the White House, I don’t think I’d ever see Turnberry again. I don’t think I’d ever see Doral again. I own Doral in Miami. I don’t think I’d ever see many of the places I have. I don’t think I’d ever see anything, I just want to stay in the White House and work my ass off and make great deals, right? Who’s gonna leave?” Chrump has made 13 trips to his own golf courses in his nine weeks as the…well, you know. In Chrump’s defense, those nine weeks do feel like an eternity.
When does he start working his ass off?
From any angle, still a big fat ass
Chrump golfs so often Fux News presented a News Flash because he was actually working and not golfing. Except that he was in fact golfing at that very moment. Quelle surprise. So, when we are looking at Chrump’s first 100 days, do we count the golf days? It could take a year to get 100 working days from the Orange Gas Cloud.
News Alert: Dumbass POTUS actually working. (NOT!)
Once Mr. Ivanka gets his ass in gear he will be in charge of managing the dispute with Mexico over the Great Great Wall of Chrump and brokering Middle East peace. Naturally, the boy has absolutely no experience in either government or foreign affairs. Obviously the best man for the job in a Chrump administration.
In the event that putting his inexperienced and clueless son-in-law in such a critical position did not display sufficient conflict of interest and nepotism, Chrump is also bringing into the White House the daughter of his dreams. Ivanka, bless her heart, is taking an unpaid position doing who-knows-what. With her almost infinite lack of knowledge, skill, understanding or gravitas, Ivanka should be a perfect fit for daddy’s administration. Unnamed sources inside the White House say that her primary job will be to keep Dear Old Dad from grabbing too much pussy, tweeting between the hours of 2:00am and 6:00am, swallowing his own bullshit tongue, and blowing up the world without warning anyone because someone was mean to him.
I. Mangrey reporting. Workin’ hard and doin’ swell.                                                    

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Chrump v. Earth

If You’re President You Can Do What Want, Grab ‘em By The Planet…
Nice Planet You Got There, Be a Shame If Something Didn’t Happen To It

Third Stone From the Sun
March 28, 2017
Since he has been unable to get anything done while trying to find an umbrella large enough to shield himself and his comrades from the immense cloud of suspicion poised to deluge his alt-presidency, Der Furor impressed himself by signing another executive order. This time his target is the environment. He intends to implement a ban on anything that might protect the planet. Chrump’s latest edict says, “Let me tell you, the Earth is always losing. Highly over-rated planet, worst gravity ever. I don’t like loser planets. I like planets that don’t care about warming or carbon dioxide. I inherited such a losing planet, but I will change that. I will do it very quickly and it will be so easy it will make your head spin. This stupid planet does the same thing every day, every year, every whatever. Just going in circles around the same very mediocre Sun all the time. Nobody knows this, but the Earth goes around the Sun…constantly. Did any of you know this? I don’t think so. I know this and it seems very bad to me. This has got to stop, and stop right now. We need a planet that wins. I’m the guy that can make this planet win again. I alone can rescue the Earth from disastrous regulations and tree-huggers and replace it with something terrific.”
Pouty McFuckface puts his John Hemlock on another edict 

During his press conference, well not so much a press conference as Chrump going the extra mile (few inches actually) and taking his latest Execution...I mean Executive Order out for a walk, instead of just waving it around at his desk, to show off how he can sign his name without taking a bathroom break, the alt-president told those gathered, “Just like I got rid of ISIS so beautifully and so very quickly and very fast. Just like I got rid of the very bad and terrible Obamacare on day one. Just like I hired the best people who found proof Obama wasn’t born in America. Even I can’t believe how much I am winning. I should probably just be re-elected next year to save time.”
“Many people are saying that there’s no way to bring back all the coal jobs I promised to bring back. They say that coal is too dirty, too expensive and on its way out in a hurry. Nobody knows more about jobs and coal than I do. Right now I have a great plan to put American coal miners back to work. I am going make another of my great deals, and I always make the best deals. I alone am going to bring in many, many tons and tons of coal from China, where my beautiful ties and shirts and so many other of the amazing Chrump things are made – including my outstanding son Eric. This will be one of the greatest deals of all time. Not just my deals but, the greatest deal ever made by, I think, anyone. Here’s the deal: I am going to bring to America all of that amazing and excellent coal and we are going to get all of those miners who have lost their jobs because of Obamacare and our loser planet, back to work. First I am going to have them bury all of that crappy Chinese coal in the American ground and then we will get those great miners to dig that coal up so we can burn it in our brand new American-made (with Russian steel) coal plants without all those pathetic, loser filters. When they dig the coal up it will be the cleanest coal anyone has ever seen. Clean, clean coal. So clean. Believe me. This will make America great so fast you won’t even believe your own eyes.”
“So as I said, it is time to do something terrific with this disastrous planet that hurts people every day. A planet full of earthquakes, and hurricanes and volcanoes and blizzards and windmills. Sad. We can do much better people. We can do much, much better. Much better. Better. And nobody understands how planets work than Donald Chrump. Believe me. I do. And I don’t have to believe me because I’m already me. And in the unlikely event that I fall right on my puffy orange face, I have heard that there are hundreds of other planets out there that are probably much better than ours. I will now not take questions.”
I. Mangrey reporting. You cannot make this stuff up folks.                                                      

Sunday, March 26, 2017

The New T-Rex

Not Many Whores Can Be Their Own Pimp

The State Department: a Subsidiary of ExxonMobil
March 26, 2017
"I didn't want this job. I didn't seek this job.
My wife told me I'm supposed to do this."
Rex Tillerson, March 21, 2017

ExxonMobil CEO/Secretary of State and Vladimir Putin fanboy Wrecks Tillerson used a fake name – Wayne Tracker – to "send and receive materials regarding important matters" including climate change while he was working only for ExxonMobil between 2008 and 2015. The lie put forth by America’s most successful welfare recipient to explain away Tillerson’s subterfuge is unimportant. All we really need to know is that the man who never worked for anyone but Exxon/ExxonMobil – and that includes the present day – is a slimy, greedy planet killer. Other than that, he might be a very nice man.

Alaska’s shoreline after the Exxon Valdez disaster. Thanks Tillerson.
Now that he is ExxonMobil CEO/Secretary of State, Tillerson continues to do what he can to hide in the shadows. He ignored State Department tradition and opted to leave the press behind on his trip to Asia. Actually that is not entirely true, Tillerson brought along a reporter with two weeks of job experience from a little known right-wing outlet on his trip to Asia, ditching the regular press pool. Many reporters were furious at having been excluded, since former Secretaries of State routinely included the press in their meetings and trips abroad. Tillerson told his hand-picked news puppet, "I’m not a big media press access person. I personally don’t need it. I understand it’s important to get the message of what we’re doing out, but I also think there’s only a purpose in getting the message out when there’s something to be done."
Tillerson and his Boss/BFF have a good laugh
Listen up Tillerson, you took the job and swore an oath to the Constitution, not to what you need or want. You will talk to the media press and you will like it. We all know of your loyalty to ExxonMobil and Putin. You are not fooling anyone, so just suck it up and at least pretend to be Secretary of State. And that includes letting the American public know what the hell you are doing in our name. I am willing to suspend disbelief and assume you also have some loyalty to America. Americans depend on the media press to keep us informed. You can even call yourself Wayne F*%$ing Tracker for all we care.
Tillerson said it was not his idea to become Secretary of State. He said he was going to retire and spend more time with his grandchildren. Credit where due, this is the first known example of someone deciding not to spend more time with his family in order to become a corrupt political operative. Tillerson says his wife told him God wanted him to continue to support Russia America as Secretary of State. We are already sorry he took the job. He will be sorry one day as well. But not as sorry as we are.
I. Mangrey reporting.                                     

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Repeal and Disgrace

Yes They Can't

Winnington, DC
March 25, 2017
Blathering about Obamacare, about which Chrump knew (and continues to know) absolutely nothing, the candidate told his adoring minions, “It will be repealed and replaced. It will be essentially simultaneously. It will most likely be on the same day or the same week, but probably the same day. Could be the same hour.” That day, or week, or day, or hour came and/or went yesterday or the day before or minutes ago.
The winningest winner in the history of winning is now 0 for everything. For those keeping score, it is now two Muslim bans and one destruction-of-Obamacare shot to hell. Chrump is unfazed. Or braindead. It is hard to tell. Maybe I have no idea what winning means, because this seems like a bucket load of loser-esque losing to me. Or perhaps this is what the new kids in DC call “alternative-winning”. I simply cannot take all this big league winning. I am having a very hard time adjusting to this new alt-reality.
From a recent fortune cookie
Naturally Chrump and the Republican’ts are blaming, not the Tea Party, not the crappy hate-filled Bill of Death (with the 17% approval rating) Paul Ryan put forth, not the alternative-winning president who makes the best deals, but the Democrats. Apparently, Hair Chrump believes that since the Republican’ts were willing to shoot themselves in the balls, the Democrats should have been willing to shoot themselves in the foot by helping to repeal the Affordable Care Act they fought for decades to enact. In fact, the Dems were so desperate to get better health care for more Americans that they were willing to go with something that was little more than plans put forth by Reagan, Dole, Romney and others, than something they really thought would work well. That would be the (not-at-all) disastrous Obamacare that Republicants tried to repeal and ignore more than 60 times over the past seven years. The Obamacare that Republican’t governors have been sabotaging for seven years. The Obamacare that Chrump called “a total disaster”, which 12 million more people just signed up for last month. The Obamacare that Ben Carson said was the “worst thing since slavery”. And the Obamacare that Joe Biden, within earshot of the entire world, called “a big fucking deal” the day it was signed into law.
Obama did not comment on Chrump’s big alternative win
Chrump, who still insists that thousands of Muslims were dancing in the streets on 9/11, that millions of people voted illegally in 2016 and that Obama or the British, or Martians tapppppped his wires during the election, vows that Obamacare will self-destruct this year because it was meant to do so once Obama left office. My hope is that the alt-president will hold his breath until this happens. We have in the White House a belligerent child who cannot admit a mistake. The Wall Street Journal said Chrump “clings to his assertions like a drunk to an empty gin bottle”. In his defense, it is entirely possible that Chrump would not recognize a mistake if it was sitting right on top of his vacuous head.

After his latest crushing defeat Chrump told reporters, “I never said anything about repeal and replace. Other people said that, I was just repeating what I heard in the failing newspapers. I am here to sign things. Today I got to sit in a big truck and blast the horn as much as I wanted. I don’t care about Obamacare. I’m a tax cut guy. I win. That’s what Donald Chrump does. I was right about Obamacare all along. I don’t think Obamacare was even born in this country, and I have amazing proof that I will show you when the time is right. I'm a very instinctual person, but my instinct turns out to be right. Hey, look, in the meantime, I guess I can't be doing so badly, because I'm president, and you're not.”(He actually said the italicized part.)

Even after pulling a Cheney – feeding phony information to the House Intelligence Committee chairman – and then acting surprised when said chairman came running to him with this critical information, Chrump got nothing for his trouble. Except more trouble. At least Cheney – after anonymously feeding a story to the New York Times and then quoting the same article to back up his lies, got what he wanted – an illegal war in Iraq. If only he could have used his cleverness for good instead of evil.
Chrump is winning so bigly that his poll numbers are breaking records. Never has a president had such unbelievable approval and disapproval numbers so early in his first term. Never.
Approve: 37%  Disapprove: 55% Nobody’s done it better
As Chrump’s approval rating's suicide watch goes to double red alert, another new poll ranks the “happiness” rating of countries across the globe. According to Talking Points Memo: The rankings are based on income and life expectancy figures, along with how people rate social support, personal freedom, corruption and generosity. Together it is used to generate a happiness score from 1 to 10. The United States ranks 14th with a 6.99.
Chrump assures America, “Everything is going just fine.”
It might be a coincidence that all of the top 10 happiest countries all have universal health care. It might not be a coincidence since every industrialized nation but one – old #14 – has universal health care. Also none of the top 10 have Don Chrump as their leader.
I. Mangrey reporting. I yield the rest of my time.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Pause That Distresses

A Word From Our Sponsor

March 23, 2017

Paying Attention's benefactor - the guy who pays the bills, our salaries, and all kinda dues - Stevie G has ended his lengthy hiatus and, with newly inspired invective, lobbed the first of what we hope is a fusillade of op-ed pieces at his local paper. Apparently desperate for material, they have agreed to publish the following. I believe this is his first such piece since launching this blog. We hope you enjoy this brief pause in the disaster. We expect this will be just the first installment of Coming Soon to the Delaware County Daily Times.

Ed Venture
Editor, Paying Attention
To The Editor: 
Donald Trump has given us Scott Pruitt as head of the Environmental Protection Agency.  It may not be common knowledge that Pruitt sued the EPA 13 times to stop them from protecting the environment. As attorney general of Oklahoma, Pruitt also oversaw – or more accurately overlooked – a mind-blowing and literally Earth-shattering uptick of earthquakes in his home state. Oklahoma experienced 1,900 in 2016, up from 2-3 in 2008 before fracking, which Pruitt vigorously endorsed.
Ninety-seven percent of the world’s climate scientists continue to agree that global climate change is not only very real, but that human activity leading to excessive carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is indisputably implicated in driving the crisis. Recently, Pruitt shamelessly opined that carbon dioxide is not a serious contributor to climate change. At this point it is clear that Pruitt is either an unabashed liar or too ignorant of the issues involved in his new post to be qualified for the job.
It is now widely known that Exxon’s own research in the late seventies showed that climate change had already begun and that the fossil fuel industry was very much to blame for heating up the planet. Yet ExxonMobil continues to reap massive tax incentives, despite being the most profitable corporation in history, and despite the fact that they have been lying to us for close to thirty years about their complicity in damaging our planet. Now their CEO, friend and business associate of Vladimir Putin, is Secretary of State. How does anyone believe there is nothing wrong with this picture?
Meanwhile, the Trump administration says we need to save money by cutting Meals on Wheels, meals for needy school children, public broadcasting and science, among others. Apparently we need this money to keep providing welfare for Exxon (and others), more imprudent tax cuts for the wealthy, and to enable Trump to go to Florida almost every weekend (because being president is surely no more than a five-day-a-week job) at a cost of $3M a pop. Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney said he cannot in good conscience ask Americans to pay for Meals on Wheels because it does not work. What? Does it bring meals to those who have no other way to get them? Yes it does. Therefore it works. And his conscience has no problem (not even) asking us if we want to pay for Trump’s constant vacations? What am I missing here?
Bernie Sanders was ridiculed by Trump and others when he said that Global climate change is the single gravest threat to the security of the United States and the world. Too little and too late, the military-intelligence complex tried to remind everyone that they have been saying this very thing for almost a decade.
Regardless, it boggles the mind that anyone in the 21st Century can seriously think that our technology comes without a price. We now know beyond a reasonable doubt that we are causing great harm to our planet. We can do better.
Stevie G
March 20, 2017

Monday, March 20, 2017

Chrump Tries Math (Spoiler Alert: It gets ugly)

The Batshit Crazy Budget: Stop It Before It Kills Everything

March 20, 2017
Chrump’s first federal budget has arrived. Like an IED in your pancakes. Hopefully, like the Hindenburg. The plan is to further bloat the already mortally obese military budget at the expense of everything else. Who needs anything else? Prepare for a thousand cuts people. Say goodbye to money for feeding the poor and the housebound elderly – what a bunch of moochers. Say goodbye to government financed research, PBS, NEA, clean air, clean water, bald eagles and just too many other very helpful programs to mention. Since almost no one in New York City voted for Chrump, he is taking away all federal funding of the NYPD. Pretty much anything you can think of that seems like a good idea, kiss it goodbye. But the best news has not even dropped yet – massive tax cuts for the very rich. It is amazing that anything that benefits those in need gets labeled an “entitlement”. Tax cuts for the already rich is just smart business. I guess you cannot give entitlements to those already deemed entitled. It is only an entitlement if you desperately need it. Those greedy poor people will just have to get over themselves and sell a few organs so they can buy smart phones or whatever. And what the hell has science ever done for anyone anyway?
While Chrump is ballooning the military budget, the CEO of Exxon, I mean the CEO of the State Department, I mean the Secretary of State, Wrecks Tillerson, thinks we need to eliminate the State Department because, 1) all these diplomats are wasting valuable tax dollars that could be used to help rich people, and 2) he says, "As time goes by, there will be fewer military conflicts that the U.S. will be directly engaged in." I’m not sure which end of the feeding tube that stuff came out of, but then he pulled his saber out of his ass and started rattling it in North Korea’s face saying, “Certainly we do not want to, for things to get to military conflict. If they elevate the threat of their weapons program to a level that we believe requires action, then, that option’s on the table.” Confused? Don’t be. Just smile knowingly, think happy thoughts and try not to swallow your tongue. Do not bother getting all your affairs in order because there will not be anyone around to inherit what little you may have left.
Go Chrump yourself!
Chrump Tweets While America Burns
What day (or two) in alt-reality would be complete without a dose of dangerous stupidity from our Clodhopper-in-chief – via Twitter of course – because he “can get around the media when the media doesn’t tell the truth”? Seriously dude, get help.
And why miss an opportunity to talk smack about something you do not understand and someone you just met with, behind her back? You gutless worm. FAKE YOU motherfaker. Seriously dude, get out. While we still have a chance.
But, I Digress…
Back to the budget-from-hell. We simply must get rid of the onerous, bank-breaking Meals on Wheels. Who does it really help anyway? Nobody from Goldman Sacks, that I can tell you. Chrump’s budget assassin, the new head of the Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney, who is “in charge” of cutting and wasting, says Meals on Wheels does not work, “They have never brought me one singe meal. One day I was busy trying to shut down the government and hadn’t eaten in several hours, and no meals on wheels came to feed me. Obviously the program is a total failure. Nobody likes it. Getting rid of it is probably one of the most compassionate things we can do.” (non-alternative quote in italics) What is it with these people? Paul Ryan thinks he is “doing an act of mercy” by taking health care from 26,000,000 people and Mulvaney thinks it is compassionate to take food out of needy people’s mouths. Only those who can afford the best get a free lunch in Chrump’s Amerika.
Pence and Ryan learn that Ryan’Scare will mercifully help 26,000,000 lose health insurance
Mulvaney also straightened us out on all that climate change nonsense. In case anyone was wondering about the policies oozing out of an alt-president who said (out loud, in public) "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive." Chrump later tried to claim it was a joke. Unless it was automatically a joke because of who said it, it was not a joke. Well wonder no longer; Mulvaney assured us of the new stance on climate change research, “We consider that to be a waste of your money to go out and do that.” That goodness the tiny little baby steps we have taken to address what is probably the biggest crisis the human race has ever seen have finally reached their destination. The cliff’s edge. And our gracious alt-president is more than happy to provide that little shove to finish the job properly. At least no one will be around to blame the son-of-a-bitch. Not that it would matter with Der Furor, because nothing is ever his fault. The buck stops everywhere but where he is. He will even blame his greatest benefactor – Fux News. As for his barbaric budget, and what it will mean for us regular folks, the bucks just stop.
Soon our social services, our public schools, our environmental policies will rival those of North Korea, maybe even Yemen if we keep working at it. And unless we rid ourselves of the cold sore they call president it could be much sooner than we think.
The great Randy Newman - from 2008
Hound your congressperson, nag your senators. Go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell, ‘I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore.’

I. Mangrey reporting. Not budgeting my time very well.        

Reveling in Russiagate

Move Over Watergate

Capitol Hill
March 20, 2017
I well remember coming home from school, day after day for two weeks in May 1973 and gluing myself to the TV for the rest of the afternoon, wallowing in Watergate. The best daytime soap of all time, starring Sen. Sam Ervin and others lit up the airwaves as we watched all the president’s men testify, one by one, day by day, about the break-in at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, DC. The series cliffhanger and the wallowing in Watergate lasted for over a year until finally, we found out who killed JR…I mean who was to blame for the Great Watergate Cover-up, and we got to watch Richard M. Nixon resign and leave his office in disgrace (though he never saw it that way) on August 8-9, 1974. An even better exposition may have begun today, March 20, 2017.
Both the head of the FBI and the head of the NSA testified that there is an active investigation of the campaign of the now-sitting president and that this investigation started in July 2016 (more on that later). They also made it abundantly clear that there is no evidence whatsoever to back up the charges made by alt-president Chrump about Barack Obama and/or the British, or rogue leprechauns tapping his wires, his phones or anything else. This obviously put the final nail in the coffin of Chrump’s fabricated and insane accusations. Chrump of course took it all in and did the right thing. Sorry, I don’t know why I said that. Sean Spitball immediately claimed that the intelligence mavens’ testimony that Chrump was dead wrong about wire tapping only meant that there was no proof “at this time.” I think Sean should hold his breath until the proof he is dreaming about materializes.
Here is the tweet I would like to see tomorrow:

Apparently sleepless in Mor-on-Lago, Daffy Don was up not-so-bright and early frothing and tweeting before today’s hearing began…

There were others, but I will spare you.

Later in the day he decided to live-tweet the festivities, including this gem:

Comey’s response after the tweet was read to him at the hearing, “We’ve offered no view, have no opinion, have no information on potential impact because it’s not something that we looked at.”
For a guy with such a big, albeit selective, mouth right before a presidential election, James Comey sure was tight-lipped during today’s testimony before Congress. Unwilling to even confirm or deny the occurrence of a meeting with the president-(he helped to)elect by blabbing about the candidate whose campaign he sabotaged, we now must count on Comey to investigate the president he chose to help elect. Comey chose not to mention that Chrump’s campaign was under investigation last July for colluding with Russia to rig the election, but decided that since Chrump is in office it is acceptable to mention it now. WTFF
I will let the interested reader decide whether Hillary Clinton’s stupidity regarding severs and emails might be a greater or lesser problem than dozens of Chrump staff and advisors – including Chrump himself – colluding with the Russians to rig the 2016 election. As you decide though, keep in mind that of the group in question, one is now our so-called president, one is the nation’s Attorney General, one was the so-called president’s National Security Advisor (since relieved of his America-based duties) and one is Secretary of State, who prefers to carry out his duties out of sight of the media press.
Putin shows off new look
Tune in next time when Congress interviews Russia to determine if James Comey purposely interfered with our election and whether or not there was collusion between Comey and Russia.
I. Mangrey reporting. Sleep well.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Chrump Gets Flynnched

They Are All Russians Now

Moscow on the Potomac
March 18, 2017
Chrump doing due dilligence and extreme vetting on Mike Flynn (left)
The number of white men on Chrump's team with significant, long-standing ties to Russia is astounding, and one white woman who had to turn down a position due to extensive plagiarizing over many years, is now working for Russian-backed Ukrainian concerns. Remember when Sarah Palin went apeshit over Obama "palling around with terrorists" for knowing someone who was a militant anti-Vietnam War activist when Obama was a child?

Chrump and everyone around him may or may not have known (Just kidding, it is almost certain that they did know.) that Michael Flynn was operating as an agent for a foreign government (Turkey) before appointing him National Security Advisor (NSA) with its high level security clearance. Flynn was working for the Turkish government while simultaneously advising Chrump’s transition team. Boy oh boy, that is some incredibly extreme vetting going on in Chrump World. It is not like half of Team Chrump was playing footsie with the Russians; it is like they were French kissing them with the fervent hope of steamy sex later that same evening.
Lock us up! Lock us up! Lock us up!
We will have to wait to see about who did not know what it was that they knew, and exactly when they realized they did not know what they knew, thereby knowing for the first and/or second time; and then, when did they stop knowing it relative to everyone else finally learning about it? It appears that Flynn himself only recently learned that he had been a foreign agent, because he has suddenly lawyered up in anticipation of many people finding this to be problematic. Who knew that the NSA was not supposed to be working for a foreign government? Flynn of course had earlier been removed from his post as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, essentially for his stunning lack of intelligence and his addiction to insane conspiracy theories, which his colleagues referred to as “Flynn Facts.” And that is not an alternative version of the truth. This really happened in real reality. New non-Flynn Facts are bound to emerge in the coming days, weeks and months. To quote Dear Leader, “I think you’re going to find some very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next two weeks.”

Chrump hard at work
As the American public processes or ignores this latest example of criminal activity and treason within the most amateurish, ignorant and anti-democratic administration in our nation’s history, and the media trips over itself trying to decide whether or not the Conspiracy-theorist-in-chief is becoming more presidential (Spoiler Alert: HE IS NOT and HE WILL NOT) (EVER), we only have Hall of Fame racist and Chrump lover Jeff Sessions to sort through this felonious-looking behavior and protect America. With every passing day, it becomes clearer that Chrump and his team have no familiarity with, nor the faintest wisp of interest in the Constitution, nor any interest in doing the actual work of governing – other than taking every last penny away from social programs, science programs and programs that protect the public from being poisoned, ripped off or caused to be dead. Many people are saying that this is problematic.
Alt The President’s Men
In the meantime, the Chrump regime has purged all 46 Obama administration-appointed U.S. Attorneys – who they imagine might be saboteurs. And as we are learning day after day, if Chrump imagines something then it must be true, and we all must find a way to deal with his alt-reality. The most high-profile victim of Chrump’s (and/or Bannon’s) latest episode of As The President Turns is Preet Bharara, who in November Chrump had specifically asked to stay on.
These U.S. Attorneys were, to the interested observer, fired for being suspected of possibly considering to some day sabotage Chrump by leaking information the public about the dangers Hair Chrump poses to our republic. These U.S. Attorneys were apparently the WMD of justice. To be fair, anyone who is beholden to the law and pre-Chrumpian reality is a threat to Chrump, considering what is being done at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and thereabouts. Chrump needs no help with sabotage. He and his flying monkeys are without equal in their unceasing attempts at self-immolation. Republican’ts of course have never breathed a word, and continue to brandish their selective amnesia of all the IEDs/political operatives left in place – and still there in many cases – by good old Dick Cheney when he slithered out of Washington, DC to monitor his continuing metastasis within our government, from Wyoming.

For the record, Preet Bharara, U.S. Attorney from New York, was overseeing investigations into Russian money laundering, Fux News, Turkish corruption and Dinesh D’Souza – right-wing nut-job embroiled in campaign finance fraud charges. Chrump Tower is was also in Bharara’s jurisdiction. I am sure there was a very good reason for getting rid of him, beside the fact that Chrump thought he was an Arab and a Muslim. Rep. Elijah Cummings worries that Bharara was fired because he was a skilled, no-holds-barred litigator. Bharara has been, to coin a phrase, draining the swamp. This has Chrump worried since Bharara could end up handling the investigations into Chrump’s myriad illegal activities. According to a former federal prosecutor, “Whether you're a Republican or Democrat he's been an equal opportunist when it comes to rooting out corruption." It has also come to light that Bharara prosecuted several…you guessed it…Russians acting as spies, and has been banned from entering Russia. We cannot have that kind of riffraff running amok as a federal prosecutor at a time such as this. A felonious narcissist with no concept of democracy, government or work needs a little breathing room. Such a great man should be able to pick his own judge when he stands trial and the chance of doing serious jail time for destroying America, don’t you think?
What it looks like, is that Bharara was too close to too many inconvenient truths. So Chrump fired the entire lot abruptly and without any thought to replacing these federal prosecutors in his daily unprecedented move. Did we just see a mass firing to camouflage the removal of one particular “really bad dude”? And by bad dude I mean someone who could put a major hurting on The Don by applying fake justice. His own personal Really Bad Dude. Bharara was asked to resign but refused, necessitating a way to get him out without raising any suspicion. Perhaps the fake press will take notice.
I. Mangrey reporting. Do not judge me.                                                  

Friday, March 17, 2017

The Orange Gas Cloud Wafts Again

Make America Safe Again

Where the Stupid Things Are
March 17, 2017
Our Malignant-narcissist-in-chief continues to emit his delusional conspiracies, most via Twitter. He remains unwilling to let go of his fantasy that Barack Obama was personally spying on him. Despite the fact that everyone (including James Comey, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, the Senate Intelligence Committee and a cast of millions), everywhere  has now made it clear that no one was wiretapping Chrump before during or after the 2016 campaign, Der Furor is not buying any of it. He knows what his very small, damaged brain tells him. And even though he has the best words, he constantly needs to explain, re-define and/or disavow just about every single one of them. And to do that, he must use inferior words. If you are like me (heaven forbid) the thought of Chrump not using his best words is a frightening thought. And I have the best thoughts. Chrump’s latest attempt at verbal clean-up, “Wiretap covers a lot of different things,” should assuage all his loyal followers and nauseate everyone else – who of course comprise a solid majority of Americans.

No substance, no tether to reality

Chrump’s proof that Obama was tapping his wires is, “I had been reading about things.”  If it’s good enough for him, it’s completely psychotic drivel for me. Still believing he is on a reality show, though it has become much more of a third-rate soap opera at this point, Chrump is trying to reel in his audience with the latest cliffhanger: “I think you’re going to find some very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next two weeks.” I assume these interesting items will include Obama’s birth certificate – written in the original crayon – and all of Chrump’s tax returns – also in the original crayon – and absolutely nothing to do with wiretapping, or millions of illegal votes or China’s climate change hoax.


This Is NOT a Chrump Ban, Believe me
I. Mangrey is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Donald J. Chrump remaining the White House until our country's people and their representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Chrump administration. These are not our best people, they are criminals, racists and pussy grabbers. One of them, I assume, is a nice person. Most recently, a poll from the Center for Security Policy released data showing "95% of those in Chrump’s administration who were polled agreed that the total destruction of the democratic republic of the United States of America is justified as a part of their campaign of greed, hatred, ego inflation and revenge resulting from daddy and/or mommy issues", and all of those polled, "were happy to lie about absolutely everything all of the time." Chrump authorizes such atrocities as murder against non-believers who won't agree with him, beheadings and more unthinkable acts that pose great harm to Americans, especially women…and blacks…and…Hispanics…and Jews.
If Chrump still haunts the White House in six months, we will be begging ISIS to do something to end the madness before it ends us.
I. Mangrey reporting. Don’t even talk to me about the new budget.