Friday, May 29, 2020

Fraught For The Day

George Floyd
We Can’t Breathe
May 29, 2020

I can’t breathe.  This has nothing to do with my unresolved January bout with pneumonia.  At this particular moment it has little to do with the more than 100,000 dead Americans resulting in large part from the actions of Donald Chrump.  (It remains unproven that Chrump knew that the coronavirus he all-but-singlehandedly unleashed on the American public would disproportionately impact people of color, and by impact I mean kill, but that would only be the latest in a lifetime of racially motivated transgressions if true.)
A Minneapolis policeman calmly murders a black man
while several other officers look on…

or maybe worse
At this particular moment, I can’t breathe as I struggle under the weight of yet another murder of another obviously underserving black man at the hands of police.  The latest victim of American White Justice is George Floyd, accused of passing a phony $20 bill and then brutally murdered in broad daylight while pleading repeatedly with his killer, pictured above, that he was in pain and could not breathe.  Mr. Floyd was unarmed, face-down on the ground, handcuffed and had a police officer kneeling on his neck for nearly 10 minutes, during which time he told the officer a dozen times that he could not breathe.  Soon after that, George Floyd died.
Donald Chrump did not create racism in America,
he just keeps telling everyone that it is acceptable*
Donald Chrump will not acknowledge the horrible milestone – the deaths of 100,000 Americans on his “watch.”  A tweet in his name written by someone else does not count.  Donald Chrump will not acknowledge the despicable death of one more black man, killed by police for being black in America.  Chrump called Colin Kaepernick a “son of a bitch” for taking a knee on a football field to protest repeated murders of black men by police.  America’s racist-in-chief says nothing when a white cop puts a knee on the neck of a black man for no reason.  There is a special place in hell for Donald Chrump, no matter how long it may take for him to arrive.  There is a special place in hell for police who murder black men in broad daylight.

* As always, we apologize for posting such graphic and disturbing images; we hope no one will be emotionally scarred or made physically ill for having seen this one.

This has been your Paying Attention Fraught For The Day.
You're welcome.
What has you fraught for the day?

Thursday, May 28, 2020

All’s Wealth That Ends Wealth

My Money Or Their Life

May 28, 2020

I could not in good conscience keep the money obtained by cashing a check bearing the name of Donald Chrump, even after crossing that name out.  I know that in fact it was not his money to dispense.  I know too that the appearance of Chrump’s name on the check was nothing more than what he always does – put his name on something he either had no hand in actually creating.  To be fair, Chrump has also put his name on things that would later either quickly disappear from the world due to their utter worthlessness or because the courts shut them down for fraudulent practices.
I decided I did not want to use that money for its intended purpose – shoring up the Obama-economy-for-which-Chrump-has-taken-credit in order to rescue President Death’s floundering administration in time for the November election.  I realize I am being – to paraphrase Dear Leader – amoral toward the moral by not wanting anything to get better right now if it means saving Chrump’s fatty-fat-fatty bacon in November.  He made America’s place in this pandemic much worse than it needed to be, and we cannot risk any appearance of him saving the day.
Chrump has made it crystal clear that, whatever the reason he decided to ignore countless warnings from all quarters, and despite being personally responsible for tens of thousands of deaths, he is more (i.e., only) concerned about how Wall Street is doing.  He is openly willing to lose however many of us it takes to keep the economy good enough to get him re-elected, in which case many of us will do whatever it takes to catch the coronavirus in hopes of being put out of our misery.

Anyway, in order to ensure that my relief check did not provide any relief to Chrump, I donated that money to Philabundance to help them feed Philadelphians crushed, but not yet killed by Chrump’s interminable efforts to protect the coronavirus from all the conniving, murderous doctors and scientists determined to do it harm, not to mention all the bad Americans running around wearing masks to hide their identities from the innocent, well-meaning virus.
I. Mangrey redistributing.  Attempting to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Stop Me If You've Heard This One. Stop Him, Period.

An Idiot Walks Into A Microphone

May 26, 2020
Original working title
Donald Chrump continues his relentless effort to create campaign ads for Joe Biden.  Ignoring the pandemic.  Suggesting it would be a good idea to introduce disinfectant into the body to kill the virus he insisted for months was nothing but a hoax designed to destroy the presidency Chrump himself had single-handedly strangled nearly to death all on his own.  Repeatedly demonstrating his utter disdain for everyone around him by refusing to wear a mask.  Firing any and every inspector general who might dare to expose any of the almost endless criminal acts committed by Chrump and his administration.  Blurting out the “fact” that he had been taking hydroxychloroquine for a week or so, despite all the science indicating the drug not only had no effect on the coronavirus, but in fact resulted in an increased likelihood of death, “[b]ecause I think it’s good. I’ve heard a lot of good stories” from people calling him to tell him how great hydroxychloroquine is.  Threatening to kill the United States Postal Service in order to interfere with mail-in voting he fears will allow too many people to vote, saying that voting is an honor, though most elementary school students know voting is in fact a right and a cornerstone of a democracy – something else Chrump knows nothing about.  Preparing to yank 40,000 national guard off their deployment one day before they are eligible for benefits.  Calling 100,000 dead Americans a “badge of honor” and all but dancing on the graves of our dead by playing golf as he propels us toward that horrendous milestone on the occasion of Memorial Day weekend.  And those are just the recent ones that immediately come to mind.
As a result of having to pretend to manage a response to the deadliest pandemic in one hundred years, Chrump has taken to calling himself a “wartime president.”  That may be true.  If it is, then he seems to be at war against people of color, poor people and the elderly – and he is most definitely winning that war.  It would appear that Chrump is counting on killing off more of those outside his cult than in it.  That may require him to finally start shooting people on Fifth Avenue…or outside polling places in November.
A Positively Negative Attitude
Chrump also seems unwilling to be outdone by America’s king of gaffs Joe Biden.  There is no question that Biden is a reliable source of saying stupid shit, but there is simply no justification for taking Biden to task on this score considering the competition.  Refusing to relinquish any ground to his adversary, Chrump let loose this incredible display of unrivaled idiocy describing his current COVID-19 status: “I tested very positively in another sense.  I tested positively toward negative, right?  So, no I tested perfectly this morning.  Meaning I tested negative.  But that’s a way of saying it – positively toward the negative.”  No you fucking moron, that’s not a way of saying it.  Absolutely no one with even half a brain has ever said it that way. That is yours and yours alone, because you, sir – and I use that term strictly for literary purposes – are a brainless fuckwit.  But there you have it folks, you can literally hear what passes for Chrump’s very good brain melting away in real time.
I could shoot myself in the head and not lose any votes.
But please, by all means, please keep up the good work.  Keep vomiting out those best words.  Everyone knows that it isn’t the order that matters, it’s just the words.  You are proving this smartly toward the stupid.  Believe me, that’s a way of saying it.
I. Mangrey rephrasing. 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Badge Of Horror

Dead Men Tell No Tales, Dumb Men On The Other Hand…

May 21, 2020
In case you tuned in late, Donald Chrump, possibly due to brain damage resulting from drinking disinfectant, said that “We have more cases than anybody in the world.  But why?  Because we do more testing.  When you test, you have a case.  When you test, you find something is wrong with people.  If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.  They don’t want to write that.  It’s common sense.  So we test much more many, many times.”  Someone must have some how convinced him that this was one of the most imbecilic things anyone has said since some brainless lunatic suggested that people ingest disinfectant to kill the virus.  Chrump’s super-genius attempt to clean up his latest verbal version of taking a dump on the desk in the Oval Office on live television, was claiming that the still rapidly increasing number of dead Americans was actually a “badge of honor” because it meant that we were doing lots of testing.  To be fair, it is unlikely Chrump has any idea what the word “honor” means.  Or maybe he was just being sarcastic.
It has not been proven that Chrump shits on his desk, but
based on what we do know, this cannot be ruled out
To put Chrump’s latest losing battle with his arch enemies thought and language in context, Donald Chrump is a heartless autocrat and a galaxy-class idiot who clearly wants to have the best number of dead Americans on his soon-to-be-useless resume.  And for more context here’s more of the quote, “By the way, you know when you say that we lead in cases, that's because we have more testing than anybody else.*  So when we have a lot of cases, I don't look at that as a bad thing, I look at that as, in a certain respect, as being a good thing because it means our testing is much better.  So I view it as a badge of honor. Really, it's a badge of honor.”  That’s right ladies and gentlemen, President Death sees the almost 100,000 dead Americans – some 60 percent of whom can arguably be traced directly to Chrump’s months-long mishandling of the pandemic according to some research.  These dead people, as we all know, are nothing more than numbers to Chrump, although one fully expects he will accuse all of the people he killed of voting for Joe Biden in November.
Hmmm, wonder what made me think of this song

Death Takes A Holiday…To Break The Law
Further Adventures Of The Best People
Once Chrump pretended to be over his psycho-racist obsession with Barack Obama’s birth certificate, he shifted stripped gears with his psycho-misogynist (mostly psycho) obsession with Hillary Clinton’s mythical emails while she was secretary of state – an obsession he wallows in to this day.  To be sure, even if there was any actual substance to the accusations against Clinton, her behavior falls squarely in the stupid camp rather than the felony camp.  What Chrump will not wallow in for one moment is the less mythical misuse of government employees by his own secretary of state.  Mike Pompeo was apparently under investigation for having aides do his personal errands.  Pompeo also stands accused of hosting clearly political state dinners to enhance his own political future by throwing lavish soirees for celebrities and political operatives to pad his rolodex for a potential senate run.  All of this is of course totally and pathetically illegal and makes Pompeo the Spiro Agnew of secretaries of state.  Hopefully with similar results as regards his political future.

*One of Der Furor’s many oft repeated lies.  We are number 16 globally in terms of tests per 1,000 people.

I. Mangrey reporting. 

Friday, May 15, 2020

Dead Country Walking

Killing Us Softly…Well, Not So Much Softly As Slowly

May 15, 2020

Some people insist that Donald Chrump is very good at selling himself and at staying one step ahead of the sheriff.  I tended to believe otherwise, but I might be wrong.  He might have been right about not losing a single vote after shooting someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue, but it remains possible – at least for the time being, unless and until the Supreme Court decides differently – that he would be charged with murder.
However, now that Chrump is literally killing people every day with his ingenious pandemic two-step, it looks as though he will not only not keep every single vote (with the exception of the inevitable collateral damage – those of his followers who end up dead thanks to Chrump’s handiwork), but as has all too often been the case, he will avoid the consequences.  That is, unless America becomes unstupid enough to avoid giving him another four years to finish off the land of the free, the home of the brave, and for now at least the electorate of the incredibly ignorant.  Chrump continues to impress over 40 percent of Americans that he is handling the pandemic well.  Clearly, both Chrump and his good friend the coronavirus have caused considerable brain damage across this great land of ours.
Find the idiot in this picture
Chrump’s latest psychotically ignorant moment saw him telling some of the only people who still have jobs – a group of assembly line workers in an Allentown, PA plant where masks are manufactured (while, of course, not wearing a mask himself) – “We have more cases than anybody in the world.  But why?  Because we do more testing.  When you test, you have a case.  When you test, you find something is wrong with people.  If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.  They don’t want to write that.  It’s common sense.  So we test much more many, many times.”  Common sense, right?  Chrump has no concept of common, or sense.  He proves this every time he attempts to have a thought.
Chrump’s chief apologist/enabler Moscow Mitch McConnell had to apologize for apologizing for Chrump’s constant blaming of Barack Obama, “I was wrong.  They [the Obama administration] did leave behind a plan, so I clearly made a mistake in that regard. As to whether or not the plan was followed, or who’s the critic and all the rest, I don’t have any observation about that because I don’t know enough about the details.”  Really.  He doesn’t know enough about the details.  Really.  Well, I know enough about the details to say unequivocally with all due respect, “Fuck you Moscow Mitch, you lying sack of shit.” 
I. Mangrey reporting.                                                        

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Never Been There, Shouldn't Be Doing That

Shameless Shitheads Sowing Stupidity

May 13, 2020

Shameless Shithead #1: Fucking Mike Pence
In the 1980s a number of states implemented laws making it a crime to knowingly expose someone to HIV.  That is, if you tested positive for the virus and say, engaged in unprotected sex with someone without telling them of your health status, you could be charged with a felony and if found guilty, go to jail.
In the year of our pain 2020, we have top government officials knowingly exposing people to another deadly virus in broad daylight.  These individuals are shamelessly jeopardizing the lives of others.  Vice President Death Mike Pence, for example, who has had extensive exposure to numerous people who have tested positive for COVID-19, including his personal press secretary, waltzed right up to a nursing home, unloaded boxes from a truck for the cameras.  Pence did this with ungloved hands, and unmasked face.  He then placed the photo-op boxes at the entrance of the facility, thereby potentially exposing residents and staff to the virus that he may or may not be carrying right now.  It is not known, but is likely that Pence knew he had been in close contact with his COVID-19-positive press secretary at the time.  One would be wise to assume the worst.
It is well accepted that asymptomatic people are one of the most common ways this virus spreads.  Pence did not need to engage in unprotected sex with anyone in order to expose them to COVID-19.  Nonetheless he was potentially fucking these people out of pure arrogance and malice.  It seems that Chrump and Pence and their fellow grovellers would rather err on the side of stupid than on the side of caution.  Especially when it comes to the lives of American people making under six figures.  Your tax dollars at work ladies and gentlemen.

Shameless Shitheads #2-6: Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch & Kavanaugh
Yesterday the Supreme(ly partisan and pro-corporate, anti-democracy) Court heard oral arguments regarding the release of Donald Chrump’s tax returns and bank records, and generally whether or not the United States is a moronarchy.  Chrump’s right, in fact any president’s right to ignore congressional subpoenas, or to be investigated for committing any crime – including, but not limited to, shooting someone in broad daylight (think of it as a more personalized version of what he’s been doing with the coronavirus) – has been denied by countless courts across the land for several years now. 
Not-so-useful idiot Clarence Thomas agonized over the idea that it might happen that a president of the United States has committed so many potentially criminal acts that addressing all of them in the courts could interfere with said president’s ability to perform his constitutional duties.  Such a president, it would seem, would clearly have determined that his job, rather than protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States, was instead to abuse the Constitution and do whatever the fuck he (or theoretically she) wanted.  One would think that any president who was that busy doing things that the courts deemed worthy of investigating, might be better off not being president of the United States any longer.  According to Uncle Thomas, one would be sadly mistaken and should be protected against the people’s justice being brought to bear.  Our current president wouldn't know a constitutional duty if it grabbed him by the pussy.
After losing every single court battle everywhere, Chrump finally gets to have his day in Supreme Court, which may already be politicized beyond repair for a few decades.   Chrump and his army of tax-protecting lawyers claim that as president he completely immune from any sort of scrutiny by anyone for any reason.  How the highest court in the land has even taken this case is beyond me.  I’m not a lawyer, but ask anyone – I have a very good brain and I probably know more about law and the Constitution than, I would say, anyone has ever known.  But, what do I know?  We can only hope he is not completely immune from absolutely everything, if you catch my virus…I mean drift.
Bruce Cockburn – Call it Democracy
I. Mangrey reporting with fingers crossed.  Free your mind and your ass will follow.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Wake Up And Smell The COVID

Masks? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Masks

May 10, 2020
Dr. Rick Bright is the former director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority.  Bright is a PhD immunologist who lead the authority from 2016 to 2020, was recently fired for blowing the whistle on Chrump’s insane mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic from day one and continuing unabated to this day.  Bright’s whistleblower complaint revealed that Michael Bowen, head of a Ft. Worth-based company – the only major domestic company making masks – wrote to Health and Human Services on January 23, two days after the U.S. confirmed its first case of Covid-19.  Bowen was already busy making masks for countries all over the world because of fears they might be desperately needed and wanted to also supply his home country.  HHS essentially told Bowen to take a hike.  Bowen then wrote to Bright saying, “U.S. mask supply is at imminent risk. Rick, I think we’re in deep shit.”
I guess Chrump thought he could get away with a few tens of thousands of deaths - just like he could shoot somebody and not lose any votes.  We should be inundated with reports about how America’s horrific performance during this pandemic would have been infinitely less deadly but for the alternative leadership of Donald “Let-The-Hoax-Virus-Wash-Over-Us-And-Drink-Some-Disinfectant” Chrump.  It seems though that he did not count on all those needless deaths he is personally responsible for causing an economic meltdown, oh well, win some lose some.  If this performance is not enough to make Chrump – who is inarguably the worst president in American history – a one-term president, many Americans will be looking to the coronavirus for help.
The Most Ignorant Man in The World:
He doesn’t always drink beer, but he’s always an idiot
Speaking of the coronavirus, the latest hot spot, where all the best virus catchers are hanging out, is right there in the good old West Wing.  It appears the Chrump team has not been drinking enough disinfectant.  First Chrump’s valet tested positive, then Pence’s press secretary – who just happens to be the very lucky and recently conscripted bride of Frankenstein…I mean Stephen Miller, Chrump’s ghoulish top advisor – who our sources tell us is part bat.
Next, we heard that the Secret Service detail surrounding President Death had 11 members test positive.  The most recent member of the White House hot spot is Ivanka’s personal assistant.  Who wants to bet that there is no mask wearing and no social distancing allowed in the White House?  Needless to say, you have the Orange Gas Cloud spewing spit and unchewed food everywhere as he yells at everyone, blaming them for his insane, incompetent bullshit.  And who wants to bet that the coronavirus’ best friend must constantly be reminded that testing positive is not a good thing? 
In any event, now everyone around Chrump will be tested daily.  They should not be tested every day until all Americans who need a test can get a test.  Something President Death said was true over two months ago.  It was not true then – not by a long shot – and it is not true now, still not be a long shot.  Some people say it is important to protect our leaders.  They are wrong in this case.  In any case, it is important for our leaders to protect the people.  These people are serial killers and should be treated as such.
Many people are running to the coronavirus for help
When asked what he thought about the new Mrs. Miller testing positive, the World’s Most Ignorant Man ruminated, “So, she tested positive out of the blue.  This is why the whole concept of tests aren’t necessarily great; the tests are perfect but something can happen between the test where it’s good then something happens and all of a sudden she was tested very recently and tested negative and then today for some reason she tested positive.”* whined that this proves testing is a waste of time because one minute you test negative and then the next, you test positive “for some reason.”  For some reason Americans have a president who is dumber than dirt.  I hope someone figures out how that happened.
You would think a known germaphobe like Chrump would know to protect his precious bodily fluids.  You would be much smarter than he is for thinking that, but you would also be, pardon the expression, dead wrong.
I. Mangrey reporting while socially distant.  SERENITY NOW!!! (R.I.P. Jerry Stiller)

*Actual fucking quote…for some reason

Friday, May 8, 2020

America – Get It While It Lasts

Because It’s Just About Gone

May 8, 2020
Donald Chrump took an oath to “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States.”
Reporter: Mr. Chrump, you took an oath to faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States.
Chrump: The Office of President?  I thought it was to faithfully execute the country.  But I don’t do anything faithfully.  That I can tell you.  Have I told you about how bad the toilets and showers are?  They should be executed too.  Anyway, with the help of McConnell and my great lawyers, I am executing the Office of President.  It should be dead any minute now.
Chrump salutes victims of COVID-19
Chrump vs. Coronavirus – May The Best Germ Win

Chrump’s coronavirus task farce requested recommendations from the CDC to help minimize the further spread of the virus during the attempt to re-open the country.  Unsurprisingly, the Chrump administration will be completely ignoring the 17-page draft recommendation for reopening America.  Brace yourselves for a soul-crushing reboot of massive fatalities in the coming weeks, brought to you by President Death, Donald Chrump.  Meanwhile, Chrump has taken to describing citizens as “warriors” in the battle against the pandemic, suggesting some might have to die if that will help boost the economy, that is, boost his chances for re-election.  And keep your fingers crossed now that Chrump’s personal valet has tested positive for COVID-19.
William Barr vs. Justice
Michael Flynn twice pleaded guilty to lying.  He was also found to be working as an unregistered foreign agent against the interests of the United States while advising then-candidate Donald Chrump (also working against the interests of the United States).  At the time of Flynn’s trial, Chrump said, “I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the vice president and the FBI.”  During his trial, the judge asked Chrump’s National Security Advisor Michael Flynn if he was guilty of lying to the FBI and Flynn responded, “Yes, your honor.” So, now that he is claiming that he is not in fact guilty of the crime he pleaded guilty to, I guess we can add perjury to the list of Flynn’s offenses.
“Democracy? Justice? Never heard of ‘em.”
Some are calling this a “black day for the Department of Justice.”  In the Chrump era it is simply a day ending in “y.”  This is also nothing new for Bill Barr, who has made a career of protecting top government officials from justice.  Barr’s first stint as Attorney General included absolving the Iran-Contra criminals of their crimes against the people and the laws of the United States.  Just another day at (abusing) the office for Bill Barr, enemy of democracy, brought in to hijack justice for the most criminal administration in American history.  For once, Chrump has actually found the best man for the job.
I. Mangrey reporting.  This hurts me more than it hurts you.

Monday, May 4, 2020

The More Things Strange, The More They Stay Insane

Stumbling Down Memory Lane 

May 4, 2020 

Been either a bit under the weather (hopefully allergies), lazy, and/or lost in Coronaville. As we muddle through each and every agonizing moment of Donald Chrump's metastasizing administration, I find myself misty-eyed for the days when we still had Dick Nixon to kick around some more, back when we mused about Dick Cheney – drunk out of his mind, hunting crippled birds – shooting a large, grown man in the face (a man who later apologized for being shot in the face), we take you back to a time before Paying Attention was even a twinkle in anyone’s fingertips and I. Mangrey could only shout his angst at the wind and rain and a few unfortunate friends. Back when Cheneys and Bushes and Rumsfelds and Ashcrofts roamed the Earth. Back before Twitter-crazed, orange-hued, mental defectives could become president and suggest that people might ingest or inject toxic disinfectants to kill a virus. And back before the novel coronavirus, thanks to the very strong, powerful and relentless help of Donald Chrump, killed almost 70,000 Americans…so far – still taking 2-3,000/day – and with no sign of slowing down any time soon.

I find that the only thing worse than spending most of my time sequestered in my home, is going to the market and seeing everyone either wearing a mask and trying to stay at least six feet away from everyone else at all times, or being too stupid to wear a mask and stay six feet away from everyone else at all times. I am definitely feeling less intact than I did at the start of The Quaran-times, but there are still a few things I can remember. I'm still coherent enough to know a significant date in American history when I see one. One of those things is the massacre perpetrated by the National Guard at Kent State University, where students peacefully protested an unjust war in Vietnam, 50 years ago today. I also remember, though I was not around at the time, 100 years before I was almost 30 years old – the Haymarket police riot, where workers peacefully protested for an eight-hour work day. So, remember when you ran away and I got on my knees and begged you not to leave because I'd go berserk...oops, wrong memory lane.
Ed Venture
Managing Editor, Paying Attention 

Enjoy this blast from the past…but keep your head down. Especially if there are a bunch of assault-rifle-wielding “protesters” demanding to be infected with a deadly virus so they can share it with you before gunning you down. Anyway, if you have any spare time on your hands, first wash them properly, then sterilize your keyboard and then read this blast from the past… 

Haymarket, Kent State And Now This…

May 4, 2006 

On the anniversary of The Haymarket Tragedy of 1886, where the United States government violently disrupted a peaceful union rally during a nation-wide strike for an eight-hour workday – resulting in several dead American civilians and the scape-goating/imprisoning of several innocent men (later pardoned) and the Kent State Massacre of 1970, where the United States government violently disrupted a peaceful student protest against the Vietnam war – resulting in four American civilians dead and numerous wounded when National Guardsmen opened fire on unarmed students, Dick Cheney decides to massacre whatever semblance of world peace that may remain by leveling self-righteous threats against Russia.  Shocking almost everyone in the reality-based world community, Itchy-Trigger-Finger-Dick said, "In Russia today, opponents of reform are seeking to reverse the gains of the last decade."  Dick-Tator Cheney, the man who held inappropriate secret meetings with oil reps who wrote our nation’s energy policy, the man who led the charge to attack Iraq for no good reason whatsoever, the man who repeatedly lied to the American public about a make-believe relationship between bin Laden and Hussein, the man who vowed to maintain America’s right to use torture, the man who oversaw the outing of possibly our most important covert intelligence asset on Iranian nuclear issues and of course the man who shot his very large, very old fundraising and hunting buddy in the face, apparently mistaking him for a small, flightless bird while in a drunken stupor that took 18 hours to recover from. (Although, luckily for our nation’s security, the victim had the good sense to apologize once he was able to remain upright again and promised never to do bird imitations while sneaking up in front of a drunken man with a gun ever again.)  This very same Dick is the man who now sees fit to begin posturing to Russia that he has a thing or two to teach THEM about democracy in the 21st Century.  Just when you think these guys can’t get any dumber… 
President Doody 

This administration is desperate for the good old days right after 9/11 when many Americans were filled with fear and loathing and willing to pretend that the recently appointed president was a glorious leader who would deliver them from evil with a crusade of freedom, bombing and torture.  This joyride was short-lived when we all found ourselves in a seemingly impromptu game of Three-country Monty.  Awash in what to some was a sea of lies and bullshit, we were suddenly being told that Osama bin Laden was in fact Saddam Hussein and that America needed to immediately invade a country that had nothing to do with our current Red Alert.  “Alright,” said most Americans, “you must know what you’re doing, even though last week you swore to git bin Laden dead or alive.”  Well, those days are gone now and the once very popular, if not in fact elected president now has an approval rating somewhere around that of syphilis. 
This unacceptable turn of events for a man who never looks at the polls calls for a stunning and futile gesture that will make people fear and love him again.  As if to prove that he never reads the polls (or the Constitution, newspapers, history, or books of any kind for that matter), President Pee Wee© sent his top henchman out to do his talking for him.  None other than Dick-Tator Cheney has now been set loose on his first PR campaign since he shot a grown man in the face.  Apparently, Mr. Cheney has not learned his lesson of when to overindulge in alcoholic beverages safely.  One can only hope that Cheney was again out of his right mind when he accused Russia of backsliding on democracy saying, "In many areas of civil society…from religion and the news media to advocacy groups and political parties…the government has unfairly and improperly restricted the rights of the people."  Maybe he’s not drinking enough or perhaps somebody has slipped some LSD into his whiskey.  As if he hadn’t said enough already, the crazed Veep went on to flagrantly insult Russia saying, "No legitimate interest is served when oil and gas become tools of intimidation or blackmail, either by supply manipulation or attempts to monopolize transportation.”  Somebody get this guy a mirror.
Vice President Strangelove 

Strangely enough, Russian President Vladimir Putin responded angrily, accusing Cheney of risking the start of a new Cold War with such irresponsible comments.  This of course is just what the Dick-Tator ordered.  He knows there is no way in hell that his “boss’s” poll numbers can improve without a massive threat to national security – real or imagined.  Since the Iran thing isn’t panning out the way they wanted, the Pee Wee administration is desperately searching for an alternative dance partner for the necessary threat of a new war in time for the upcoming mid-term elections.  Cheney, who cut his fangs on Cold War politics obviously decided to go home with who brought him to this dance.
Cheney of course stands behind his comments, which he claims were carefully crafted, just as he stood behind his shooting of a man in the face while hunting crippled birds. 
Thanks for listening. Responsible comment invited.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Give Us Lord Our Daily Dread

Murder, He Smote

May 2, 2020
The only way Donald Chrump could have done any worse at responding to the virus pandemic would have been if he lined people up on Fifth Avenue and personally murdered them, which as you may recall was his original plan.
Someone should have sewn his face sphincter shut then and there
Or, he could have personally injected 60,000 people with toxic disinfectants, which as you may recall was his back-up plan.
If these don’t work, he will surely kill us not-so-softly with his werds:
I dare you to find better words
It is difficult to understand why Chrump is shying away from taking credit for the biggest personal accomplishment of his hate-filled presidency, other than the fact that he is much more comfortable taking credit for things he did not accomplish – like better jobs numbers and the continuing recovery from the horrific economic debacle of the Bush II years, both of which resulted from Obama’s work to pull the country out of the garbage heap he inherited.  Instead of owning the fact that his inactions, and his inactions alone made America’s experience of COVID-19 so much worse than any other country in the world, Chrump is trying to pin the blame for all his hard work on everyone else.
Apparently, I spoke too soon.  Lackey-in-law Jared Kushner, who is in charge of withholding critical materials and equipment from states, selling needed supplies to foreign countries and hijacking shipments arranged by governors, stood in front of cameras and microphones as the United States death toll approached 60,000 people and said, “This is a great success story, and I think that's really what needs to be told.” And our death totals — our numbers per million people — are really very, very strong.  The following day, after the number of American COVID fatalities surpassed 60,000, President Death told reporters that “our death totals — our numbers per million people — are really very, very strong. We’re very proud of the job we’ve done.”
Probably should be “American Addled”
I. Mangrey reporting. It’s a pre-existing condition.