Saturday, May 2, 2020

Give Us Lord Our Daily Dread

Murder, He Smote

May 2, 2020
The only way Donald Chrump could have done any worse at responding to the virus pandemic would have been if he lined people up on Fifth Avenue and personally murdered them, which as you may recall was his original plan.
Someone should have sewn his face sphincter shut then and there
Or, he could have personally injected 60,000 people with toxic disinfectants, which as you may recall was his back-up plan.
If these don’t work, he will surely kill us not-so-softly with his werds:
I dare you to find better words
It is difficult to understand why Chrump is shying away from taking credit for the biggest personal accomplishment of his hate-filled presidency, other than the fact that he is much more comfortable taking credit for things he did not accomplish – like better jobs numbers and the continuing recovery from the horrific economic debacle of the Bush II years, both of which resulted from Obama’s work to pull the country out of the garbage heap he inherited.  Instead of owning the fact that his inactions, and his inactions alone made America’s experience of COVID-19 so much worse than any other country in the world, Chrump is trying to pin the blame for all his hard work on everyone else.
Apparently, I spoke too soon.  Lackey-in-law Jared Kushner, who is in charge of withholding critical materials and equipment from states, selling needed supplies to foreign countries and hijacking shipments arranged by governors, stood in front of cameras and microphones as the United States death toll approached 60,000 people and said, “This is a great success story, and I think that's really what needs to be told.” And our death totals — our numbers per million people — are really very, very strong.  The following day, after the number of American COVID fatalities surpassed 60,000, President Death told reporters that “our death totals — our numbers per million people — are really very, very strong. We’re very proud of the job we’ve done.”
Probably should be “American Addled”
I. Mangrey reporting. It’s a pre-existing condition.

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